Space Filled Search Results

How To: Play a drum fill on your snare drum

What is a drum fill? Simply put, it is a short rhythmic idea played by the drummer to fill a space at the end of a vocal or instrumental phrase. All you need is a drum kit with a snare drum, and you're set. Just don't steal it, please.

How To: Draw the planet Saturn

In this how-to video, you will learn how to create a drawing of Saturn. First, fill in the area with black to create space. Next, create a circle and a ring around it. This will be the basis of the planet. Go into the ring by filling it in with more color. Now, fill in the planet with the darker shades. Once this is complete, you can fill in the planet with the striped colors. You must do the same with the ring. Finally, go back into the planet and do some fine tuning. Once this is done, the ...

How To: Make a lava lamp as a cool science experiment for kids

In this Family video tutorial you will learn how to make a lava lamp as a cool science experiment for kids. For this project you will need food coloring, water, vegetable oil and antacid pills. Take a bottle and fill quarter of the bottle with water. Fill up the rest of the space with oil. The water and oil will remain separate. Now drop food coloring in to the bottle. Each color will behave differently. For example, green settles at the bottom, yellow stays in the middle, red dissolves right...

How To: Create a grassy summer meadow inspired makeup look

Unfortunately for the greater portion of gals who live in or close to cities, we aren't blessed with idyllic, wide open spaces filled with green meadows, wildflowers, and perfect clouds in a perfect white sky. Uncommercialized or used spaces are hard to find, which is why getting a taste of green scenery is so important for our well being (it's easy to feel overwhelmed by city life!).

How To: Boil water without proper equipment

This video is a demonstration of an easy way to boil water while camping. Simply take a plastic bottle, fill it to the top with no space for air, close the bottle, start a fire and place the bottle in the fire. Since there is no air in the bottle it won't melt. After a couple minutes you will have boiling water. Careful removing the bottle from the fire.

How To: Draw the Earth

This video shows how to draw a picture of the Earth. First draw a rough circle in black. Add blue sea areas inside the circle but leave a white space in the shape of Africa and a white space for Europe above it. On the left leave a white space for a part of America. Fill all the land areas in green. Draw an outline in turquoise round all the land areas. Add some lighter blue smudges on the sea and some yellow on the land. Add a few small brown touches at the poles and on some of the land area...

How To: Knit a spider stitch

Watch this two part instructional knitting video to knit a spider stitch. A spider stitch is a stitch used in lace making to fill in open spaces with threads resembling a cobweb. The knitter's version of this stitch makes an elegant, open weave pattern.The Continental method is used here, meaning the yarn is held with the left hand.

How To: Make a container herb garden

Container gardening is a great way to grow plants, vegetables and herbs without needing a lot of space. Herbs do especially well and can be grown right outside your kitchen door. In this video, you'll learn how to use an old farmer's market basket to make a great container garden. Fill it with your favorite herbs and your cooking will be full of flavor all summer long.

How To: Memory Full? Optimize the Photos on Your Samsung Galaxy S3 to Free Up Storage Space

While the increasing superiority of smartphone cameras is great, they can be a double-edged sword. Sure, we get great images that are crystal clear, but at what price? Storage space on your devices ends up paying the price for this luxury, filling up quickly due to the high-quality images and their grotesquely large size. Not only that, but most photo editing applications only make it worse. Adding a few filters, changing the hue/saturation, or adding some text across the picture can all incr...

How To: Plant an iris

This video shows how to plant an iris. Be sure to select a spot that gets about six inches of sun a day to plant an iris. When planting more than one iris, be sure to space them about a foot apart. This will encourage them to grow tall. When you dig the hole, don't dig it too deep. Also, make a little mound in the center of the hole. Spread the roots of the iris over the little mound so that the hole drains and the plant doesn't rot. You want about a third of your rysem sticking up out of the...

How To: Make instant sangria

In order to make a really good quick little sangria follow the directions in this video. Start by filling up about ¾ of a cup with wine. Add a splash of coke filling up about half of the remaining space in the cup. Add some fresh lime by squeezing a freshly cut lime. Then use a spoon or a stirring stick to stir the drink up a little bit. It is just that quick and you have a nice festive drink for your event.

How To: Use the blend tool in Adobe Illustrator

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to use the blend tool in Adobe Illustrator. The blend tool will allow users to create objects between two strokes or filled objects. When you double-click on the blend tool, there will be 3 options to select from. Select the spacing and press OK. The three spacing options are: Smooth Color, Specify Steps and Specified Distance. Users are also able to select the amount strokes between the two objects. Now select the points of the two objects and it wil...

How To: Attract more business with feng shui

Elizabeth Chamberlain with Space Lift demonstrates how to attract more business with feng shui. To attract more business you need helpful people to hire you or to spread the word about your goods and services. The travel of information is also important in business. Your house should address these areas. First, find the focus room on your energy map by laying the energy map on top of your home floor plan. The travel and helpful people area is in the lower right corner of your home, standing i...

How To: Remove the background from a bitmap in Xara Xtreme

Xara Xtreme works with 2D image rendering and comes with a number of features to support your tasks. Removing a background in a bitmap can be done with ease. You can either fill the background with a solid color or just delete the space around it. You can also overlap the image and delete the remaining background then finish editing your image. There are a number of ways to remove space in your image and this video will demonstrate how to remove the background from a bitmap in Xara Xtreme.

