Sound Quality Search Results

News: A DreamWorks Tablet Is Coming. What's Next, HBO GO Phones?

If I could think of one thing the world was missing, it would surely be more tablets. While people struggle between shelling out 200 to 500 dollars for a new iPad, Nexus 7, Kindle Fire, Microsoft Surface, or one of the hundred other tablets on the market, the folks over at DreamWorks have decided to make their own, aptly named the Dreamtab. The Dreamtab will have an 8-inch screen and favor applications with the use of a stylus, for coloring and the like. Total cost is rumored to be under 300 ...

How To: Make the Ringtone on Your Samsung Galaxy Note 2, Galaxy S3, or Other Android Phone Auto Adjust to Your Surroundings

Having your phone ring loudly in a quiet environment could be potentially embarrassing for you, but also quite annoying for everyone else that didn't forget to put their smartphone on silent. Whether it's in class, at work during a meeting, at the library, or a movie screening—you can bet that someone's phone is going to ring loudly, pissing some people off. You don't really want to be that douchebag that interrupts a movie or the middle of a lecture with their annoying ringtone just because ...

How To: Monitor Your Drinking in Style with the Buzzed Buzzer—A DIY Breathalyzer Party Horn

Last week, the whole world ushered in the new year, celebrating the start of 2013 with family and friends, and of course, that little thing we like to call alcohol. But just because New Years Day is over doesn't mean the party is. And surely, there will be some assholes out there that will drink and drive this year. It happens. So, how can you make sure you're not one of those assholes?

How To: New YouTube Capture App Lets You Record, Edit, and Upload Videos Easily with Your iPhone

After everyone updated their shiny Apple devices to iOS 6 a few months ago, they were shocked to find that their beloved YouTube app was missing. As it turned out, Apple decided to kick YouTube off their list of pre-installed stock apps. The new YouTube app (found in the iTunes App Store) is definitely better than the native one from iOS 5, but it's lacking a direct upload to YouTube option. Sure, you could upload videos from your iPhone's Camera Roll, but the options are limited as to what y...

How To: Build a Long Range Laser Spy System for Eavesdropping on Your Neighbors

Eavesdropping from a distance can be tricky because it usually requires some sort of bug or transmitter. It's easy to transmit audio through lasers, but you can also use lasers to build a microphone that picks up audio from a distance. LucidScience built the Laser Spy System for about $20. To make your own, you'll need a cheap laser pointer, an NPN phototransistor, a headphone amp, and a few other small pieces listed below. A light-to-sound circuit is installed in a small plastic box with the...

How To: Make Trippy EL Wire Headphones That Dance to the Beat of Your Music

At one time or another, we've all enjoyed the visualizations that came stock in Windows Media Player. I remember spending hours listening to my favorite album, putting the graphic equalizer on full screen, and getting lost in the flurry of colors that would dance across the screen. Well, now thanks to the imaginative mind of Instructables user yardleydobon, you can now recreate this rainbow-colored music visualizer right on top of your freaking head—with these trippy EL wire headphones, which...

How To: Listen to Text Messages and Other Notifications While Driving—Without Touching Your Phone

The car is arguably one of the worst places to receive a text message. You know you can't resist looking, and when you do, your attention is no longer on driving, it's on reading the latest gossip or whatever. You take your eyes of the road for just a few seconds and you could get an expensive ticket, or even worse—an accident. But you can't just ignore that notification sound or vibration, can you? So, if you just have to know what it says right then and there, why not at least do it in a sa...

How To: Save Some Cash on Apple's New Hybrid Fusion Drive and Make Your Own!

At the most recent Apple event, the company announced its new Fusion Drive, a hybrid hard drive designed to increase performance and speed by combining traditional and flash storage. It's composed of a small solid-state disk and a larger spinning hard disk drive, and files and applications are moved back and forth between the two based on how often you use them. A chunk of memory is reserved for whatever task you're currently doing, which means that multitasking doesn't slow down your compute...

How To: Find Out Who's Trying to Unlock Your Samsung Galaxy S III with the Hidden Eye Android App

With the Samsung Galaxy S III being a hot commodity, it's no surprise that your friends might try unlocking your fancy password-protected phone. While some friends have good intentions when using your phone, there are those certain friends who get into the phone to do this... The worst scenario might be that you leave the phone around a group of friends, come back and find that all of your social media accounts have been hacked. When you yell out to your friends asking who did it, no one make...

How To: Hack Your Mini-Fridge into a Vending Machine to Take Care of Freeloading Friends at Your Next Party

It always sounds like a good idea to throw a party... until the party gets there. Next thing you know, you're running around hiding anything breakable, and once everyone leaves, you're stuck cleaning up the mess. But the worst part is footing the bill for everything, and if you don't charge at the door, your chances of getting anyone to chip in are slim to none once the party starts.

How To: No Jelly Bean for You? Motorola Offers Trade-In Program, Gives Credit for Newer Android 4.1 Devices

Thousands of Android users have been disappointed to learn that getting the latest firmware update isn't as easy as it sounds. Some really popular phones like the Samsung Galaxy S III just started getting the Jelly Bean upgrade, with the update continuing to roll out over the next couple of weeks overseas. All of the stateside S3 users will have to wait even longer for Android 4.1.

How To: Turn Any Ammo Box into an Awesome Set of Portable Speakers

Believe it or not, an ammo box can still be of use to you once its rounds are gone. You can use it for storage, as a toolbox, or possibly even as a Faraday cage. But if you want to use it as more than just a container, why not turn it into a portable set of speakers that you can take with you anywhere? The ammo can speaker pictured above was made by Instructables user Dustin White. He started with an empty .50 cal box, though you could probably even use thinner 5.56 or 7.62 mm cans. He remove...

How To: Repair or Replace Your Broken Headphone Jacks

If you haven't met a person that's broken a pair of headphones, you might need to get out more. No matter how expensive or cheap a pair of headphones are, the sound can get buggy, the wire can get cut, or the headphone jack itself can be broken or ripped off the cord. But instead of buying a new set of headphones or borrowing the ones from your cousin with the earwax problem, you can easily fix it yourself.

How To: Roll Up an Extension Cord. Good One!

How to roll up an extension cord. Rolling up an extension cord. Extension cord. It sounds like a basic skill but it's amazing just how many people just don't know how to roll up an extension cord. For the DIY'er and tradesman alike there are probably two main methods. There's my way of doing it (which l show in this video titled how to roll up an extension cord) and the other is similar to the method used by skydivers to roll up their parachute cords. They are both good and you could use eith...

How To: Get Free Microsoft Points with Xbox LIVE's New Rewards Program

We all expect a little something on our birthdays, so why should those expectations drop when we are talking about our gaming systems? Microsoft has started handing out birthday gifts to its Xbox LIVE Gold members with their new MyAchievements rewards program. Those eligible for the gift will automatically receive the offer on their dashboard. To be eligible for the free gift, you must be: