Sleep Hygiene Search Results

How To: Improve Life by Getting More Done

Sometimes a person can feel life is getting you down - you don't feel productive, or there's not enough hours in a day to do everything you need. You might not feel motivated to get up in the morning or to go to work anymore, and sometimes one might ask oneself "Is this all there is to life?"

News: Fight For Your Hygiene

Fight 1v1, 2v2 or an all out free for all for the flag they must avoid sharp shooters holding plastic bb guns and get the flag without being knocked off by other players or the swinging hammer. If they fall off they land in a big pool of cow dung. The winner gets to take a shower.

How To: Effectively Play Hooky from Work

On average, about thirty percent of working Americans have called in sick at least once just to take a day off from work. If you are in the other goody-two-shoes seventy percent of the work force who've only called in sick for actual physical illness or have never actually used a sick day, consider giving yourself a mental health day if you ever feel like you really need it.

How To: Induce Lucid Dreaming

Lucid dreaming refers to the mental state when you are conscious of the fact that you are dreaming while you are dreaming. Though lucid dreaming is a rare occurrence for most people when they are sleeping, you can actually mentally train yourself during the waking hours and incorporate a number of techniques to increase your chances of achieving a lucid dreaming state.

WTFoto News Scoop Sundays: Wrath of the Religious Roommate

The angry New Yorker stereotype sure doesn't miss anyone. A woman from New York is suing her former Catholic college for not doing 'enough' for her while her dorm roommate was having too much sex. We're not entirely sure if the college even handed out ties to hang on doorknobs, let alone provide each room with a humidifier that has 3-4 different soothing sound loops for stress relief and relaxation.

How To: Make a Hairspray-Fueled PVC Rocket Cannon

This week, I've been working on a project that sort of takes a spin off an old-style potato gun. Using PVC pipe and the rapid combustion of hairspray, we can launch a rocket hundreds of feet into the sky. As usual for my projects, I tried to use only materials and parts that are commonly available. I even give two different forms of ignition, in case one method ends up being hard to come by. The following video will explain the project further: The launcher can be reloaded and fired repeatedl...

News: Haunted House

When bams parents are out get a crew to go in the house and rig it all up all over the house to make it seem like its haunted. later when bams parents get back, they get back to everyone pretending to do the ouiji board or something and get april to get all worked up about spirits and everthing. then when they go to bed after everone else leaves slowly activate one at a time the hauntings, like the door opening then voices or the tv turning on to the white static and have wee-man in some kind...

News: Hello Emily. Goodbye Pamela Anderson.

There is little design artifice to this device. This EMILY (Emergency Integrated Lifesaving LanYard is a $3500 robot-lifeguard purchased for Malibu lifeguards. Remote-controlled and capable of 28 mph, product testing confirms that EMILY just might be smarter than David Hasselhoff and more buoyant than Pamela Anderson.

How To: Get rid of pimples overnight fast

If you suffer from pimples try to watch this video and put into practice what it suggests so as to get rid of pimples. If you have a problem with pimples it is suggested that you consult a doctor for appropriate treatment. However to get rid of a pimple overnight you can try this method: 1. Start by washing your face with lukewarm water and apply a cleanser that is ideal for oily skin. 2. Afterwards apply some toothpaste in the area where there is the pimple. 3. Leave it there for about 10 to...

News: Terrifying Bam

So everyone knows from the previous Jackass movies that Bam is completely scared of snakes. This prank is pretty simple. In the early early morning sneak into Bam's room where he is sleeping and carefully put the Boa Constrictor in his bed and then wait for him to notice. For safety reasons you might want to have.... wait this is jackass no need to worry about safety till later LOL.

News: Slept for Years

get someone you know that is a very heavy sleeper and have them sllep over. when he/she falls into a deep sleep, drive him/her to an older looking house and everything around it looks older. when he/she wakes up you all are in your old people looking costumes and tell him/her they were asleep for years.

News: Worst Day Ever

First thing you do is slip some sleeping pills in this guys drink. Then tie him to a big piece of wood, get a tattoo saying im a jackass on his forehead, and put a shock collar on his neck. When ready shock him till he wakes up,dip him in the pool a few times,shoot him with paintballs, and then hit him with the puke balloons.

News: Car Wash Wake Up

Four of us decide to sleep in the back of a truck. Three of us know about the prank, the other one is the victim. The three of us wake up and slowly drive the truck to a car wash. We wake him up with an airhorn before we drive through. He gets a pretty bad, but hilarious wake up.

News: Picnic wake up

Sneak into someone’s room while they are sleeping. Make sure they are really sleeping, like in a deep sleep. While they sleep pour honey all over them, put mustard on there face, molasses in their hair, etc. Just get them completely dirty and nasty. Just remember DON’T WAKE THEM YET! Take all their clothes and hide them and replace them with embarrassing clothing; like a costume or something. After you do that to wake him/her up have a bucket of ice (flavored optional) and poor it on them.

News: Shi*y wake up

Someone has to be sleeping in a open area like a big living room or outside is better. Get a hold of an elephant or a large animal. While the person is sleeping bring in the animal and face the back of the animal towards the person. wait until the animal farts or poops on the person, be patient. If you have to feed the animal something like a laxative or something to help to go.