It's no secret that as we age, our bodies change. Often these changes are blamed on a "slowing metabolism"…like there's some unbeatable force working against you. That's just not true. With knowledge and discipline, you can be fit at thirty-five, fantastic at forty, fabulous at fifty....and beyond. Lose and keep weight off after age 35.
Your roommate swears by 'hair of the dog' or chugging raw eggs and tomato juice, but do these hangover cures actually work? What do the scientists say?
Check with your ISP about alternatives to the Internet. The speed of your Internet connection is the most important variable in your download speed. If you have dial-up Internet access, consider upgrading to a Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) or cable connection. Even if you already have cable, your ISP could have faster cable service available.
It seems that Obesity in children is due to many causes however genetic cause is still the most important factor at all.
To optimize your day, chug down 16 ounces of water first thing in the morning. Your body is already dehydrated after a full night's sleep, and studies have shown that drinking water immediately after you wake up increases your metabolism by a significant amount for the first 90 minutes of the day.
You don’t have to take your circular saw to the shop for a tune-up; we’ve brought the shop to you. Learn how to extend the life of your saw with simple cleaning and general maintenance. There's no 3,000 mile rule here, but if your saw starts running slower than normal, or you see sparks coming from the back of the housing, it’s time for a tune-up. Tune up a circular-saw.
Drawing is a craft that becomes art when combined with an idea. It is a skill that comes naturally to some; for others it is a slower, more painful process. But the truth is, anybody with patience and discipline can learn to draw. Learn the principles of line, perspective, proportion and structure, and practice!
Nitroglycerin, otherwise known as the explosive essence of dynamite, is so sensitive AND powerfully explosive that when hit with a hammer, it creates "a supersonic shockwave and a flash of light almost too fast to film, even with the latest specialist cameras". In the blink of an eye (literally) extreme detonation occurs. Shooting super slo-mo is absolutely necessary (600x slower, to be exact).
WonderHowTo member Katie S. runs great and vibrant communities at FarmVille World and FrontierVille World. She got quoted in a recent CNET article on how the virtual farm games are taking off like wildfire on the Internet.
This clever stop motion film by comedy duo Rhet and Link uses 222 t-shirts and few special effects. To learn more about the process, check out the second video in the gallery below.
Let's take a step back in time to the Mesozoic era of WonderHowTo. Before the time of electricity, your mother and I used to follow step-by-step tutorials on how to make a Lockheed Martin F16...from papyrus.
How to Fix Windows 7 Slow Start Up Is your Windows 7 slower on start up? Wondering how to make Windows 7 super fast? There are various reasons why this operating system performs slower but one common reason is that mostly it happens because of too many start up programs and services running in the background.
Normal body temperature, normothermia or euthermia; is a range of temperature rather than a fixed number. That Range represents the temperature that could be measure form the body under normal conditions.
This is The Substream's "The Film Lab" series on cinematography basics. This is an intro into the basics of exposure. What is the difference between exposure and shutter anyway?
What Is Hypoglycemia Hypoglycemia is the medical term used to describe a state of lower level of blood glucose. It produces different symptoms and effects resulting from inadequate supply of glucose to the brain and it leads to impairment of brain function.
I always thought you looked kinda like a pickle with peanut butter. Anyway, so the saying goes—you are what you eat—which is supposed to make you feel guilty when downing that triple cheeseburger with a side of donuts and frogs legs. Although, what's so wrong with being a cheeseburger?
A curve ball is considered an off-speed pitch and is very effective. You should not throw this pitch if you are not physically mature yet. Around 13 years old is an appropriate age to start throwing one. A curve ball is slower than a fastball and breaks down. It breaks from 12 to 6. If the strike zone was a clock, a curve ball would start at the 12 and end up at the 6. You should throw this pitch when you are ahead in the count and can put the batter away!
One of the most exciting times you can have fishing is when you can get in the middle of a school of surface-feeding fish like black bass or white bass or stripers. If you can manage to cast off into them, you're guaranteed to get a bite. And one way to improve your chances… the popping cork rig. Wade Bourne of MyOutdoorTV shows you how to fish a popping cork rig.
I don't know anyone who doesn't use Google to explore the web. And I don't know anyone who hates Google's Instant Search feature, which is available in all web browsers, as long as you're searching from Google's website.
Water covers approximately 70 percent of Earth's surface and the human body contains up to 78 percent water, depending on body size. Yet, water seems to be taken for granted here on Earth. But if you travel to an orbital altitude of about 250 miles, water starts looking pretty interesting. Especially to astronaut Don Pettit on-board the International Space Station.
