Social Event Search Results

News: WhatsApp Stops Trying to Be Like Everyone Else & Brings Back Its Text-Based Status Option

In February, the popular Facebook-owned WhatsApp Messenger service jumped on the "stories" bandwagon and replaced their in-app, text-based "About Me" status (you know, those lovely little messages where you can say "Sleeping" or "Not Sleeping" under the tiny nub of your profile picture). Taking its place was a clone of Snapchat's Stories feature, continuing the social media giant's recent trend of shamelessly copying Snapchat.

How to Hack Wi-Fi: Capturing WPA Passwords by Targeting Users with a Fluxion Attack

With tools such as Reaver becoming less viable options for pen-testers as ISPs replace vulnerable routers, there become fewer certainties about which tools will work against a particular target. If you don't have time to crack the WPA password or it's unusually strong, it can be hard to figure out your next step. Luckily, nearly all systems have one common vulnerability you can count on — users!

Cyberwar: Hacker vs. Hacker

From time immemorial, human beings seem to be at odds with one another. When these differences become so heated and unresolvable, it eventually erodes into physical violence. This violence has manifested into some of the most horrific exercises in human history, things which every school child is aware of and none of which we have to recount here. Although humans have been cruel and violent for a very long time, the 20th century may have epitomized that behavior. With two World Wars and many,...

How To: Become Anonymous & Browse the Internet Safely

We all know about PRISM. The Surveillance Program allowing the U.S Government to access private user information. Such as, Google Searches, Tweets, Facebook Posts, Private Images, and other private user data. "Hiding" yourself can be very difficult, but it is possible. I'm here to show you How to Become Anonymous & Browse the Internet Safely.

Dark Side of the Prism: Get Alerted Whenever You Visit a Website Owned by a PRISM-Targeted Company

Since The Guardian published leaked documents exposing the depth of the NSA's spying powers, many people who've never put much effort into protecting their privacy are finally starting to pay attention. Evidence of public opinion concerning PRISM can be seen from the rise in traffic for pro-privacy sites like DuckDuckGo to the petitions demanding that the program be scaled back or done away with altogether. Some would argue that you waive your right to privacy by signing the terms of agreemen...

Hack Like a Pro: How to Cover Your Tracks So You Aren't Detected

Welcome back, my greenhorn hackers! Congratulations on your successful hack that saved the world from nuclear annihilation from our little, bellicose, Twinkie-eating dictator. The rest of world may not know what you did, but I do. Good job! Now that we hacked into the malevolent dictator's computer and temporarily disabled his nuclear launch capability, we have to think about covering our tracks so that he and his minions can't track our good works back to us.

How To: Hide All of the Social Numbers on Your Facebook Page with the Demetricator

The reason that Facebook is so popular is because it connects us to people that we could have never been connected to before. When people log on, they look for messages, comments, likes, and any other notifications that connect us to those people. These same notifications, though, distort our view of Facebook. We tend to appreciate statuses (I prefer stati) that have more likes. We're geared towards people that have more friends, so we tend to like pages that already have hundred of thousands...

How To: Sync Google Calendar with all of your devices

Jordan Patterson the Cheap Geek has made a video showing you the steps to sync your contacts and calendars on three mobile devices together, the iPhone, a laptop running Windows, and a Mac running OS X utilizing a few downloaded programs and Google Calendar. First he shows you how to sync calendars on the Apple computer, by downloading a program from Google code called collaboration code, and then running it. After putting in his g-mail account information, he tells the program which calendar...

How To: Block recent activities on Facebook

This video is about how to block recent activities on Facebook. The first thing that you will have to do is to log in to your Facebook account. After logging in to your account, the next thing that you will have to do is to go to account settings and look for the "Ads and Pages". After you have found "Ads and Pages", click on the "Edit Settings" and go to the "Special Permissions" tab and uncheck "Publish recent activity" box then press "Okay" after wards. The next step is to look for "Events...

How To: Use anchoring to gain instant self confidence

Tim Brownson talks about how to tap into self-confidence during this video. This technique is called anchoring. An anchor is an idea or event that links to another event that is usually not related in some way but provides some kind of reminder of an emotion. This can also be called a conditional response. Tim gives a lot of real examples of anchors and conditional responses. First start by calming down as much as possible. Then think of some activity that you are confident you can do, and th...

How To: Create several beautiful formal hairstyles and bedazzle them with pins

Yes, it takes a lot of work to be a girl. Before a big event like prom or a wedding, it's almost unheard of to step foot outside your door without a beautiful head of curls pinned up into a low bun, rouge dusted on lightly so as to impart a healthy sheen rather than a ruddy, feverish red, your nail manicured into sparkly, glossy perfection, and a delightful dress with matching heels you spent hours shopping for.