Small Greenback Loans Search Results

How To: Start a Fire with Water

Need to start a fire and have no lighter? All you need is a clear water bottle or jar, some water, and kindling—and for the weather to be very sunny during noon time. Tilt the water bottle or jar at an angle so that the water in the container can focus the sun's light into as small of an area as possible. Keep the container at this position for as long as possible until enough heat is created to start a glowing ember.

How To: 7 Methods for Concealing Valuable Items from Thieves

Want to keep your money and valuables safe while traveling abroad? Play it safe and outsmart thieves by placing your money, passport, jewelry and other expensive things in unexpected places. Sew a secret inner pocket in your pants, or if that's too much work, try cutting open a tennis ball, using empty film canisters, or simply placing a small amount of money in a spare wallet while your real wallet is more concealed within your luggage or purse.

How To: Get the 'One with the Shadows' Achievement in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Are you a member of the Thieves Guild in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim? Then this is the achievement guide for you. After you complete the main Thieves Guild quest-line (which is freaking awesome, by the way), you'll be asked to take on special missions. To initiate those, talk to Melvin or Vex in the Thieves Guild headquarters in Rifiten. These small jobs are scattered across the four main cities of Skyrim: Whiterun, Markarth, Solitude, and Windhelm.

How To: Make Knot Sculptures from Soft Metals

In mathematics, a knot is a closed circle in a three-dimensional space that crosses itself multiple times. Since it is closed, it has no ends to tie, meaning you can't actually create such a knot. However, if you tie the ends together after you create a knot in the standard way, you will have something that is close to the mathematical description. In this post, we will explore the creation of mathematical knot sculputures using copper tubing and solid solder wire.

Horror Photography Challenge: Ghost Caught on Camera, Prospect Place 10/28/11

You be the judge, win or not, let me know. This is the actual photo no editing (except the small caption to show you were to look) This is the 3rd Floor (typo on photo) "Ballroom" of Prospect Place in Dresden Ohio. Out of screen to the right is a cross that was painted to cover up a pentagram. Everyone in the room was standing behind me so there is no possible way to reflect this. No ledge outside of window so that is not possible. To me it looks like a figure with a white collar standing nex...

News: The New Look of The Philippine Peso

Wow... look at those cash..Congratulations to the designers of the new Philippine Peso currency. Although only a small portion printed are in circulation I finally saw them thru a friend.They really look nice.. And so good to look at..Except for one major thing. The value didn't change. New look same value. For which I don't know how this could help alleviate the growing hunger of the Filipino people.I just wish our economy grows sooner.

News: World's Smallest Aquarium

How small is Russian artist Anatoly Konenko's microminiature aquarium? Well, for starters, it holds just two tablespoons of water. Not that you could ever fill it with a spoon, of course! The force would tear the décor to bits. Konenko favors a syringe for that particular task.

News: Build Your Own Civilization with the Global Village Construction Set

If it takes a village to raise a child, you can imagine what it takes to raise a village! In brief: a whole lot! Thanks to the folks behind the Open Source Ecology movement, however, starting your own self-sufficient community has never been easier! Taking free software as a model, the group is working on what they call the Global Village Construction Set—"a fully integrated [and freely reproducible] set of machines for creating a self-sufficient modern life from the resources of a small amou...

News: Life in a Day Teaser #1

From youtube: In December, we announced that “Life in a Day,” a documentary film directed by Oscar-winner Kevin Macdonald, produced by Ridley Scott, and filmed on July 24, 2010 by thousands of YouTube users around the world, was finished—and would have its world premiere at the 2011 Sundance Film Festival on January 27.

News: IBM's “Watson” Supercomputer Demolishes World's Top Jeopardy Players

A testament of man vs. machine will air on February 14th, 15th, and 16th when IBM's supercomputer "Watson" is pitted against the world's fiercest Jeopardy players, Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter, for a chance to win a cool $1 million. It took researchers four years to build Watson, a machine mastermind the size of ten refrigerators and equipped with complex algorithms capable of decoding the complexities of the human language (no small feat). Watch below as Watson kicks ass in a practice round ...

News: Rainwater + Solar Power = DIY Rainbow Machine

Artist Michael Jones McKean has harnessed nature with his DIY rainbow machine, a mechanism that uses reclaimed rainwater and solar power to shoot man-made rainbows across the sky at whim. High powered jets and fountain nozzles shoot a heavy wall of rainwater into the air, creating a faux rainstorm. Sunshine does the rest.

News: LEGO Tron Quorra

"It seems that artist Iain Heath is quite enamored with her as well, as he’s decided to turn her Tron Legacy character Quorra into an awesome LEGO model. At only 12 inches tall and made of blocky LEGO bits, the model doesn’t exactly capture Olivia Wilde’s character in all her glory, but it’s remarkable nonetheless. Looking almost like pixel art due to its small scale, it still packs a ton of detail, from the black bob haircut to the design of the light cycle suit covering her body. Of course,...

HowTo: Grow Your Own Snowflakes

CalTech's Kenneth Libbrecht reveals the sublime beauty of snow crystals when photographed with a specially designed snowflake photomicroscope. The physicist is author of the Field Guide to Snowflakes and The Secret Life of a Snowflake, and recently posted an instructional guide for growing your own snow crystals.

A Restaurant on Two Wheels: The DIY Taco Bike

Serious Eats' latest Meet and Eat features Todd Barricklow, creator of the Taco Bike, an eco-friendly alternative to the fast growing food truck industry. The 200+ pound bike is equipped with a propane tank, three sectioned griddle, water tank, heat exchanger, wash sink, wastewater hold, ice holder and sectioned food area, trash can, napkin holder, table, money drop, chopping boards and more.

News: Would You Live in a Walking Robot House?

If you fancy yourself a nomad, check out Walking House, a mobile and modular dwelling system that is pneumatically powered, all-terrain ready. The vehicle-home crawls along at a snail's pace of 60 meters per hour, which equates to less than 1/2 a mile per hour. Akin in concept to the rolling house-on-the-go (except in the way cooler insect-like robot form), Walking House also boasts some cool eco-friendly features:

News: The Idiot Box

This prank starts with a small plexiglass box (about 12in X 12in X 12in) with a round hole in the top big enough for someones hand/arm. Next, Knoxville goes around collecting the other cast member's valuables (car keys, wallets, phones, etc.) and places it in the box. The kicker is, the box is filled with scorpions. A scorpion sting won't kill you, but who the hell wants to get stung by a scorpion? Knox can then look on in laughter as they try to get their valuable out of the box.

News: The Secret Trick to Self-Watering Plants

There's no longer any need to ask your neighbor to water your plants while you're away. Craftzine's houseplant wicking system offers a very simple solution: Cut some cotton strips. Soak one end in a bowl of water. Bury the other end in the soil of each plant, which in turn keeps the roots moist without drowning them.

HowTo: Flash Mob Like a Boss

Watch enough Glee and Buffy's Once More, With Feeling and it will never fail to instill the urge to do something stupid in public. And hey, what better way to do this than to drag others down with you? Welcome to the world of flash mobs, and in just a few simple steps you too could be arrested!