Spaghetti Strap Search Results

3 Dreams Of Black: An Interactive Music Video You Can Create and Control

Video games are the most prevalent type of interactive media, but certainly not the only one. The interactive music video for the song "3 Dreams of Black" by supergroup ROME and digital artist Chris Milk utilizes the latest web design technology, video game influenced art and interactivity, and large crowd-sourced elements to form a compelling work of art. ROME is composed of producer extraordinaire Danger Mouse, Italian film composer Daniele Luppi, Norah Jones, and Jack White. Their recent e...

UPDATE: Wafaa Bilal’s Head Rejects Camera Implant

If you missed our previous posts on Iraqi artist Wafaa Bilal's attempt to go cyborg, here's the short and skinny: First, Bilal announced a plan to implant a camera in his head, a project entitled 3rdi, which would record his daily life while simultaneously feeding the images to monitors at the Arab Museum of Modern Art in Doha, Qatar. Then, he actually did it (and, yes, it was gnarly).

News: Building Links With Onlywire

This article is all about creating content and using it to build links to your website. Content, meaning articles, videos, and even podcasts is now really the new advertising. That’s because people go to the internet to look for information, not look at advertising. So you need to create compelling content about your business, your industry in general and any topics connected to your entire field that people will want to read, listen to or watch.

How To: Use Content For Promoting Websites

This article is all about creating content. This is a very important concept to grasp because the content that you create for a website is going to be the basis for how you will advertise and promote that website. Content, meaning articles, videos, and even podcasts is now really the new advertising. Instead of traditional types of advertising and instead of the traditional separation between editorial content and advertising, that has gone the way of the dinosaur.

News: The Griswold Jump

This stunt is meant to be a parody of National Lampoon's Vacation with JACKASS fixins. The "Holiday Road" song will be playing in the background as the entire cast is stuffed into this beautiful Lime Green 80's wagon. The wagon should be padded inside with as many male and female blow-up dolls, dressed as "leather boys" and "bondage girls", as humanly possible. The hood ornament on the station wagon must be a sculpted version of the DICK HOUSE rooster in vibrant color. On top of the staion wa...

How To: Prepare Your Child For School

Academically Preparing Your Child For School Many parents are anxious when their child begins school for the first time, especially when he/she is the first child to leave the nest. Is my little one ready for school? What should my child know/be able to do before starting? Unless you have teacher friends or have been given guidelines by the school it can be difficult to know how to get your child ready academically. Here are a few tips to help give your child a good start.

News: Roller Skate Bobsled

Go to one of those dry-training bobsled places where Olympians train for bobsled and luge during summer when there is no snow . . . strap skates on the guys and have races down or send one down and then fire bowling balls after him. Or if in winter, same thing but on ice skates.

News: Spring Horse Rodeo

Ok, here is what I was thinking. You take a classic toy that most of us know as a child the horse with the springs that we all played on at one time or another. Then we strap that to a truck or trailer. Then we ride through the desert or dunes and try to hold on for as long as possible.


Get lots of fake blood, put it in little packets that can be broken easily. Strap someone up with rollerblades and knee pads helmet etc. Put the fake blood pouches on your body, tape them ore something, then go to a area where there's stairs and lots of people and attempt to jump them or roll down them. You fall on purpose and make sure you pop all the fake blood packs (have some in your mouth and helmet). act like your in serious pain and get up all dazed and confused. Quickly stumble or bla...

News: Ass Rocket Race!!!!

What we do is strap heavy duty bottle rockets to the cast's respective asses. Their pants will have padding of cource. We then stick them on skateboards and light the rockets and see how far they'll go. To make this more fun they dress up like whatever they want to. This should be funny due to the painful reactions from the cast when the rockets explode. Its not like the cast isn't used to things blowing up in there ass right?

