Sms Jokes Search Results

How To: Use The DROID 2 Smartphone From Motorola (25 Video Tips)

The DROID 2 from Motorola came out last August, but it's just now exploding— literally. The 33 News reported yesterday that a Motorola DROID 2 smartphone exploded in the hands of Aron Embry from Cedar Hills, Texas. He was making a phone call outside his home when he heard a POP sound— blood was dripping down his face and the glass was broken around the phone's speaker— his DROID 2 cell phone actually exploded against his ear. He ended up getting 4 stitches and a CAT scan, but thankfully, he d...

News: Temporarily Disable Android Lockscreens with DelayedLock App

For those who need security on their Android devices, the standard swipe lock screen just isn't enough, so it's necessary to install applications like GOTO and WidgetLocker to enable either pattern, password or PIN protection. This protection is great overall, but when you're frequently using your smartphone, having to keep unlocking the lock screen becomes quite an annoyance. You could be in a heated text conversation, following directions on a map or compulsively checking the news feed on F...

REVIEW: The A-Team

People smile in this movie. This is a genius breakthrough Another day, another remake. Another safe choice during apparently rocky times - this wintry economic climate, don't you know - and we're off and watching Joe Carnahan's big-screen version of the A-Team. In 2010.

News: 10 Google Privacy Settings You Should Know About

Google has caught a lot of flack for various privacy infringements over time. Google Buzz was the latest uproar, when lack of proper prior testing allowed the tool to expose a slew of information users did not necessarily want shared, resulting in massive complaints. A Harvard student even went so far as to file a lawsuit (read more).

How To: Perfectly Rickroll a friend or co-worker

Bored at the office? Try out the practical joke in this how-to video. Rick Roll your friends and co-workers. The more you do it, the funnier it gets. You can disguise the link by typing in any random url into the e-mail, right clicking and clicking 'edit hyperlink' then paste the url to the video in the box there and click 'OK.' Check out the video computer pranks tutorial and learn how to Rick Roll. Perfectly Rickroll a friend or co-worker.

News: Signal, Snowden's Favorite Secure-Messenger App, Is Now on Your Desktop

Encryption is on everyone's mind these days, from the FBI's battles in court with Apple to WhatsApp's recent announcement of end-to-end encryption for their one billion users. Now you can add Signal, whistleblower Edward Snowden's favorite messaging app, back to that whirlwind discussion. Created by Open Whisper Systems, Signal is an encrypted messenger app that allows you to send text, images, video, and audio messages without the fear of prying eyes. They already have an Android and iOS app...

How To: Control Your Android Device When It's Lost or Stolen Using a Simple Text Message

The great thing about security apps (other than the obvious) is that there is an abundance of them littered throughout the Google Play store. Cerberus, Got Ya!, Avast! Mobile Security, Norton Security & Antivirus, and Android Lost Free are just a few of the gems you can find in the plentiful sea of security apps for Android. Once in awhile, though, a new security application comes along that stands out from the rest, like AeGis.

Power Pwn: A Stealthy New Hack Tool Disguised as an Innocent Power Strip

The team behind the Pwn Plug, a little white box that can plug into any network and access it remotely, is at it again. This time, Pwnie Express is working for DARPA to create a hacking machine that looks like a power strip, cleverly called the Power Pwn. The device has wireless, ethernet and Bluetooth capabilities and can do a full-scale penetration test as well as bypass NAC and other security measures automatically. It has three modes: Evil AP, stealth mode and passive recon. In stealth mo...

News: E3 is next week!

E3, the Superbowl event of video games, is next week. This is the event where all major companies reveal their plans for the next year, new technology, and surprise game announcements.

News: Terrible Smell

Johnny (as I think he loves making jokes) keeps in a hand one dirty absorbent (I think a girl may be helpfull for this one ;) pretty heavy menstruations are needed ). It doesn't have to be "fresh", it should be a little bit old (probably the smell will get worse with the time)... Johnny, furtively, goes behind somebody (of the crew, obviously) and slaps the absorbent on the guy's face (preferably on the mouth).... The reaction won't be so good, so a cup or something like that wouldn't be a ba...

How To: Throw a boomerang

In this segment from Lonely Planet, we learn how to throw a boomerang. It's not just a question of getting the boomerang to come back to you. Throw the boomerang the wrong way, and it just might come back to you like a heat-seeking missle! The host in this clip has trouble getting the boomerang to return, calling to mind the old joke: "What do you call a boomerang that won't come back? A stick." Throw a boomerang.

Weekend Homework: How to Become a Null Byte Contributor (1/29/2012)

We're officially seeking Null Byters on a weekly basis who are willing to take the time to educate the community. Contributors will write tutorials, which will be featured on the Null Byte blog, as well as the front page of WonderHowTo (IF up to par, of course). There is no need to be intimidated if you fear you lack the writing skills. I will edit your drafts if necessary and get them looking top-notch! You can write tutorials on any skill level, and about anything you feel like sharing that...

Weekend Homework: How to Become a Null Byte Contributor (1/12/2012)

We're officially seeking Null Byters on a weekly basis who are willing to take the time to educate the community. Contributors will write tutorials, which will be featured on the Null Byte blog, as well as the front page of WonderHowTo (IF up to par, of course). There is no need to be intimidated if you fear you lack the writing skills. I will edit your drafts if necessary and get them looking top-notch! You can write tutorials of any skill level, about anything you feel like sharing that is ...

