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How To: Hold a Building in Your Hand

Aaron Betsky, director of the Cincinnati Art Museum and previous director of the Netherlands Institute of Architecture, reports on the world's first postage stamp to employ augmented reality. Dutch advertising agency Gummo, the NIA and the Dutch postal service teamed up to present five unbuilt models by different Dutch architecture studios in 3D form. When held in front of a webcam, the illusion of a 3D building is projected in your hand. By slowly moving the stamp, you can experience the vir...

How To: Start an online clothing company

This video discusses the basic steps necessary to start an online business. The first thing you need is a name for your business. Keep it simple, easy to spell and remember. Once you have your name, register it with the government. Next, find a good hosting company for your website. He recommends Also a good web designer is a necessity. They will meet with you to discuss your ideas, and your website should be ready in about a week.

How To: Build a simple beam bridge

Stuck on one side of a river or ditch? If you are stranded with no other way to get to your destination you will need to build a bridge! Without many supplies, your best bet is a beam bridge which can be made with just a single piece of wood. This video will show you how to get from one place to another.

How To: Write a review online

Have an opinion and want the whole world to know it? You're not alone! There are many online outlets for you to type up your review, whether it be for a restaurant, play, movie, book or anything else you have recently experienced. Check out this video for tips on how and where to post your exciting review.

How To: Ship a car when moving

You've boxed up and shipped all your other possessions for the big move and all you're left with is the little issue of how your getting your car there. There are companies out there that will ship your car to you, just make sure your car is prepped for the journey.

How To: Join the Peace Corps

The Peace Corps -- have you ever thought of it? It crosses everybody's mind at one point or another, but mostly college students. The Peace Corps offers many benefits, like life experience, student loan repayment, and travel. If you are ready for 27 months of hard but rewarding work, a job with the Peace Corps might be for you. These steps will help you on your way toward an unforgettable experience.

How To: Find a cool Windows XP hidden Easter egg

In this tutorial the author shows how to find out a Cool XP Easter Egg hidden in the XP which comes by downloading the latest update of widows update. The author now opens Internet Explorer and visits the windows site. Now he quits the explorer and holds down both the Control key and alt key and right clicks on the desktop seven times. Now keeping the control key pressed, he releases the alt key and right clicks the desktop and chooses the option 'Create ShortCut'. Now he releases all the key...

How To: Use Your Saved Chrome Passwords to Log into Apps on Your Galaxy

If you use Google Chrome on your computer, you've undoubtedly saved a ton of passwords since the browser always prompts you to. But Samsung uses their own password service on their phones by default, so you'll have to change a setting if you want to use your Chrome passwords to log into apps and sites on your Galaxy.

How To: Hack Apache Tomcat via Malicious WAR File Upload

Web applications are a prime target for hackers, but sometimes it's not just the web apps themselves that are vulnerable. Web management interfaces should be scrutinized just as hard as the apps they manage, especially when they contain some sort of upload functionality. By exploiting a vulnerability in Apache Tomcat, a hacker can upload a backdoor and get a shell.

How To: Securely Sniff Wi-Fi Packets with Sniffglue

Sniffing packets over a network is an easy way for hackers to gather information on a target without needing to do much work. But doing so can be risky if sniffing packets on an untrusted network because a payload within the packets being captured could be executed on your system. To prevent that, Sniffglue sandboxes packet sniffing to provide an extra layer of security.

How To: Unlock the Bootloader on Your Pixel 4

The Pixel 4 is one of the most talked-about phones of 2019, and it has many things going for it, especially in the world of rooting and modding. Just as with previous Pixel generations, unlocking the bootloader is the gateway to realizing your device's true potential. It can make way for such things as TWRP, Magisk, custom ROMs, and many other device-specific mods just the same.