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News: Actual iPhone 6 Leaks Confirm Previous Leaks Were Spot On

Over the weekend—just days before Apple's big event—an actual iPhone 6 leaked on Chinese site cnBeta. Again, nothing here that we already didn't know about—Sapphire screen, round(er) corners, larger display, and new button stylings. Below are images of the new iPhone 6 next to the current iPhone 5S. We can clearly see the protruding camera module as well as sections on the top and bottom of the back where the antennas will be housed. A second source was able to put together some videos, as yo...

How To: Run Any Android App on Your Mac

One of the best features of Android is the fact that it's open-source, giving developers the ability to use it on pretty much any device they can think of, like on a Windows PC using Andy. That's what drove the creators behind the Android-x86 project to port over the mobile OS to any computer running an Intel processor.

How To: The Definitive Guide to Android Malware

Android enthusiasts have their own opinion as to whether you need antivirus software on an Android device. This debate will never end, provided that Android malware is in existence. This guide is not here to say, "Yes, you need antivirus," or "No, you don't." It's to give you all the facts, so that you can make a decision as to whether or not you need antivirus on your Nexus.

Linux: Where Do I Start?

Greetings, my friend. Welcome to Null Byte. I am Dr. Crashdump. Linux will be talked about a lot in Null Byte. It's used in most tutorials on this site, actually. You should learn how to use Linux as soon as possible, but where do you start? No worries. Let's figure that out.

News: Apple's iPhone 6 Might End Up as Big as the Samsung Galaxy S5

If new leaked images are to be trusted, an iPhone with a display around 5 inches will be released later this year. From Italian site Macitynet, images show a device that's stated to be the new iPhone 6 side-by-side with the new Samsung Galaxy S5. A couple of weeks ago, I showed you leaked internal emails and memos that suggested Apple was concerned with not only Samsung's marketing strategy, but about the industry trend towards larger devices.

How To: Could This Clever Trick Really Keep Bacon from Shrinking?

Part of the reason bacon tastes so good is because of its high fat content, but that also means that it shrinks significantly when you cook it. How much it shrinks depends on how fatty it is and what method you use to cook it. Bacon cooked on the stovetop shrinks quite a bit more than bacon that's baked in the oven. DIY blog Franalan tested a Pinterest tip that claimed rinsing bacon under cold water before cooking it could reduce the shrinkage by up to 50 percent. Yes, we just wrote about how...

Hack Like a Pro: How to Exploit SNMP for Reconnaissance

Welcome back, my rookie hackers! The more we know about a system or network, the better our chances of owning it and not leaving a trace for investigators to follow. One of the often overlooked sources for information is the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). Many rookie hackers are not even aware of it, but it can prove to be a treasure trove of information, if you understand how it works and how to hack it.

How to Hack Databases: Cracking SQL Server Passwords & Owning the Server

Welcome back, my rookie hackers! A short while back, I began a new series on database hacking, and now it's time to continue and extend your education in that field. As you know, the database contains all of the most valuable info for the hacker, including personally identifiable information, credit card numbers, intellectual property, etc. So, it's the ultimate goal of cybercrime and the APT hacker.

Hack Like a Pro: Linux Basics for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 12 (Loadable Kernel Modules)

Welcome back, my budding hackers! In my continuing series on Linux basics for aspiring hackers, I now want to address Loadable kernel modules (LKMs), which are key to the Linux administrator because they provide us the capability to add functionality to the kernel without having to recompile the kernel. Things like video and other device drivers can now be added to the kernel without shutting down the system, recompiling, and rebooting.

News: Steampunk Pin-Up (Not Porn!)

The lovely Kato of Steampunk Couture has gone hardcore. For those who prefer to exercise their imaginations a bit more, Voila! Veronique Chevalier in Gearhearts Steampunk Glamour Revue- click here should do... A recent kerfuffle unfolded on facebook's Steampunk Revolution group when a discussion was started by Steampunk R &D''s very own Austin Serkin on the subject of Kato's new foray into steampunk porn, which was, ahem, examined in detail. (Well, figuratively, not literally, since her websi...