Skin Specialist Search Results

How To: Make Your Own Temporary Tattoo

Whether you need very temporary skin art for a costume or simply want to test-run a potential tattoo design before it gets permanent, making your own temporary tattoo only requires wax paper, a printout or drawing of your desired design, black eyeliner, rubbing alcohol, baby powder, liquid bandage, and a lot of patience.

How To: This DIY Camera-Mounted Flash Bounce Wall Does Wonders for Your Photos (And Your Wallet)

Everyone has taken a photo that didn't turn out quite right because of bad lighting or a flash that produced too much or too little light. A flash can make your subject look washed out, or even downright creepy with bright white skin and red eyes. But with a bounce wall, you can redirect the light to make it less harsh and reduce the shadows. It also means less demonic-looking cats. Bounce walls can be expensive, but David Hobby of Strobist made this DIY version that uses a wire hanger, some ...

How To: 13 Non-Edible Uses for Bread

The best thing since the creation of bread may just be... sliced bread. Soft bread slices have the perfect absorbent texture for picking up tiny pieces of broken glass, gently cleaning dust off your precious oil paintings, and even safely removing splinters from your finger when soaked with milk and taped to your skin with a bandage.

How To: Create a Fantasy World with Adobe Design CS5

Read this great how-to article on generating a fantasy world in Adobe Photoshop. Constantin Potorac leads you through, step-by-step, as you follow along and create a fantastic scene, beginning with basic stock images. Combine stock images of a background, tree, and model. Transform the background into a magical wonderland, add atmosphere with cloud effects, and birds to give it life. Edit the image of the model to blend in with the background - add some elegance to her dress and hair, with fa...

Master the Power: How to Make Fluorescent Tubes Glow with Your Bare Hands

I'm sure most everyone has some kind of fluorescent light source in their home; those long white tubes that emit a bright white light when turned on, or maybe a few of the CFL power-saver bulbs. These bulbs actually require very little "power" (i.e. a high voltage:almost no current ratio) to emit light. In fact, static electricity is enough to make them flicker. Inside these tubes is a gas, and when electricity flows through that gas, it gets "excited" and produces light.

Scrabble Bingo of the Day: FINNESKO

Scrabble Bingo of the Day: * FINNESKO [n/pl.] A finnesko is a boot made of tanned reindeer skin, with the reindeer's fur on the outside. It's an especially good, warm boot for subarctic regions. These boots originate from the Sami, indigenous people from the cultural region of Sápmi, located across four countries in the Arctic Circle; Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia. This area is also referred to as Fennoscandia.

News: Handheld Gene-Z System Detects Cancer with the Help of iPhones and Android Devices

Mobile devices can do just about anything these days, thanks to third-party developers. iPhones and Android devices have been known to do some pretty wild things. Need a dupe key made? Scan and order one with your iPhone. Want to know if you're hotter than Justin Bieber? Compare your facial features. Are you a policeman who needs to ID a suspect? Scan their fingerprints and irides. Want to control your Canon DSLR remotely? Use your Android phone.

Cheat Sheet: Keyboard Shortcuts for Both Mac & Windows

If you already have your basic keyboard shortcuts under control—we're talking classics here, Control-C (copy for PC) or Command-C (copy for Mac)—it's time to load up your memory bank. There are endless shortcuts available (truly endless—since you can customize them yourself), but you don't need to memorize them all, only those you expect to use most. Below, two cheat sheets for upping your keyboard maneuvering status from "basic" to "intermediate" for both Mac and PC users.

How To: Handle and restrain a hamster for injections

This Animal Welfare Foundation two-part video tutorial is from expert veterinary staff demonstrating the correct procedures for handling small mammals for clinical examination and medication. Its aim is to show that the primary consideration should be for the the welfare of the animal. This video guide will show you practical animal handling for a hamster.

How To: Use Fiberglass Filler For Auto Body Repair

Assuring A Proper Repair When Welding Vehicle Sheet Metal Any weld that is performed on a vehicle requires certain steps to assure a proper repair. For example, weld-through-primer must be applied to the welded surface being welded; corrosion protection must be applied to the back side of the welded area, etc. In this article we are going to discuss why fiberglass is required for auto body repair.

How To: Make roasted beets at home with olive oil, salt and pepper

Roasted beets just aren't the same without their skins, so make sure you follow this recipe for roasting beets, which are easy to make at home. Lynne Viera simply roasts local red and yellow beets with olive oil, salt and pepper. The sugars in these vibrant root vegetables concentrate during roasting, yielding a perfect, nutritional addition to any appetizers, salads or sides.

How To: Properly trim your cat's nails using the regular and "kitty burrito" methods

One of the most painful, but necessary things to be done for cats is trimming their nails. Trimming your cat's nails is beneficial any pet owner, because it helps prevent scratched furniture and helps reduce scrapes and punctures in the skin. But it's also great for cats, because if left unkempt, can grow abnormally, creating tons of pain for your feline friend. Also, if the claws are left too long, they could get caught in carpet or furniture and pull them out while trying to escape. So, cli...

News: Jackass Wax Stiffy

Back in November I visited The Hollywood Wax Museum on Hollywood Blvd. After pacing through the entire museum, I was bothered deep down in the guch area that there were no Jackass wax mannequins! So I took the liberty of making my own Johnny Knoxville mannequin. The plan was to make one, fly it down to LA(couch of course) and then try to actually get it into the Hollywood Wax Museum as a joke. Now the joke/prank has evolved!...

How To: Prevent migraines through lifestyle changes

When it comes to treating migraines, the best offense is usually a good defense. Alexander Mauskop, MD, Headache Specialist: We don't want to chase every headache. We would rather prevent the headaches and lifestyle changes are very important. For migraine sufferers, it's very important to go to sleep at the same time and get up at the same time. They have to eat on time and they have to hydrate themselves and very, very important to exercise on a regular basis. Prevent migraines through life...