Soccer Mom's Search Results

News: Before eating organic became cool

This is an interesting article about a Hmong family who grew their own produce, not because it was cool, but out of necessity. It's brought up a lot of memories for me, as my own family also grew and continues to grow a lot of their own produce. My mom's got a total green thumb - whenever I go home I know I can look forward to dinners with snow peas, green onions, squashes and melons from the back yard.

News: My poor Mom.

One summer day last year we were in our farm house in New Hampshire.  My brother's friend, Michael, had just made a spankin new potato gun.  We ran out of potatos.   You know what I am talkin about.  Everything is happy until you run out of potatos.  Mom is sitting peacefully at the picnic table reading.  Michael gets the .22 and nails a chipmunk that had been terrorizing our grain supplies.  He stuffed the chipmunk into the barrel.  I think some cotten gauze or clothing was wrapped around to...

News: The 2010 World Cup is upon us.

The 2010 World Cup is upon us and there isn't much that hasn't been said already. All the leagues around the world are finished and champions have been crowned. The media has covered every angle imaginable. Or have they? Or should they? Is this about the sport anymore? What will we remember about this World Cup? A great goal, a new venue, a great comeback, injured players who never made it, a bad call by a referee, a new star rising, overlooked players, 4-4-2, 3-4-1-2, 3-4-3, bad subs, FIFA 2...

News: accupuncture or needle darts

As a young boy, my mom would leave her sewing needle, with a length of thread, sticking in the arm of our couch while she did other mom things. I found it to be very fun to sling it by holding the thread, at my siblings or dad, to get it to stick in their skin. We always coverd our eyes since that was the only vital spot we didnt want to hit. I cant begin to tell you how hilarious it was. We laughed our ass's off the way you guys do. I have wanted to see you guys do this prank since you first...

How To: Intimidate the opposition

Welcome to the Rudi Latka's Soccer School. In this film top manager Rudi Latka shows you some how to intimidate the opposition! Rudi isn't big on playing fair and has some tips to help you cheat your opponents. We don't know who he actually managed but after the producer had a visit from the Russian mafia in a sushi bar he said we had to make the films. Intimidate the opposition.

News: Viva Africa! "Wavin Flag" - World Cup 2010

By the? underground, for the underground. This was made anonymously for the love of the sport and its ability to touch the whole world, if but for just a moment. Football, soccer, whatever - a rose by any other name would smell as sweet - no organization, no nation, no flag can overshadow its grace. It is all about our love for the Beautiful Game.

How To: Pass A Soccer Ball With The Inside Of Your Foot

Passng Technique: The instep pass is the most common way and the most efficient to pass a ball in soccer. It requires the use of your inside foot. Passing a ball is similar to shooting. It requires you to have your plant foot a foot away from the ball. Bend your standing leg, and follow through the ball with the inside of your foot making sure you lean forward and with a locked ankle. In this article I will guide you to help improve your passing by talking about the different things you need ...

How To: Improve Your Shooting Ability For Soccer

Shooting technique: Locking your ankle and pointing your toes down when striking the ball is probably the most important factor in developing the proper shooting technique. It is probably the hardest skill to learn in soccer, but not anymore because I am here to guide you through and help you improve. Down below I have put down some steps to improve your shooting ability and I have also applied some pictures to make it easier for you to understand and apply while shooting. Enjoy the rest of t...

News: Alzheimer streaker

Dress up Johnny Knoxville as his old man counterpart. He then needs to strip down to his underwear at a MLB or soccer game and streak across the field. If possible he should really bring a walker and hold it out while he is scrambling from security. Most people wont know who he is, but it will be a huge hit with all of us fans who will recognize him immediately and be thrilled with the opportunity to see a prank in action without being able to interfere with the filming.

News: Bull in a China shop...

Hey guys, I know you guys like to incorporate bulls into some of your movies and shows. I was thinking you guys should act out the old phrase, "like a bull in a china shop". Rent out an old store, fill it with breakable china plates, vases, and maybe all kinds of breakable stuff from Bam's mom April's house. Incorporate some of the Jackass gang trying to avoid the angry bull, and you got yourself quite a mess, with possible injuries.

How To: Shave your back yourself

A thick patch of hair on a man's head is always coveted. A hairy chest? Hey there, hot stuff! But a hairy back? Ewww. You could ask your mom to shave your back. Or your girlfriend...Not! With a handy dandy do-it-yourself shaver, VideoJug will show how you can confidently rid yourself of nasty back hair - all by yourself! Shave your back yourself.