Special Forces Search Results

News: Fantastic Food Deals for Super Bowl 50

The big day is nearly here... Super Bowl 50 kicks off this Sunday, February 7, at 3:30 p.m. PST (6:30 p.m. EST). And whether you're having a giant party or watching the game on your big-screen TV by yourself, there's one thing you probably won't be doing: cooking food in your kitchen.

Hack Like a Pro: Metasploit for the Aspiring Hacker, Part 11 (Post-Exploitation with Mimikatz)

Welcome back, my neophyte hackers! Metasploit is such a powerful tool that I can only scratch the surface of its capabilities here. As it has developed over the years, it is now possible to use Metasploit for nearly everything from recon to post exploitation to covering your tracks. Given its versatility, every aspiring hacker should have at least a tentative grasp of Metasploit.

News: This App Blocks All Kardashian Stories from Showing on Your iPhone (Including This One)

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have fittingly named their second child "Saint," but I'm sure you don't care about that—and neither do I. Unfortunately, regardless of our pop culture interests, we're forced to know these types of stupid facts because the internet is so densely populated with Kardashian-related content that it's impossible to avoid. It's enough to make you puke.

News: Instagram Brings iPhone's 3D Touch to Android

I had the chance to play around with an iPhone 6s this past weekend, and I have to say, I found the new 3D Touch feature to be pretty intriguing. It's still only partially implemented, but when it does work, it works quite well—you simply press a bit harder on certain elements like image thumbnails, then instead of opening in a full-fledged view, you'll see a pop-up preview that fades away as soon as you let go of the screen.

Tutorial: Create Wordlists with Crunch

Greetings all. Before I get into the tutorial, I would like to mention that I am fairly new to Null Byte (been lurking for some time though), and what really appeals to me about this place is its tight, family-like community where everyone is always willing to help each other and the constant search for knowledge that inhabits this subdomain is a driving motivator for me to join in. I'm glad I arrived at the right time. Anyway, wipes tears (not really)...

How To: RandTune Keeps Your Android Fresh with Random Ringtones & Sounds

After a few months, I get so fed up with hearing the same ringtone go off alongside each new notification that I'm forced to switch things up—only to end up repeating this whole process when the new one gets played out. And I'm sure people around me are equally sick of listening to that tired old tone towards the end as well. I mean, a decade later, I'm convinced that Nokia tone is permanently implanted in my brain.

How To: 5 Simple Ways to Perk Up Your Morning Joe

Ahh, coffee. That first sip of hot goodness in the morning is glorious, isn't it? There are days when you need it straight up: No extras, please. But what about those moments when you need a little something else? When that flavored French vanilla, hazelnut mocha, blah blah blend just doesn't cut it and you want a truly special flavor in your morning joe?

How To: Automatically Upload Videos to YouTube When Recording Police with Your iPhone

The shooting of Walter Scott (who was unarmed) has been dominating the news these past few weeks. Scott, who ran away from police officer Michael Slager after a routine traffic stop, was shot in the back and pronounced dead shortly thereafter. Unlike similar cases where a cop shoots an unarmed person, the police officer involved in this particular shooting is currently in jail, facing a potential murder charge.

Food Tool Friday: Meet PancakeBot, the World's First Pancake Printer

3D printing is getting closer and closer to becoming an everyday reality—which means revolutionary things are going to start happening for the home cook. Already there's a 3D printer that can produce edible tailored fruit and the Foodini, which can print full meals, including spaghetti and burgers. However, neither are available for purchase, and most likely won't be within reach of the average cook for years.

Hack Like a Pro: Finding Potential SUID/SGID Vulnerabilities on Linux & Unix Systems

Welcome back, my nascent hackers! We have spent a lot of time in previous tutorials focused on hacking the ubiquitous Windows systems, but the vast majority of "heavy iron" around the world are Linux or Unix systems. Linux and Unix dominate the world of Internet web servers with over 60% of the market. In addition, Linux and Unix servers are the operating system of choice for major international corporations (including almost all the major banks) throughout the world.

How To: Get VPN Connection

This how-to is for everybody who faced the problem of intercepting personal data sending through the Internet and is looking for fast and secure method to protect his activity in the global network.

How To: Block Apps from Logging Your Data on Android

With root access, you're granted greater control over your device, allowing you to do things that your Android system wouldn't allow otherwise. Things like installing Xposed mods are made possible with root, but other advantages address performance and security, like stopping your Android logging, which is exactly what we'll be going over today.