Shooting Stars Search Results

How To: Make video game videos for YouTube with digital camcorder

There are millions of YouTube videos out there about video games. Playthroughs, reviews, commentaries, tutorials. If you want people to see and appreciate your gameplay and takes on it, watch this series of videos. It features a veteran video-game-YouTuber explaining in great detail how he sets up, shoots, and edits his YouTube videos. It covers cameras, lighting, and many other aspects of filming yourself playing a game.

How To: Model and animate falling shell casings in 3DS MAX

When people fire weapons in movies, there is often a shot of the shell-casings leaving the gun and flying through the air. Sometimes we get to follow them all the way to the ground, leaving us with a sense of loss at the firing of the weapon. This video will show you how to model and animate some shell casings falling to the ground and smoke trailing them in 3D Studio MAX and Photoshop, utilizing Reactor physics, particle flow, space warps, and all sorts of other fun 3DS MAX tools.

How To: Build a working mini gatling gun out of Legos

Most of the guns that people make out of Legos or Knex are pistols. Small, easy to build, low maintenance. Those are all fine qualities. But if you want a powerful, destructive Lego gun that will blow all others out of the water, check this video out. It features step-by-step instructions for building a minigun out of Legos that will hold and shoot 120 rubber bands at a time! The second video is a firing demonstration. Those Legos never knew what hit them!

How To: Master your tennis backhand step

Welcome to a tennis lesson from FuzzyYellowBalls, the the best place to learn how to play tennis online. Our free video tennis lessons teach you how to play the game in a new way that combines technical analysis, visual learning, and step-by-step progressions.

How To: Employ the tennis footwork ready position

The ready position is the position you want to be in when you're waiting for your opponent to hit you the tennis ball. It's the foundation for tennis movement in general. From this position you can employ the various footwork patterns that let you move around the tennis court correctly. The ready position is very similar to an athletic stance in basketball. Your feet are a little bit wider than shoulder-width apart, your knees are slightly bent and the weight should be on the balls of your feet.

How To: Use proper footwork in tennis

Footwork is probably the most important part of tennis. Unfortunately, it is also one of the most underrated areas of the sport. Learning to move around the tennis court correctly is EXTREMELY important. Correct footwork lets you use correct stroke mechanics when you hit. Correct footwork is what typically sets advanced tennis players apart from everyone else.

Use tennis footwork move: back foot up

Bringing your back foot up after you hit the tennis ball puts you in position to recover back to the middle of the tennis court. The key, as we explain in this video, is to get your body facing the net after you hit (similar to the ready position). This will let you side shuffle back to the middle of the tennis court.

How To: Use shoulder rotation on a windshield wiper forehand

This video explains how the amount of shoulder rotation you get during a windshield wiper forehand can differ from a classic forehand. After you hit the tennis ball, you typically have to rotate a little bit more than you otherwise would on the windshield wiper. There are a number of reasons for this, but in this video we keep our focus relatively narrow.

Do tennis forehand stances: the Open, Neutral & Closed

Every time you hit a tennis forehand you choose how you position your feet -- what stance you will use. You can hit a forehand with an open, neutral, or closed stance, but you should stay away from the closed stance if possible. This last stance makes it difficult to rotate your upper body through contact, making it difficult for you to use correct forehand mechanics.

How To: Use a light meter to properly light a digital film

A light meter can prove to be an invaluable tool on any film set, allowing you to quickly and efficiently set lights and know the correct exposure values of those lights. Light meters were initially designed for still photographers and cinematographers can easily calibrate them to a given film stock speed for shooting film. But what about today’s digital cinematographer? I’m glad you asked. In this video tutorial you'll see how you can use a light meter to quickly and efficiently light a scen...