Societal Willingness Search Results

How To: Make a mini shoulder bag (murse) for your man with Gianny L

We ladies have had to primp and scrutinize ourselves for thousands of years, painstakingly plucking, waxing, painting, and slathering in order to conform to societal ideals of the perfect woman. And until recently men haven't felt the need to conform physically to much of anything until recently. According to British publication "The Guardian," there's a new revolution in male grooming and accessorizing/dressing where men actually want to look model thin, well dressed, and well groomed.

How To: Popcorn Ceiling Removal

You don't have to live with that unsightly popcorn ceiling anymore! If you want to get rid of the popcorn ceiling your home, you can do it with just a small amount of equipment and the willingness to deal with some hard work. This video will show you how to remove popcorn ceilings.

How To: Do a parkour wall flip

Sadly, you can't really slow down time and dodge bullets like Neo. But the wall flip is one "Matrix"-style parkour trick you can do in real life. All it takes is a lot of practice... And the willingness to risk slipping up and landing in the hospital with a busted skull.

How To: Do an ollie on a skateboard like a pro

Invented by Alan "Ollie" Gelfand in 1977, the Ollie is a skateboarding trick where the rider pops the tail of his skateboard into the air and then jumps with the board ‘stuck’ to his or her feet. Learn how to do an Ollie. You will need a skateboard, a flat & dry surface, lots of practice, and courage, stamina & the willingness to fall down a lot.

How To: Become happier

Skip the pharmaceuticals and the endless scratch on win lottery tickets. Here are some concrete happiness boosters. You will need more sleep, the willingness to help others, a grateful attitude, strong social ties, an exercise program, fun plans, lowered expectations, and optional: spiritualism. Watch this video for advice on how to become happier.

How To: Get some sleep when you have a newborn

Is sleep deprivation threatening your sanity? Before you fall apart, try a few tricks that have worked for other new moms. You will need breast milk, a willingness to share your bedroom, power naps and help. Warning: Talk to your doctor before bringing your baby into bed with you. There are risks associated with this practice. Watch this video for tips to help you through those early, sleepless months with your newborn.

How To: Be a dumpster diving freegan

So you recycle your newspapers and plastics. Big deal. “Freegans” are trying to save the environment by living exclusively on stuff in your trash. Here’s how to join them. You will need a willingness to get dirty, a tolerance for eating food from the garbage, and a commitment never to buy anything new. Watch this video tutorial and learn how to dumpster dive and live like a freegan.

How To: Be a lineman in football

This how to video shows you how to become a better lineman. First, you will need to know that blocking is a matter of position, leverage, and force. You should have courage, determination, intelligence, and willingness to give maximum effort for six seconds. For the first drill, you will have the fit drill. You will line up against a team mate and drive them up for five yards. The next drill is the two step punch and fit drill. You will emphasize your first initial step into the blocker. Thro...

How To: Fly stand-by

Need to leave town earlier or later than planned? Flying stand-by is not as simple as it used to be. Learn how to fly stand by - you never know when it may be necessary.

News: Apple Just Hired an AR Specialist from NASA

Apple likes to play their cards close to the vest, don't they? The iconic company doesn't usually reveal much about their projects until it's time for an official announcement. But sometimes ... They can't stop a leak of information from happening, or they just leak the news themselves like Steve Jobs used to. That brings us to today's news. It appears the tech giant has hired an augmented reality specialist from NASA to join their AR team.

How To: Control Your Buying Impulses by Window Shopping

Shopping: you either love it or hate it. With a tight budget, shopping can become a huge headache for even the biggest shopaholic. We've all been there, and we've all given in to our impulses and bought something we probably shouldn't have. Yet strolling through the mall doesn't have to require a strong will to keep your credit card from entering a downward spiral. You just need to keep your hands to yourself.

How To: Eat for Free at DragonCon 2012

If you're like me, you've already spent a ton of money on your costumes, your badge, and your hotel room, and now you're looking for ways to cut costs. There are all kinds of ways to save money at DragonCon, but many of them involve violating the rules in some way, such as not buying a badge, sleeping on the floor in a hallway somewhere, etc. However, the one thing you can do that is totally not against the rules is eat for free. It requires a little self-discipline and a willingness to eat w...

Social Engineering: How to Use Persuasion to Compromise a Human Target

Social engineering makes headlines because human behavior is often the weakest link of even well-defended targets. Automated social engineering tools can help reclusive hackers touch these techniques, but the study of how to hack human interactions in person is often ignored. Today, we will examine how to use subtle, hard to detect persuasion techniques to compromise a human target.

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