Sort Approach Search Results

How To: DIY your own iPad stylus

While the iPad can do many things, it is missing the ability to be controlled by anything other than a finger. This can be frustrating if you would like to use your iPad for more intricate activities such as drawing or designing.

How To: Wash a male horse's sheath

This video shows how to wash a horse's sheath. The instructor notes that you do not want to wash the horse's sheath to often because certain good bacteria needs to exist in the horse's sheath. It is noted that you can use soap but his method of choice is to just use water to clean the sheath. This sort of sheath cleaning is only necessary with tame horses and must be done very carefully. The instructor notes that you can just let water run into the sheath and just let it remove any dirt. It i...

How To: Pull of the perfect pre-shot routine in golf

In this video, Tom Leese, Director of Instruction at Angel Park Golf Club, gives pointers for your pre-shot routine in golf. Important in the transition from the practice range to real games, your pre-shot routine helps you get situated and ready to play real competitive golf. Tom explains, first, how to set your lines, taking a straight and purposeful line down course where you want your ball to go, and remaining fixed on it, as you approach your tee. Then, when positioned at your ball, he t...

How To: Rejuvenate and repair damaged hair

This video shows the viewer how to rejuvenate damaged hair with a few simple techniques. The first stage is to not let the hair get damaged in the first place. One of the most common causes of damaged hair is excess use of heat on the hair – either through a blow drier, straightening iron or a curling iron. Another cause of damaged hair is allowing the hair to become matted. This can be sorted out by simply combing the hair. If the hair has become damaged the recommended approach is to get it...

How To: Perform a standard non-precision approach and landing procedure in an aircraft

A pilot that earns an instrument rating is a pilot that's mastered his or her flight skills to a level or precision and accuracy needed to safely fly an airplane through clouds, fog, and other adverse weather conditions. While flying in these weather conditions, known as IMC, or instrument meteorological conditions, a pilot is tasked with flying an airplane solely by reference to flight instruments. The pilot needs to be able to go from takeoff to landing, without having any outside visual re...

How To: Get women by avoiding the 'weirdo zone'

In this video from Inner Confidence, they demonstrate how to not get too into a women's personal space. A way to not approach a woman is to approach her head on. It is much less intrusive if you approach her from the side. The girl in the video says that a man's attractiveness depends on his groundedness. Some guys to not realize they are socially awkward. When guys take this program they are more relaxed and the know what to say. She says a big turn off is a guy who is really feminine. A qua...

How To: Make nitric acid

Watch this science video tutorial from Nurd Rage on how to make nitric acid. They show three ways to make nitric acid based on two different chemical approaches, both of which can be done using easily accessible materials.

How To: Sort data with sorting functions in Microsoft Excel

Whether you're interested in learning Microsoft Excel from the bottom up or just looking to pick up a few tips and tricks, you're in the right place. In this tutorial from everyone's favorite digital spreadsheet guru, ExcelIsFun, the 16th installment in his "Highline Excel Class" series of free video Excel lessons, you'll learn how to sort data in MS Excel. Specifically, you'll see the following:

How To: Approach questions on SAT passage section

Eva Holtz shows us how to approach different types of questions on the SAT, in this episode from Brightstorm. The different types of questions in the SAT Passages section include "Vocabulary in Context", "Line reference", "Whole passage", and "I, II, III, except, least, not" questions. Eva explains that the best way to approach Vocabulary in Context questions is to treat them like Sentence Completion questions. First, read two lines before and after the word in question. Then, it's best to ca...

How To: Sort table contents in MS Word 2007

This is another technology video. This video will teach us how to sort table contents in Microsoft Word 2007. The video starts out with a Word 2007 document with a sample table. When you click on the table, you will see the Table Tools tab appear above the ribbon. Click the Table Tools button, then click Layout and finally the Sort Button. The sort dialog box allows you to choose which column to sort by, which direction you would like to sort, and any secondary sorting you would ...

