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Abstinence: The Video Game

There is an abstinence game being created by the University of Central Florida with $400k+ of taxpayer money. The game is directed at middle school girls to help them handle and cope with sexual advances.

News: The Witcher Quick Look

Besides Killing Floor, I played a bit of The Witcher over the weekend. If you're curious about the game now is the perfect time. It's on sale on Steam, and the sequel is being released early next year. Though the game is three years old, it's still one of the best western rpgs on the PC. Here are some quick impressions on the game:

News: A Way Out of the Overload

A Way Out of the Overload How do we simplify? There's a welter of information, advice, techniques, schools and every imaginable video tape available on the market to answer that question for you. In making a selection from this movable feast you'd want to take into account the background and credentials of the person offering you a way out of the overload. That's assuming you didn't just throw up your hands in exasperation and walk away from the task entirely.

How To: Write the Action/Adventure Screenplay

Well, we have had a pretty basic story structure in the previous couple of blogs. However, for the third act there is considerable leeway on how this story can play out. You can turn a story like this into a tragedy or comedy. Remember the line from the film Stranger Than Fiction "Tragedy, you die. Comedy you get hitched." Well in the Action/Adventure story, almost anything goes. For instance, GUY does not have to die, but CHICK could perish tragically. However, avoid cliches like someone jum...

News: Levon Helm Bustin' Out the Nitty-Gritty Mud Beats

Levon Helm... The longtime drummer for The Band , Levon Helm wore many musical hats throughout his long career, including multi-instrumentalist, songwriter, singer, impressario, studio owner, studio engineer and producer. He grew up working on a farm in Arkansas; his first instrument was guitar, which he began playing at ag eight, but after seeing the F.S. Walcott Rabbits Foot Minstrels, he decided to ...

News: Irish Vs. Scottish

This prank simply has Preson Lacy and Jason 'Wee man' Acuna in public dressed as Braveheart (blue face paint, kilt, fake sword, etc.) and a leprechaun (Orange wig, green clothing, gold coins, the works), respectively. Preston could fake a scottish accent and wee man could skate around until they meet each other. Wee man takes one look at Preston and runs with gold coins falling out of his pockets. The chase could also provide an opportunity to play any Dropkick Murpheys' song during the scene...

How To: Style Easy Boho Hair

"Boho" hair is natural and free-flowing and doesn't take a lot of time or tools. Often this look is a result of sleeping or a day at the beach. Here we show you how to achieve that look without doing either! Part

How To: Make tortilla chips in the toaster oven

This video is about how to make tortilla chips in the toaster oven. The first thing that you will have to do is to cut the tortilla in half. After cutting it in half, fold the tortilla and cut it into rectangular pieces. The next step is to place the rectangular pieces on a pan. After placing the pieces on the pan, sprinkle some salt. The next step is to simply place the pan in the oven (375 degrees). While waiting for the uncooked tortilla chips, you have to make the dip. The first step that...

How To: Disintegrate Objects at Super Speed (You Will Need: Sandpaper & After Effects)

Largely self-taught, Ryan John Kothe is an animator working out of Auckland, New Zealand. After picking up some rudimentary After Effects skills, he went on to create an impressive portfolio of beautifully rendered stop-motion animations with a distinctly tactile feel. Curious about the process behind Worn Out—Ryan's depiction of objects disintegrating in fast-forward (shown below)—we contacted him for a brief Q&A on the techniques behind his work.

News: Mad Cow Meat Joust

Build wooden horses for the boys to joust on. The horses are built from the shoulder up so they can be ridden low rider style, (and a fall won't totally take out a cast member. But if you feel like making scale wooden horses, be my guest.). The horses must have some sort of hard to control motivator on them, like a sheet of thick ice, casters, or I suppose regular skate board wheels would work. (but skateboard wheels would offer maybe a bit more control than I had imagined).

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