News: the shitty ending

Here is what to do, get a catapult fill it full of poo launch it and try to hit someone that’s strapped onto a huge target and once you hit them they sound a horn, bam goes down a ramp on a skateboard dodging piles of poo if he clears it he hits a sign that drops steve-o into a pile of poo he vomits into a bucket, the weight of the bucket pulls the string attached to it, it opens a little gate were wee-man crawls through and he goes into like a suridge pipe, once he gets out the other end he ...

News: The FlyScream Cone

This is called the FlyScream Cone: You go to a them park where they have a bungee swing. The one that raises a person and once release they swing from side to side. In this case you one person strapped in and ready to go. One the bottom you have someone holding an ice cream cone. The first person gets released and he zooms down towards the second person holding the ice cream. his goal is to lick the ice cream as he zooms by. There you have it, the "FlyScream cone"

News: (Lost)(The Milkshake)(The Rollerblader)(The Shit)(PissFight)

- (Lost) Get lots of bright snow gear including a survival/ travel backpack with tins and cans and rope etc hanging from the back and have a seperate big bag kinda like a duffle bag attached to a rope attached to your waist and go to a very populated area like downtown L.A. or something and walk really slow on the sidewalk or street liek ur in a blizzard. Helps to have snowshoes, ice pics etc.

How To: Design Your Own Custom Arduino Board Microcontroller

Microcontrollers are great. You can do anything from water your garden to catch wildlife trash diggers in the act—and on the cheap. I prefer to use the Arduino microcontroller because of the large and helpful community built around the website. Though it is my favorite, there are some drawbacks to using an Arduino board in every project. It gets expensive, the board can take up too much space, and the rat's nest of breadboard wires are a pain to repair.

How To: File a Last-Minute 2010 Income Tax Return: Save Money, Get Free Tax Help & More!

Ever since high school, I've been preparing my own taxes. Each year it gets more and more complicated, which results in me filing later and later, avoiding it until I have the time or just can't wait any longer. I even resorted to using TurboTax online to help do some of the grunt work for me these past couple years, but that hasn't stopped me from being lazy about it. I have yet to file my 2010 taxes, but I will very soon. Tomorrow, in fact—before TurboTax raises their prices.

News: Introduction To Creating Content

This article is all about creating content. This is a very important concept to grasp because the content that you will learn how to create is going to be the basis for how you will advertise and promote your website. Content, meaning articles, videos, and even podcasts. Content is now really the new advertising. Instead of traditional types of advertising and instead of the traditional separation between editorial content and advertising, that has gone the way of the dinosaur.

News: The Nuthouse Electric Chairs

The entire Jackass gang are seated around a large conference table. They are seriously strapped down in the chairs and wires & electrodes are attached to all of them. In front of each them is are large unmarked push buttons. Each umarked button is linked to a certain Jackass member. When any button is pushed, some serious voltage is sent to a specific person. However the juice will be turned off, for most of the time, for a preceding event will be taking place will be well, SOME WEIRD STRANGE...

News: Wake Up Sunshine

One night after partying, find the most wasted person in the group. For security purposes, don't be afraid to slip him a roofie or two throughout the night. The next morning, while he is still sleeping, strip him down butt-naked, put a blindfold and a pair of ear muffs on him, and carry him out to the car (this can also be done the night before) and drive to the airport early the next morning. Carefully carry him onto the plane, equip him with a parachute (either this or take him on a tandem ...

How To: Make a Self-Watering Greenhouse (In-Depth Tutorial)

I know it seems a little redundant to post this when I've already posted a video, but it is kind of hard to get more than a vague idea from the video alone. I hope this sheds a little more light on the subject. I'm sure it also seems like I'm beating this idea to death, but this one concept opens doors to further innovation. After I finish this article, I'm going to put another one up that shows a hinged, raised bed house and talk about some amazing things you can do from there.

How To: Avoid Computer Fatigue (As Best As You Can)

I don't know what I'd do without my computer. I can't do my job without the internet. I communicate with employers, friends, and family through emails, video chat and Twitter. I schedule meetings and plan deadlines. I bank. I shop. I read the news. I play games. I watch my favorite shows. Yes, I'd be rather lost without this little plastic box of circuits.

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