How To: Sort data by multiple columns in Microsoft Excel

Today we are going to learn how to sort data in a Microsoft Excel 2003 spread sheet. We will go over single column and multiple column sorting. In a single column sort you may high light the data or just click on any cell in the column. Once the data is selected look for the sort icons just under the menu bars. There is a sort ascending and sort descending icon. Click on the icon and Excel will sort the list. When sorting multiple columns the data must be in columns next to each other. If the...

How To: Sort data in single columns & whole tables in Excel

To sort data in Excel spreadsheets, have each category (for example, first and last names) in a single column. Click on any cell in the column you wish to sort. Be careful not to highlight the entire column, or results will be sorted only in that column. Click on DATA on the ribbon at the top. To sort in descending order, click on the z-a button. For more detail, click on the main SORT button, and you can specify which columns you want sorted and how. For instance, you can sort by descending ...

How To: Sort columns in MS Excel

In this how to video, you will learn how to sort columns in Excel with the Excel Experts. This is great if you want to learn the basics of sorting in the program. First, you must have Excel installed and running. Open up a spreadsheet that needs columns to be sorted. Select the column. Go to data and sort. Click options and select left to right. Choose the row you want to use and select the order. To undo this, go to sort and change the sort order. This video offers straight forward advice fo...

How To: Sort data in Excel shows how to sort data in Excel 2007. Excel has many options for sorting data according to any given column. To sort your data, right click on a cell in the column that you want to sort by. A menu comes up where you will see the “Sort” option. Hold your mouse over “Sort” and another menu comes up showing the different ways to sort. For example, if you select “Sort Smallest to Largest” it will take all the data and sort it from the row that has the lowest figure u...

How To: Sort Excel data in custom order

This how to video shows you how to sort data in Excel in a custom order. First, open a spread sheet in Excel. Select a column of cells with words that you want sorted. Click the office button and select Excel options. Go to edit custom list. You will see different custom lists. Click import to import your selection as a custom list. Next, you can go back to a sheet with those words that you want sorted and click the sort command. Select custom list on the order tab and select your new custom ...

How To: Find, replace & sort in MS Excel

In order to Find, Replace, and Sort, using MS Excel, become familiar with your home tab. When you click on Sort, it will give you the opportunity to sort in different ways: e.g. alphabetically. If you accidentally shift your table, you can undo it by using Ctrl + Z. Custom Sort will allow you to be very specific in the way you want your data sorted. You can add or remove a filter with the same drop down menu, in order to be even more precise.

How To: Sort data in Excel

A major plus in using Microsoft Excel is its ability to sort large amounts of data. What's the use of Excel, if you don't know how to sort? In this short video clip, learn how to go about sort your data in the order needed.

How To: Sort a range in Excel

Using Excel, sorting large or small pools of data has never been easier. In this Excel tutorial, learn how to sort a range of data in Excel and what steps to do so, from start to finish. Sort totals, percentages, or decimals in a range in descending or acsending order with help from this video.

How To: Use basic hammer strikes in blacksmithing

Blacksmithing is an ancient art of metalsmithing that has never gone away and is still done today! Knowing about heat and what sort of metals to use is good, but if you are just whacking at the metal wildly without any sort of form, you're doing it wrong. In this video you will learn the eight basic hammer strikes in blacksmithing that you will need to know to do any sort of blacksmithing.

How To: Boof effectively in whitewater kayaking

Shane Benedict explains key techniques to an effective boof. Everybody wants to know how to boof. The boof is, without a doubt, the most essential weapon in your creeking arsenal. There are several key points to making this move effective; approach, stroke, and body placement are the three that we are going to focus on in this segment. We’ll allow Shane to explain…

How To: Sort data with queries in Microsoft Office Access 2007

The Microsoft Office Access 2007 relational database manager enables information workers to quickly track and report information with ease thanks to its interactive design capabilities that do not require deep database knowledge. In this Microsoft Access video tutorial, you'll learn about sorting data using queries. For detailed instructions, and to get started using queries to sort data for yourself, watch this how-to.

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