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How To: Install a Trailer Wiring Harness with No Tow Package

This video shows how to install a vehicle wiring harness, so that you can tow a trailer, on a vehicle that does not have a factory tow package. Most vehicles will have custom T-one connectors available which will simply plug into the vehicles wiring. If your vehicle does not have a custom fit wiring harness available you can hardwire the connection. Despite its name, hardwiring is not that hard, and this video will demonstrate how it is done on a 2006 Ford E-350 that does not have a tow package.

How To: Bake Apple Crunch Muffins

These muffins are a quick, yummy breakfast or a light, delicious mid-afternoon snack. This easy recipe provides you with moist, light muffins every time! This recipe makes 12 large muffins.

How To: Print, Cut & Fold Your Own DIY Hermès Handbag

Yay, you can now own the iconic Hermès bag for next to nothing! There's one catch—it's made of paper. Hermès is currently offering several free downloadable templates for the "Kelly Paper Bag" on the company's Facebook page. Not exactly usable in the traditional sense, but it still comes directly from the official Hermès design studio, and who doesn't love papercraft?

How To: Celebrate National Boss's Day to Get What You Want by "Managing Your Boss"

Boss's Day is on October 16th, and this year it falls on a Saturday— what better of a day to celebrate Boss's Day? More than likely, you won't be working in the office this weekend, and if you are, you probably don't feel like celebrating and thanking your boss for being so kind and fair. So, forget the cake and ice cream and instead, take the chance to develop a good relationship with your boss, because hating or kissing up to your boss just isn't the way to go.

How To: Effectively Play Hooky from Work

On average, about thirty percent of working Americans have called in sick at least once just to take a day off from work. If you are in the other goody-two-shoes seventy percent of the work force who've only called in sick for actual physical illness or have never actually used a sick day, consider giving yourself a mental health day if you ever feel like you really need it.

How To: Become a Great Thrift Store Shopper

Shopping at a thrift store can be a fun adventure, a daunting task, a way to save money, or a combination of any or all of those. There's no question that buying secondhand is almost always cheaper and buying at a thrift store undoubtedly so. But it can also be a lot of work. Here are a few simple tips to make the process a little easier.

How To: Knit a Ball

Knitted balls can be used for all sorts of projects. The obvious is a Christmas ornament, but knitted balls can also be the basis for knitting toys or snowmen. And of course, they can be used simply as balls which make a lovely gift for a baby. They can be all one color, striped or patterned. To get started, follow the directions below for a one-color knitted ball. You will need to know how to knit on double-pointed needles, so if you need help with that, check out my other article.

How To: Increase Your Alcohol Tolerance

Whether you're embarking on an epic wine tour with friends or simply want to last an entire night of socializing and drinking with important people, there are times when good alcohol tolerance comes in handy. If you're a lightweight who would probably be labeled as a "cheap date" when it comes to drinking, you can actually increase your alcohol tolerance gradually by drinking more on a regular basis. Who would have thought?

News: Minecraft World's Weekly Workshop: Building Hidden Passageways Like Never Before

Welcome to Minecraft World! Check out our advanced tutorials and come play on our free server. Have you grown tired of the standard "Mojang Doors" that are vastly overused? Are you interested in learning an alternative piston door method? Well, this week's Saturday workshop will show you a unique and inspiring way to hide your hidden treasures! This workshop will be centered around creating a hidden passageway using pistons in a way you've never seen before.

How To: Make a Change-of-IP Notifier in Python

In this article I'll show you how to make a simple IP address notifier. The program will text you your new IP address, in the event that it changes. For those of you with dynamic IPs, this is very useful. I'm constantly frustrated when my IP changes, and it's handy to be notified via text when it happens. To use the program, you'll need Python 2.7 or later, urllib2, and a program called "text" (see this article here to get it).

Edit on a Dime: The Week Ahead

Happy Monday to all of you out there, thankfully the Consumer Electronics Show is now behind us. It feels quite possible that a cold was caught by yours truly simply by reading the numerous reports of germs being spread from booth to booth on the show floor. I'll do my best to soldier on, in the meantime if you haven't already, you can experience the convention vicariously by reading my 'Best of CES' post here.

How To: Create DIY Filters for Your Cell Phone

In photography, using filters over lenses is a common practice and provides a great way to set the mood or to create an artistic image. The only problem is that they can be quite costly and there currently aren't many available for cell phones specifially. Fortunately, there is a simple solution to this, and all you need are everyday objects that can be found around the house. If you're a purist and don't want to rely on filters provided by camera apps, this is a great way to experiment with ...

How To: Make an Electric Cigar Box Guitar for $25

A large number of the greatest musicians to ever shape the history of sound first learned to play on cheap, dirty, and often times even homemade instruments. There is a very unique atmosphere that comes about when creating music with something made by your own hands—out of what was no more than garbage at the start. There is a sense of accomplishment that inspires the maker, and gives motivation to learn the limits of their creation. Those who have the desire to build an instrument are often ...

Scrabble Bingo of the Day: NOSEGAY

Scrabble Bingo of the Day: NOSEGAY [n] A nosegay is simply a bouquet of flowers, typically given as gifts. It comes from Middle English, from the words nose and gay, which in this case means brightly colored and showy. It does not reference homosexuality; the modern sense of gay.

How To: Make a Mini Cannon From a Lighter

I love this project. It involves fire, projectiles, electricity, and is easy to put together from commonly available parts. This mini cannon fires airsoft pellets, is fueled by alcohol, and is made almost entirely from parts found in a standard BBQ lighter. The total cost is under $5. About half of the BBQ lighters out there have a divide in the gas reservoir which makes them not work for this project. In case you have trouble finding a suitable lighter, the exact one I use in this video is a...

SUBMIT: A Photo with a Nostalgic Theme by December 19th. WIN: JOYSTICK-IT Arcade Stick

It is always a bittersweet moment to find yourself looking back on the fond memories that seem to have taken place in the distant past. When your favorite song from 10 years ago comes onto the radio, or when a sudden scent reminds you of the summers you spent as a child—these types of moments tend to trigger the fondest of memories. For this week's challenge, we'd like to see a photo that captures a nostalgic feeling, whether it be your favorite childhood food, meaningful memorabilia you've s...

News: Get YouTube's New Layout Today with a Simple JavaScript Hack

As many of you may have noticed, nearly every Google product (i.e. Gmail, Google search, etc.) has gone through a bit of a makeover since the release of Google+. Big blocky buttons and enormous font sizes are apparently the thing of the future, and with a cool JavaScript hack, you can have a goofy YouTube, too! Now, I'm actually just being a bit facetious, the new YouTube is really the only thing that I like out of all of Google's recent redesigns. It looks pretty sleek.