How To: Draw Daffy Duck on your own

First of all you have to draw the two big eyes and a curved line supporting them. Now draw and darken the two eyeballs. Draw the top portion of the head and make some curves of hair at the top. Draw the round cheeks on both sides. Now you have to draw the round beak and the mouth as shown. Then draw the narrow neck and then draw two lines around it. Draw two nostrils over the beak and then also draw the two eyebrows. Now color the drawing as shown. Fill in black color in the face and neck. Le...

Apple AR: ARKit & Machine Learning Come Together Making Smarter Augmented Reality

The world is a massive place, especially when you consider the field of view of your smartglasses or mobile device. To fulfill the potential promise of augmented reality, we must find a way to fill that view with useful and contextual information. Of course, the job of creating contextual, valuable information, to fill the massive space that is the planet earth, is a daunting task to take on. Machine learning seems to be one solution many are moving toward.

How To: Make a balloon wizard hat

In order to make a wizard balloon hat, you will need 6 partially filled balloons. Twist two segments. Then, add another balloon. Continue in this way. Keep adding a balloon each time you make 2 twisted segments. Next, begin weaving them in a way. Twist each balloon and connecting it with other balloons. Once you work your way around, you should have sort of an octagonal shape with a lot of legs. Attach larger ones to the twists. It is important to be careful to fill the balloons with the appr...

How To: Make three-cheese ravioli

FoodNetworkTV shows you how to make three-cheese ravioli. This filled ravioli also includes pancetta and wild mushrooms. To make the dough take one pound of flour pour right on the table and make a well. Put in eggs and kneed together. Let it rest then begin the sauce. Coat your pan with oil, smash some garlic in pan add pancetta then remove garlic. Slice the mushrooms and put them in the pan with some chicken stock. For the filling add some ricotta, eggs,parmesan, and taleggio cheese. Place ...

How To: Open files on your iPhone

Iphone is a innovative product from Apple, which can be used for many purposes. Some times even when using different applications and having a collection of music in your Iphone you may still be left with some space on it. Now you can use this space to fill it with other files which are not necessarily supported by the phone. Air sharing is a wonderful application which lets you drag and drop files into your Iphone. You can now browse it from any connected computer in your local network. So a...

How To: Make jelly or jam from fruit

To make this jelly you will need a food puree-r. Start with a large bowl of blueberries. Take a small amount of the blueberries and put them into a separate bowl and mash them up. You don't want to puree all the blueberries. Dump the rest of the blueberries into the puree and start pureeing them into the bowl with the smashed blueberries in it. Turn the handle a few turns and then add the grapes into the puree-r with the blueberries. Puree the rest of the of the grapes and blueberries until t...

How To: Weigh the shoulder and attach the arm on a reborn doll

In this tutorial, we learn how to weigh the shoulder and attach the arm on a reborn doll. First, gather all of your tools and then start to fill the shoulder of the doll. Do this by filling 1/3 of the top of the shoulder joint with poly fill. Next, fill the middle with poly pellets and leave room for more poly fill fiber. Once you have done this, place small amount of poly fiber fill over the pellets. Don't over-fill the arm. Then, attach the arms to the boxy and tighten it up with the fluff ...

How To: Prepare yourself for a major disaster

In this video, we learn how to prepare yourself for a major disaster. If you haven't planned ahead for storing water, you are going to be in big trouble. Your first option is to go purchase liters of water from the grocery store. The recommended quantity to store is 1 gallon per person per day. If you don't want to spend money at the store, you just need to fill up empty bottles with water from the tap and store these after cleaning. You can also fill the water in a large jug, just make sure ...

How To: Build a shadowbox style privacy fence

The video begins with a finished fence being shown as an example of what your final product should look like. The first step is to lay out straight lines with string to create the outline of fence parameter. To set the first post you must dig a five inch hole in the ground which the post is placed in. The post will be set along the string line spaced out about four inches evenly along the parameter. the holes must be filled in with rock or cement to set them securely. You must then nail board...

How To: Pack pots and pans for storage or movement

Moving is such a hassle! Packing is a big job but this video shows and easy way to pack out pots and pans. You will need 4-5 cubit foot cartons. You can get these from your mover or you can purchase them from a moving company. You will also want to get clean newsprint, packing tape, a moving blanket, and a permanent ink marker. Prepare your 4-5 foot carton by putting crushed paper on the bottom. This will act as a cushion for the pots and pans. Put the moving blanket or a protected pad on the...

How To: Begin playing Sudoku

Jacky Liao and Tony Liao describe the main attributes of Sudoku and provide tips on how to solve the puzzle. Sudoku is a popular puzzle just like crossword. It is a puzzle of a 9X9 square sub-divided into 3X3 squares. You have to fill each column and row with digits 1 through 9 in any order. Each 3X3 sub-square must include all digits 1 through 9. Every Sudoku game starts with a few of the squares filled in. The more squares that are filled in the easier it is to play. As you fill in the squa...

How To: Make herbal capsules with a capsule machine

Mountain Rose Herbs John Gallagher shows us how to make our own quality powdered herb capsules using a machine in this video. You will need three things to do this, your powdered herbs, zero size capsules and a zero size capsule machine. He shows us the parts of the capsule machine so we can follow his instructions. Find a container to put the base of the machine in, pull apart the capsules, putting the bottom part in the bottom of the machine and the top in the top part of the machine, filli...

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