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News: How Parental Choice Not to Vaccinate Kids Starts and Spreads Pertussis Outbreaks

It's not always easy to get to the root of an infection outbreak. Epidemiologists study infected people, contacts, and carefully examine where the infections happened and when. In the case of a 2012 outbreak of pertussis — whooping cough — in Oregon, scientists just published an analysis of how vaccination status affected when a child became infected during the outbreak.

How To: 6 Watermelon Hacks You Have to Try This Summer

Watermelon is the perfect snack for hot temperatures. It's hydrating, crisp, and refreshing, especially when it's chilled. Yet some people aren't content with leaving a good thing alone, which has given us many watermelon-based innovations, some great (vodka-filled watermelons) and some delightfully strange (square watermelons).

How To: Make a two-piece custom menu in LittleBigPlanet 2

The first thing someone sees when they start a video game (after the studio cards and legal info, technically) is the start menu. Having an intuitive, attractive one is a great way to affect people's first impressions of you game, in LittleBigPlanet 2 and elsewhere. This video will teach you how to make an awesome two-piece selection menu for your custom game and guide players exactly where they want to go.

How To: Practice proper gaming etiquette playing online in Black Ops and other games

The concept of video game etiquette is foreign to many people, including a disgraceful number of frequent gamers. The combination of anonymity and role-playing in online games can lead people to be dicks in all sorts of obnoxious ways, making a fun activity distinctly less fun for everyone. Watch this video to learn about proper online gaming etiquette in the context of Call of Duty Black Ops. These lessons extend to most games, however, and practicing them will results in people liking to pl...

How To: Take photos of floating / flying / levitating people

Do you believe you can fly? Or at least, believe that you can take pictures where it looks like you or other people are flying? Or at least jumping really high? This video will show you how to take pictures of flying, floating, levitating, or high-jumping people using a digital camera, tripod, stool, and photo editing software like Photoshop or GIMP. Either way, the effect is surprisingly easy to create and can help you make some really amazing photos.

How To: Change people's eye color in Photoshop CS4

Have you ever wished that you had different colored eyes? Or, for that matter, wished that Vanessa Hudgens had different colored eyes? Changing your real eye color is difficult and expensive, but this video tutorial will show you how to change the color of the eyes in photographs using Adobe Photoshop CS4. Make your whole family have blue eyes for your Christmas cards!

How To: Tag people and fan pages in your Facebook status

In this video, we learn how to tag people in pages in status updates. To do this, you need to open up your browser and log into Once you get to your profile, you will see a box that says "what's on your mind?". Type whatever you want to into this box, and to tag someone all you do is write "@" followed by their name, and their profile should pop up. Click on their picture and the text will now show a blue hyper-text when you post it. Now when people see your status, they can...

How To: Open bottles with one arm without prosthetics

A below elbow arm amputee shows how to open bottles one handed, without a prosthetic device. This technique is also great for people with arthritis pain, cerebral palsy, weak joints, stroke, and people who want to be ready for the worst-case-scenario that they suddenly have only one free hand and have to dismantle a bomb that is hidden inside a bottle! This is a great tutorial for handicapped, disabled or individuals that have lost a limb to amputation.