Social Event Search Results

How To: Play blues on an electric guitar like Buddy Guy

If you're a musician in need of some lessons, there's no better way to learn than with MusicRadar's so-called "Tuition" instructions. Although the title tuition is misleading, this video class is anything but costly, because it's free, right here. Whether you're looking for help with your voice, bass, electric guitar, drums, guitar effects, piano, Logic Pro or production techniques, Music Radar is here to show you the way.

News: Building Links With Onlywire

This article is all about creating content and using it to build links to your website. Content, meaning articles, videos, and even podcasts is now really the new advertising. That’s because people go to the internet to look for information, not look at advertising. So you need to create compelling content about your business, your industry in general and any topics connected to your entire field that people will want to read, listen to or watch.

How To: How Anyone Can Retire Early & Wealthy, Part 1: CDs

I'm pretty sure that it's a universal dream for everyone in the world to retire early. Who wants to to be stuck with the rest of the country and retire when you're almost 70 years old? You heard me right, 70! Most people can't go out and do the things they love to do by the time they're 70, unless they've been practicing good health and exercise their entire life.

News: Minecraft World Will Be at Minecon!

Welcome to Minecraft World! Check out our advanced tutorials and come play on our free server. Hey Minecraft World, just a reminder that we will be at Minecon this year! It's fast approaching, in just a few hours we'll be talking to modders, builders, YouTubers, developers, miners and crafters and reporting back to you.

News: Google+ Pro Tips Weekly Round Up: Google+ Is Google

"Google+ is dead." How many times have you read that in the past few weeks? It seems like I can't get away from this notion that Google+, as a social network, is a total failure. Don't feel too sorry for them, though. +Bradley Horowitz isn't worried. In an interview with VentureBeat, he explains, “Six months from now, it will become increasingly apparent what we’re doing with Google+. It will be revealed less in what we say and more in the product launches we reveal week by week.” Indeed, som...

Bird's Eye View Challenge: Celebrity... Maybe

We were at the El Capitan on Sunday and while waiting for friends to show up we walked over to the massive Cirque du soleil Hollywood premiere for a few minutes. Around the time we were there celebrities were arriving so we just started taking pictures. I don't know a lot of celebrity names, some I only recognized by face (oh it's that dude from Swingers!), but this is the best shot I took above the crowd.

News: Moshi Monsters Rise from Indie Game to Kiddie Empire

Four years ago Mind Candy was a pretty small game company. They were best known for their revolutionary but short lived ARG Perplex City, and had no other successful franchises to fall back on when that ended. Their plan to save it? Start a free online social game for children ages 7-12 called Moshi Monsters, where kids can create monster pets, raise them, and socialize with one another in a controlled, safe environment.

Camera Phone Photo Challenge: 33 Worcester Boulevard

Over the past 10 months the once peaceful city of Christchurch in the South Island of New Zealand has been haunted by a plethora of devastating earthquakes with hundreds of fatalities. To date there have been over 7000 earthquakes. This photo was taken on Worcester Boulevard, opposite the Christchurch Arts Centre. It was a dull, cold day, so I used a monochrome 'film' which captured the sombre mood of a mourning city; this was coupled with underlying parallelisms of an angled shot emulating t...

News: Glitch Gets Better with Katamari Damacy

Stewart Butterfileld is one of the last great old-fashioned tech billionaires. He founded Flickr, and then sold the company to Yahoo! for a stupendous amount of money in 2005. Like Mark Cuban and others before him, he was left wondering what to do with the rest of his long and fabulously wealthy life. Cuban bought the Dallas Mavericks and turned them from unabashed losers into beloved champions. Butterfield decided to try his hand at game design (something he had attempted with the ambitious ...

How To: Protect Your Facebook Reputation with Reppler

Do you know how you are perceived by your peers? In real life and online? In the physical world, you could be seen as intelligent, thoughtful and hard-working, but on the Web you could be looked at as irrational, selfish and slothful. There's just something about the Internet that takes away a person's judgement and replaces it with impulsiveness—especially when it comes to Facebook.

How To: Make Money Writing Online with Google AdSense

Google AdSense is a beautiful thing. They pay you for posting content online, whether it be through a third-party website like WonderHowTo or on your own website. WonderHowTo seems to be a good place to start from if you plan to make money with AdSense, but it's not the only place that you can submit content to and receive all of the revenue generated by the AdSense ad units. You may want to get a wider audience and more traffic, and for that you must look beyond the horizon of just one site.

DIY of The Decade: Pixar's UP House Comes to Life

Truly spectacular and one the most breathtaking DIY endeavors to grace the front page of WonderHowTo, a recreation of Pixar's UP house was launched to an altitude of 10,000 feet in a private airfield near Los Angeles this past week. The project was executed by a team of engineers, scientists and veteran balloon pilots—(meaning, please, Do Not Try This at Home).

