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News: Replacement Joints with Antibiotics on Board Mean Lower Chance of Infection & Fewer Surgeries

For about a million Americans each year, a joint replacement brings relief from pain and restored mobility. But, 5–10% of those people have to endure another surgery within seven years, and most of those are due to an infection in their new joint. If doctors could treat infections more effectively, patients could avoid a second surgery, more pain, and another rehabilitation.

YouTube 101: How to Manage Your Notifications

YouTube is nothing without its creators — the people who make the content worth visiting the site again and again. Many of us have favorite channels and creators we return to, but it can be difficult to keep track of all the new videos they make, as the alternative is to be plagued by unwanted notifications.

News: What Is Social Media Day?

If you haven't been on any sort of social media all day — which I seriously doubt — then you might not have heard that today, June 30, is Social Media Day. It's been trending on Twitter, but has also been making appearances on Instagram and Facebook. While major influencers are talking up a storm about this, most people are simply asking "what is social media day?"

News: Google Assistant on iOS Is Absolute Garbage

Google Assistant was just released for iOS today. You may know it as the AI-powered assistant that makes Google Home tick, or perhaps you've heard from one of many review sites about how much better it is than Siri. Well, before you run off to the App Store to install Google Assistant, let me save you some time: It sucks.

News: The Latest in HIV Prevention — Syringe Vending Machines in Vegas & On-Site Testing at Walgreens

It's about time people acknowledged that judging drug users would do nothing productive to help them. In the US this week, two new programs are launching that should help addicts be a little safer: Walgreens Healthcare Clinic will begin offering to test for HIV and hepatitis C next week, and Las Vegas is set to introduce clean syringe vending machines to stop infections from dirty needles.

News: Livestock Antibiotic Use Increases Threat of Resistant Microbes to Humans

Antibiotics used to prevent diseases in livestock are creating a world of hurt for humans and the soil we depend on for food. Bacterial resistance to antibiotics is a global health issue. The overuse, underuse, and poor use of these life-saving drugs is rapidly removing them as a treatment option for serious infections in humans—plus bacteria are naturally adaptive.

How To: Change Your App Store Country to Download Region-Locked Apps & Games on Your iPhone

Before many games make it to the US-based iOS App Store, they get "soft launched" in a smaller country to get real-world testing for bugs. It's a pilot program, so to speak, as countries like Vietnam or the Philippines have far fewer iPhone users than the US, thus offer a more controlled environment for developers to get feedback and zero-in on issues that may occur in a game's early development phases.

How To: Diceware Gives You Truly Random Yet Easy-to-Memorize Passwords

Passwords are everywhere. We use them to unlock phones, computers, websites, encrypted disks, encrypted files... the list just goes on and on. Savvy users will already have a password manager of some sort that can generate a very strong password on a per site basis. However, these password managers also require a password. Not only that, it has to be something memorable.

How To: Create an Undetectable Trojan Using a Domain Name

In this tutorial I am going to show you how to create an undetectable Meterpreter Trojan using a Domain name. I have taken a few guides/tutorials and built it into one. The first part is creating the DNS Payload. The second part is creating the Executable file. Part 3 is using both in Shellter to create your undetectable Trojan. Part 4 is setting up your listener using Armitage.

Decrypting [Part 1]: How to Decrypt Caeser Encrypted Texts

In this Tutorial I will show you how you can use the frequency of letters to decrypt the famous Caesar cipher. I hope it is easy to understand and helpful for getting in touch with basic cryptanalysis. If you find any mistakes or have questions feel free to ask me. Finally I ask you to give me feedback which I will take into account for the next part.