Single People Search Results

News: Is Open Source Really Insecure?

To go Open Source or go proprietary? There is a common conception that open-source is unsafe and insecure and therefore companies should rather go for proprietary solutions. They think that because software is termed "open-source", that the world can see the vulnerabilities of the software and might exploit it, and less informed people tend to think that open-source software can be modified while it is running.

News: 6 Hours of Sleep Not Enough Say Scientists

Scientists have good and bad news for hard-driving people who boast they need only six hours of sleep a night. The good news is a few may be right: Researchers at the University of California-San Francisco have identified a family with a genetic mutation that causes members to require only six hours sleep a night. The bad news? The gene is vanishingly rare in humans, found in less than 3% of people.

News: Does "Contemporary Art" Mean "Now Art"??

The has been writing articles for a while now on the deceptive practice among the leading auction houses, of staging a "contemporary art" auction. What they do is, put a few Warhols up, then a bunch of unknown artists, since they are all part of the same auction, people think they are buying something valuable.

How To: Hot Wheels! Workshop Teaches Kids How to Steal Cars

It may look like a modern take on Oliver Twist but, we assure you, this is for real. Before you get too alarmed, however, you should note that the headline reads "how to steal cars" and not simply "to steal cars." We are, after all, dealing with the fine people at Machine Project, a Los Angeles-based non-profit community space organized around the investigation of "art, technology, natural history, science, music, literature, and food."

Shadow: Why, God, Why?

Any time a feature is introduced in an MTG set and not replicated in subsequent sets, balancing issues are surely forthcoming. You wind up with one set that can do things the others can't, forcing players to counter that set with other cards from it, and generally limiting the creativity with which one can effectively play the game. Playing these types of cards is like playing trap defense in hockey or boxing like Floyd Mayweather: you might win, but neither you, your opponents, nor the peopl...

Top 10: Best Ethical Destinations for 2011

By Ethical Traveler As the world becomes ever more interconnected, being an ethical traveler becomes both easier and more urgent. Travelers today have access to far more information than we did even 10 years ago. We can observe–almost in real time–the impact that smart or selfish choices, by governments and individuals, have on rainforests and reefs, cultures and communities.

News: Travel full-time for less than $14,000 per year

Brilliant article with many useful links. May be out of some peoples comfort zone. Ask anyone what they wish they could do more of, and the answer is literally always the same: “I wish I could travel more.” Yet when you remove all the excuses, few people actually do. I don’t have enough vacation days! It’s too expensive. My friends don’t want to go with me.....

HowTo: Get Paid To Be a Total Lazy Ass

Eric Abrahamson, a professor at Columbia University, writes in to Forbes on how to be the Michelangelo of work shirking. The article is intended to help managers better understand their team's lack of productivity, but it also provides 10 simple tactics for all the lazy asses out there. Introducing exhibit A, June, a total lazy ass who lasted almost a decade in her job before being laid off:

News: Can Lying Make You a Better Person?

Psychology Today's Elizabeth Svoboda presents an interesting argument on the merits of no holds barred truth telling versus the social sensitivity involved in telling little white lies. Svoboda poses that while truth tellers may rest easy at night, brutal honesty can have negative emotional repercussions for others.

News: Skype Hits 25 Million!

Skype has been used to do many stuff from dual commentary videos to calling and finding out what your friends have been up to, and now skype has hit 25, 000, 000. Which is truly amazing. Who would have thought a man making a free calling and video chatting service would get over 25 million people to sign up.

News: Education

In my Country, education plays a major role in our life, it's the base to have an easier life and also to expand the knowledge further and further, however, the majority of people who are involved in the education system don't understand the real benefits behind real education.

HowTo: Dumpster Dive For Gold

Dumpsters make great swimming pools and skateboard ramps, but when they're full of trash, they're pretty valuable, too. You can get a surprising amount of free booty dumpster diving. If you're a penny pincher who values low cost (re: free) functionality, check out Apartment Therapy's guide to mastering the craft. Below, my three favorite insider tips.

News: Port-O-Dominoes

Here is prank that's fun for the whole family! Each Jackass guy except for Wee Man gets their own Port-O-Potty, completely filled with all kinds of poo and filth. Wee Man gets one of those Human Hamster Balls that you get into, also filled with poo and whatnot. All of the shitters are lined up one after another, like a row of dominoes . . . but they are not on the ground, they are all on platforms that are 6 or 7 feet high (just so when it tips over, it REALLY tips over). Now, back to Wee Man...

How To: Fast Food? How about Slow Food.

Johnny Knoxville working in fast-food as the elderly man character he does so well. He works slow, he drops food, picks it up, serves it to customer while customer witnesses. He falls asleep while in the middle of cleaning tables. He takes drive-through orders and can’t get it right. He eats the food off of customer orders. Basically, the premise is to anger the customers. And/or Chris Pontius works in a sub-way style restaurant where people move down a line adding items to their order. His c...

News: Public Diaper Use

Do you ever go to a baseball game, football game or even the movies and always get up to take a poo or a piss. Well now you don't. How about Knoxville dressing up in old man and wearing a diaper to a game and letting it all out. Meaning taking a s**t and seeing how long people get grossed out by the smell. BETTER YET go into a movie theater were there is no ventilation and see how bad it gets. Or the same time walk into a room smelling like you are or in line and see the reaction by the peopl...

News: Coke Bombs

built a removable roof either a room or a car preferably in the back of a truck when a bunch of people are sleeping in a room, open the roof very quietly. have atleast 50-100 bottles of coke and mentos ready and throw at those people sleeping.

News: Rainbow Riot

Set-up Have one or two guys go to a place where there are people rioting and protesting against gay rights. The 2 guys need to be dressed kind of feminine or awkwardly like in speedo's or something. You can also wear disguises if you want, or don't, either way works.

News: Poo pranks

You get somebody to dress up ( could be a devil ) and go round the city playing pranks on people with poo. For example you could hang outside a public toilet and when somebody comes out follow them with a sign that says something like " Just sh*t). Or you could wait for a car to come out of a car wash and then throw a bucket of a liquidy poo like substance all over the windscreen. Or you could put loads of poo across a sidewalk so people cant past, or get Dave England to poo in different plac...

News: Working Bugatti Veyron Built with 10,000 Empty Cigarette Packs

Cobbled together from thousands of empty cigarette packs, this electric-powered vehicle puts the "car" in carcinogen. Looking suspiciously like something the China National Tobacco Corporation would commission as part of an advertising campaign, the Bugatti Veyron-style auto is actually meant to discourage smoking. The English-language version of the People's Daily offers the following explanation:

News: FBI Shuts Down One of the Biggest Hacking Forums

FBI has taken down a notorious hacking forum called "darkode" where cyber criminals bought, sold and traded hacked databases, stolen bank accounts, and malicious software that steal information from other computer systems and helped each other to infiltrate other computers. The FBI called the site one of the most serious threats to data security in the world. criminal charges has been filed against 12 individuals who were associated with the forum and the investigation is still ongoing, more ...