Sms Jokes Search Results

How To: Add 2-Step Verification to Uber for Stronger Overall Account Security

If you've ever received an email from a sketchy address purporting to be Uber, asking you to sign in with your credentials, you might be a phishing target. Hackers use a fake login page from real-looking domains to trick you into giving up your account information, and while it's been an issue in the past, Uber is making it more difficult on cyber thieves with the addition of two-step verification.

How To: Knit a fake joke condom

If you know someone who would appreciate being given a condom made out of yarn, you've come to the right place. This video will teach you how to knit a joke / prank condom that will make that special condom-loving person in your life very happy.

How To: Toilet train a cat

Kind lady at teaches you how to toilet train your cat in four steps with this instructional video. Her delivery sounds like a joke, but the content is rich and I'd imagine it works. Watch this video pet training tutorial and learn how to teach a cat to use a regular toilet, instead of a litter box. It's eco-friendly and less work for you!

How To: Open a padlock with a soda can shim

Watch this video and learn to hack a padlock with a soda can. Make a lockpick for a padlock using just a soda can. A few cuts and folds and you'll be a full fledged thief or prankster. You can pull a pratical joke on any of your friends with the soda can hack after watching this instructional video. Break into lockers using this lock picking hack.

How To: Crack and open a combination lock

This video won't show you how to crack a safe but it will show you the next best thing: cracking a combination lock or master lock! We do recommend only trying this on a lock you have forgotten the combination to and not other unlawful purposes. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to retrieve the combination from a lock. Hack your own lock or your friends and you have the potential for great practical jokes.

How To: Send & Receive Texts from Any Computer with Android Messages

It's no secret that Android has a messaging problem. iPhone users can turn to iMessage as a one-stop shop for all their messaging needs — features like read receipts and the ability to text from a computer have been standard with Apple products for quite some time. Android has no such solution, but Google's looking to fix that with a huge update to the Android Messages app.

How To: Play practical jokes using your guitar

In this video, we learn how to play practical jokes using your guitar. The first trick is called the jack in the box. First, take your pick and put it in between your strings and slide it down. Then, put your hand over it and play the jack in the box song. The next trick is to give the illusion you are tuning your guitar in the middle of a song. You will cover your fingers with your forearm to give the appearance and play with your other hand to make it look like it's being tuned. The last tr...

How To: Disable iOS 12's Annoying Password Creation Feature on Your iPhone

Maybe you prefer writing passwords in a notebook. Maybe you like creating your passwords yourself. Whatever the case, you don't like iOS 12's new automatic password generator, and you don't need it to pop up every time you enter a new password in Safari or a third-party app. Lucky for you, iOS 12 lets you disable the feature altogether. Unfortunately, that perk comes with a catch.

Messages 101: How to Hide Alerts for Specific Conversation Threads

When somebody is in the middle of rapid firing you some text messages and they become too much for you to bear, you have a few options on your iPhone. You can simply leave the conversation, if it's an iMessage group chat with four or more participants, or you can put the whole message thread on silent, which applies to everyone, no matter if it's iMessage, SMS, MMS, or a group conversation.

Messages 101: How to Turn iMessage Read Receipts On/Off Per Person

With iOS 9.3.5, as well as all of the versions prior to that, you had two choices when it came to "Read Receipts" for iMessage — either on for everybody or off for everybody. So if you weren't comfortable with one or two of your contacts knowing whether or not you've read their messages, you had to keep the feature disabled and miss out on Read Receipts for people you're a bit closer to.

How To: Text Better on Your Samsung Galaxy S4 with This Hybrid Messaging App Based on Android 4.3 & CyanogenMod 10.2

With CyanogenMod 10.2 recently released and the Samsung Galaxy S4 still waiting on Android 4.3, it only makes sense that the coveted features from both firmwares are highly desired by Android owners all over. We've already brought you a feature from each firmware—the cLock home/lock screen widget from CyanogenMod and the Google Play Edition Camera and Gallery from Android 4.3. Now we're bringing you another in the form of an updated text messaging application, ported from both Android 4.3 and...

How To: Set up the ultimate ketchup prank

You must have a certain attitude to appreciate practical jokes and pranks. Your friends (or targets) may not appreciate pranks as much as you, especially messy ones. The messy pranks are the ones that are less likely to provide a laugh from your victims, at least not right away. This ketchup prank is one of those.

How To: Build a portable stink pen

In this how-to video, Kipkay shows you how to build a portable stink pen and you need a cheap pen, a bobby pin, and matches. Take apart the pen, save the spring, put the bobby pin through the center of the pen, and bend the edge of the bobby pin. Pull the pin back to fire and create one gross smell. Watch this video pranking tutorial and learn how to build a portable stink pen for practical jokes. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks!

How To: Pull off the office bathroom prank

Make sure you use the facilities before you put this office bathroom trick into hilarious effect. You will need several pairs of shoes and slacks, as well as newspapers. Make everyone in the office think all the bathroom stalls are occupied. Check out this video practical joke tutorial and learn how to prank the office bathroom.

How To: Make fake boogers with rubber cement

How To Make Anything demonstrates how to make fake boogers with rubber cement. Find rubber cement in the school supply aisle of any store. First, open the rubber cement and brush it onto a small non-stick surface. Allow the rubber cement to dry. You can blow on it to dry it. Rub off the almost-dried rubber cement from the surface and onto your finger. The rubber cement balls will retain some of its sticky properties to resemble a booger. Remember, don't eat the fake boogers but you can use th...

How To: Tell if a girl is interested in you

In this video, we learn how to tell if a girl is interested in you. First, you will see that the girl acts different around you. She should be more confident and stare at you a lot. She will also laugh at your jokes and try to flirt with you a lot. If she is nice to your friends but nicer to you, this is also a big hint. Pay attention to see if a girl squints at you while talking and see how she teases you or jokes around. If she acts differently with you, then she probably likes you so take ...

How To: Wash your hair scientifically (and perfectly)

It's no joke: British researchers spent six months shampooing 500 volunteers until they perfected the precise technique for lustrous locks. Learn how to wash your hair perfectly. You will need a shower, a thermometer, shampoo, measuring spoons, a stopwatch, conditioner, a wide toothed comb, and a towel.