Strengthen Your Password: Watch an 8-Bit Striptease

About two months ago, the massive Gawker Media hack was a wake up call for many web denizens on the importance of proper password security. Data analyzed by the Wall Street Journal revealed the three most popular passwords recovered from the hack were downright idiotic—123456, password, and 12345678. If past events weren't motivation enough for crafting a strong password, then maybe a racy 8-bit stripper is. Naked Password is a jQuery plugin by Platform45 that rewards you with an accelerating...

News: Surfing Monster Waves By Moonlight

Watch surfer Mark Visser take on a 30-40 foot massive wave off the famous Jaws reef break on Maui in nearly total darkness. Guided only by the LED lights built into his life vest and board, helicopters hovered overhead, filming the event. "It wasn’t until I saw the pictures I realized how big it was. This project has been two years in the planning and it was the scariest, but most exciting thing I have ever done. Riding in complete darkness meant I had to go off feeling. I had to zone out fro...

News: Freestyle Swimming

Swimming is traditionally the most difficult of the three triathlon disciplines to master. Most people opt to swim with the freestyle stroke (or overhand crawl) for this part of the event. However, proper performance of the freestyle stroke is very contingent on correct form and technique. Knowing what the ideal form is along with regular swimming drills with an awareness of the ideal form and technique can be the best way to improve overall performance in this field.

News: Everything Glass - please participate!

Dear Fellow Glass Lover, last summer I wanted to build my own website with Drupal to create a glass art community. But just now I found out it is not necessary. has it up and running already. All we have to do now is fill it with content. Please become a contributing member, upload your videos, how to tips in the Blog and pin your glass art related events on the Corkboard. This is not my site - this is a glass art community site.

News: Sugar Mohawk of Etsy | party treats

OMG! This Etsy Shop (SugarMohawk) must have been on a total sugar high when coming up with these recipes. How yummy do all of these cool concoctions look? Check out all the crazy combos that I bet you have never seen before. These could definitely be the hit at your next kiddie event! Nerds, Cotton Candy, Red Velvet, chocolate-what’s not to love! Sugar Jaw Melt Swirls which are cotton candy balls dipped in chocolate. Candied apples with a sprinkle twist. Sweet donut holes stuffed with blackbe...

News: Apartheid in New York City

Pranking is good. Pranking in New York City is even better. These jesters with too much time on their hands decided to force segregation on the mean streets of Manhattan. You may recall "Frozen in Grand Central" and "No Pants", two events which helped create a name for these out of work thespians. The genesis for Improv Everywhere happened nine years ago when one of the founders decided to tell the ladies in the bar that he was musician Ben Folds during one late night of drinking. Ummm. It wo...

News: World Cup Crash Tests

You know how it is. A huge world class event comes to your town, World Cup for example, and all of a sudden everything is changed. TVs are on everywhere, tourists are pouring into your city and roads are packed with raving football fanatics. Road rules are bent and twisted in every way imaginable and all of a sudden those 5-seaters gain the capacity of city buses. People are sticking out of all car openings, music blasting and all. While this type of atmosphere is uber-exciting, you still hav...

News: My Name is Kira, and I'm an Addict...

...a FarmVille addict, that is. Poor Kira is just one of many who pours way too much time and money into their virtual Facebook homesteads. Zynga’s FarmVille is the most popular of the many Facebook web games. In fact, it attracts more than 75 million players monthly.

News: Welcome to the World of SCRABBLE!

If you love Scrabble, like me, this is the place for you. At least, I hope so. I want this to be a place for Scrabble lovers, both experts and novices, to learn and share their knowledge about gameplay and upcoming Scrabble events. The aim is to make this the only Scrabble resource you will ever need to go to. But I can't do it alone.

HowTo: Watch TV and Movies on the Web for Free

Prepared to transition into watching TV and movies for free? Whether you're interested in using apps like Boxee and Hulu or set-top devices like Roku and TiVo, LifeHacker offers an exhaustive guide to ditching your cable bill. Check out the pros and cons of switching to web only viewing.

How To: Make a crystal wedding tree

In this video we will show you where you can find the perfect tree for your wedding centerpiece or table decor. If you choose to use a metal tree for your crystal floral arrangement, our video will show you numerous ways to decorate metal trees with crystals, flowers, orchids, candles and numerous other event styles and decor. The most often asked question is "How many crystals?". In this video of the Crystal Wedding Tree by we will help you choose the design to fit your budget...

News: LG G3 Set for a July 17th U.S. Release

When Korean electronics giant LG debuted its next-generation flagship phone at a London press event 2 weeks ago, the only question that remained unanswered was the timing of its release. As the 5.5-inch qHD phone hits stores in Korea, folks in the U.S. market patiently awaited a stateside debut.