Bring back a live bounty without chases. There is always a bandit pursuit whenever you try to bring in a live bounty in Red Dead Redemption. If you kill the initial wave of bandits, more appear seconds later. They can kill your horse or your bounty, and if you can't outrun them, it's going to be a very messy return.
When an app is acting up, the first thing you should do is head to its App Info page. Here, you can force stop the buggy app or delete its data and cache. It even lets you manage permissions and notifications, quickly uninstall the app, and more. So you should definitely know about the easy new way to get to this page.
Old Hard Drive + MP3 player = Music This equation just doesn't make sense. If you're an iPod addict, the HD element is redundant! Well, take a second look at what constitutes a speaker and what a hard drive is made of. They are more alike than you'd think.
You can't catch a fish if you don't have the bait… and a buzz bait are great for snagging bass. So, if you're a bass fisherman, you can't not know this information. Get the scoop on buzz baits.
The African Soft Fur Rat though new to the pet trade is a unique little rodent with unusual qualities. Not only is this little rat a great step up for people who feed reptiles it is virtually odorless and that is definately a plus for those who would like to have a pet rat or mouse they can keep inside the house and not spend a fortune in bedding or spend a lot of time cleaning to keep the rodent odor down.
We've covered a variety of life perks, short cuts, and cheats (35 to be exact), but what about your health? Neatorama has compiled a list of "tricks" to staying healthy and keeping off the pounds.
In terms of internet, faster = better. We all want faster internet, but how exactly do you get a fast wireless connection? Believe it or not, the answer is quite simple.
So, you're all excited you went ahead and 'upgraded' your iPhone 3G to IOS 4.0X so you could reap all the benefits of all the new features.
Bamboo is easy to grow, but there are a few things you should know before starting. There are hundreds of species of bamboo and they can be roughly divided into either running or clumping bamboos. Almost all cold hardy bamboos are runners and almost all tropical bamboos are clumpers. Running bamboos send out root like rhizomes underground and can spread many feet each year. Clumping bamboos slowly expand and stay in a tight clump with canes close together. We grow dozens of cold hardy bamboo ...
When Windows stores a password, it is done so by hashing the password in an LM hash and putting it in the Windows SAM file. In the scary moment that you lose your password, but don't want to pay some geek to have full root access to your computer, you need to recover it using Ophcrack. Ophcrack doesn't remove the password, or bypass it, it cracks the password hash using rainbow tables.
What's the Difference Between Ales and Lagers People often ask me, "Nick, what is the difference between Ales and Lagers?" Well, as you may or may not know, there are two types of beers -Ales & Lagers. All beers are made from the basic combination of water, hops, malts, and yeast. However, Ales have been around for thousands of years longer than lagers. So, what makes lagers and ales unique? Here are a few steps to figure out the process:
Having fun with those sentences So now you have about 30-50 sentences sitting in front of you and you've read through them, but don't quite have a feel for how they are supposed to sound. This is very demotivational because if you can't hear the flow of the sentence, you may be afraid that you are learning it incorrectly and that can really be a tough obstacle to get through.
Here's an update to the "How Do I Garden?" portion of the Gardening explanation. There's a few extra pictures to explain it all.How do I Plant?
Scientists have recently released a mathematical breakdown of the perfect handshake. The University of Manchester researchers discovered that nearly one-in-five people hate the handshake, listing complaints such as sweaty palms, limp wrists, gripping too hard and no eye contact.
The point of any workout is to stress your body and initiate an adaptive training response. Period. What are appropriate levels of stress necessary to achieve the adaptive response? In terms of the cardiovascular system, studies have shown that it usually takes about two minutes to get the heart rate into the training zone. Once there, the heart shows an adaptive response after five more minutes of training in the zone. Total minutes needed to get an adaptive response from your heart? Seven.
In order to take the perfect picture of your handmade wooden project, it's helpful to have a lightbox that's similar to what professionals use but definitely cheaper to make yourself.
What is DansGuardian? Schools, offices and universities often tend to use a software like DansGuardian to prevent people from accessing certain websites - websites like Youtube, Facebook, Myspace, and so on. However, if you ever find yourself in a situation where you need to access a blocked website... it's possible! As a matter of fact, it's quite easy.
Heat Illness in Young Athletes: Detection and Prevention From recreational activities to free-play to team sports to camps, outdoor activities during the
Following the first part in this series on advanced cracking techniques, we are going to go over how we can intelligently crack passwords using the old-fashioned bruteforce method. These unique cracking techniques aren't widely used, because most crackers are Script Kiddies who have no idea what the concepts are behind cracking passwords, thus, word won't get around too quickly.
Welcome to Minecraft World! Check out our advanced tutorials and come play on our free server.