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News: crochet question

hi everyone, i have been teaching myself to crochet for a while now but when i come accros something i dont understand i get using a book n it says that this is an easy pattern. it tells meat the end of a row to miss a ch and doing this and my work is getting smaller and smaller like a pyramid...pls help me and tell me what i am doing wrong...thank u and i have learn alot from this site.

Goodnight Byte: HackThisSite Walkthrough, Part 2 - Legal Hacker Training

Welcome to the closing of the second HackThisSite and programming Community Byte. First and foremost, I would like to ask that people start showing up on time to the Community Bytes. If you need help converting your time zone to PST, go to Time Zone Converter. When users do not show up on time, we have to go backwards and catch everybody up. This wastes time and will also make other users' experience less enjoyable when they have to watch and listen to the same thing 100 times. Punctuality as...

News: Street Poets Inc.

Street Poets inc. is a great resource for everyone. They are great motivators and inspirational poets. I guarantee you will view the world differently one you meet them. Seeking Peace is a workshop they have every Tuesday and Friday. Check their site <3

How To: Enable Code Syntax Highlighting for Python in the Nano Text Editor

With the plethora of programming that we promote at Null Byte, I figured a lot of you newbies that stop by IRC will need a big boost in the right direction to make your dive into programming a lot easier. A hot question that has been thrown around in IRC a lot when making the initial dive is, "How do I write code?". People who do not know much about computers can't understand how code is written. Code that we write here is usually scripted and written in Python, so we will use it as our examp...

How To: Remove a Windows Password with a Linux Live CD

Back when I was a Windows user, I know I'm not the only one who has experienced password loss—that moment where you just can't remember your password. Sometimes it happens to the best of us. So, how can we get into the system without paying a local geek or geeksquad to do it? First, we have to look into how Windows stores their passwords.

Secure Your Computer, Part 4: Use Encryption to Make a Hidden Operating System

This is Null Byte's fourth part in a series about fully securing our computers (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3). In our last Null Byte, we went over how to encrypt an entire operating system to protect our data, however, this doesn't fully protect us. In the case of legal extortion, the government can actually make you give up your cryptographic key to your computer so that they can look through it.

How To: Get Free Wi-Fi from Hotels & More

Often times when staying at a hotel or anywhere for that matter, you'll whip out your laptop and check the local area for Wi-Fi. I know you've all been in my shoes when you find an unsecured network that appears to be public Wi-Fi belonging to the hotel or airport, and you connect to it. You connect fast and perfectly, only to find that when you open your browser, it says you don't have an account, and are filtered from accessing the web. This is because the owners of the network want to keep...

News: The "411" Film Production Bible Finally Hits Android Devices (For Free)

If you work in the film industry, are currently in film school, or have aspirations of being involved in the movie making process in some way, shape or form, you're probably very familiar with a certain set of books published by 411 Publishing that are commonly referred to as the "production bibles". If you live in the Los Angeles area, LA 411 is a valuable source of information when it comes to fulfilling your production needs. And if you're in New York, the NY 411 book is just as crucial fo...

News: *****M2 RUNNING SLOW *****

M2 or your other games running slow & don't want to load probably time to clear your Adobe flash player cache click this link Adobe then click Delete all sites then confirm . Go back and reload your M2 or other game page.

News: New to HDR?

Want to try HDR? Trey Ratcliff's site Stuck in Customs is THE go-to place for beginners as well as experts. Free tutorials and advanced video tutorials, books, iPhone apps and Creative Commons images for your personal use. Yowza--a jackpot website for photography fans.

News: New Dinosaure Games

Dinosaur games & dinosaur games at awesome arcade phase the latest 2011 wonderful and thrilling site you could do not ever stop enjoying inside them for hours fun, have fun with grand arcade phase joya enjoying.