News: Do Cats & Boobs Belong on Google+?

While using Google+, it's been apparent that there are two types of posters. There are the people who post thoughtful, serious posts about everything from tech to dealing with cancer. And then there are the meme propagators, the people who decide to rick roll others (ahem, +Bryan Crow), and constantly put up animated gifs. Sometimes they are the same people, and this is where it gets a little controversial.

News: Can bad lawyer commercials turn out any good?

More than often, lawyer commercials tend to be the butt of many jokes. Fact is many lawyer commercials are just plain awful. Is it because the style is heavily commercialized? Is it because the end product is what the client wants? Or is it a combination of two factors-- the client does not know what s/he wants and the producer is afraid to explore possibilities outside of the "parameters" (for fear of being sued)? What if someone had balls to explore the possibilities?

How To: The Budget Traveller Guide to Sleeping in Airports.

So you've come to realize that this site is not a complete joke and people DO actually sleep in the airport to save money on hotels. You may now be curious about this odd idea of sleeping in airports and you may be asking yourself one (or all) of the following questions: How do I do it? What should I bring with me? What tips do you have to share with us airport sleeping newbies? Well, here are some ideas that will help you get started in your airport sleeping adventures. Read More...

How To: How Deep Is Your Love ? :-/

HOW DEEP IS YOUR LOVE ? I can almost hear the tune ! ... This little PALMISTRY 'How to Video' is dedicated to all you lovers out there. Lets hope you still are after this video, ha ha ! sorry just a little joke.. Well watch and hope you enjoy my JOURNEY THROUGH LOVE ! Dedicated also to the HOW TO team ! x x x hope you do not split up ! :-o eek !! I Commit myself ...... Editing/Music/Presentation Jim Winter @2010 Contact - ( )

News: Jello High Dive

Fill an olympic-sized pool with jell-o and get someone to do a dive off the high dive into it, perhaps on fire, or naked, something to make it worth while because if you just wanted them to do a dive they would know something is up.

News: fake amber alert

get a local news station to film a fake amber alert with the subject of the prank being the one who stole the kid. hijack the persons cable and play the breaking new so they can see it and get freaked out no this might be the hard part. get the cops or even swat to show up at the house asking him release the hostage. when he gives him self up thinking he has done nothing wrong have a cop go in to the house and walk out with the child that was on the amber alert. now just arrest him and wait t...

News: Flipper Bridge

These Dutch architects fear that those Chinese drivers might get confused! You may think I'm making a cheap joke about Chinese drivers. But I'm not. The Hong Kong-Zhuai-Macau bridge is a 31-mile, $10.7 billion project and this unique design is meant to address a clash of two driving conventions.

HowTo: Chia-Prank Your Co-Worker's Keyboard

Johannes Hjorth of Sweden posts a great guide to growing cress in a co-worker's keyboard: "My colleague Erik Fransén went away on the Society for Neuroscience conference in the USA for two weeks in the middle of November. Those of you who know Erik probably know that he enjoys playing practical jokes on his friends from time to time. This time it was Erik's turn to be on the receiving end..."

News: Vincent LaForet's "The Cabbie" - Shot on 7D

There's an old joke that shooting with available light meant using every light available on the truck.  Fortunately, with Canon's new generation of HD capable DSLR's, the term "available light" means what it ought to.  Vince LaForet's work with HDDSLR cameras is a great example of using both ambient and specular light present at locations in order to not only expose an image but effectively telling a very visually compelling story. Check out "The Cabbie", the first in the installment of Canon...

News: ChaCha

Have you ever gone on a long internet binge, researching and surfing mindless things, and thought to yourself: I wish I could make some money surfing the internet and sharing the (sometimes useless) information I had just acquired? Well, now you can!

How To: Seek Comfort In A New Country

Feeling comfortable or at home means living in an atmosphere where you are accepted. Some people moving abroad worry about getting adjusted to the new social environment or the western culture. You may have left your home to make big business, excel in your career, get married, meet a relative/friend, discover new places, or for any good reason.

News: FarmVille Harvests the World via iPhone?

Word of mouth is that Zynga is preparing to harvest the world.  Is this a horror movie?  No, but FarmVille has already invaded millions of homes, and now it wishes to conquer our pockets.  They're gearing up for a mobile platform, one that will reach millions more via the iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and Android.

How To: Be Amazing at Improv Acting

Have you ever seen Whose Line Is It Anyway? Many people enjoy watching this show, where they can see people do comedy off the top of their heads. There's no prior thought involved and it can be a lot of fun to participate in.

How To: Make Amy Sedaris' Crafts for Poor People

The multi-talented Amy Sedaris (creator and star of TV show Strangers With Candy) has a new gut-busting venture, now available in bookstores near you. Simple Times: Crafts For Poor People is a tongue-in-cheek DIY guide to projects like seashell toilet seat covers and ringworm pompons. In a recent interview with NPR, a couple statements rubbed some DIYers the wrong way (ahem, ugly people are doing crafts; pretty people are having sex). Or perhaps this didn't sit well: