Specialist's Viewpoint Search Results

How To: Iterate Faster Inside Unity Using Holographic Emulation

In recent weeks, Unity has made a few great leaps forward for HoloLens development. These new features will increase iteration speed inside Unity and quickly increase the output of applications in the mixed reality space. Of these new features, let's take some time to talk about Holographic Emulation and why this will do so much for the development community.

How To: Fix Your Hacked and Malware-Infested Website with Google

While websites may run smoothly without any noticeable vulnerabilities, there's always the looming threat that any background weakness in the site can be exploited by hackers. Once a site is compromised, it can be difficult to get it fixed without the proper help. Google has recently launched a new series entitled "Webmasters help for hacked sites”, which teaches web developers and site owners how to avoid getting hacked and how to recover their website if it gets compromised in any way.

NR50: Next Reality's 50 People to Watch: Timoni West

If you're a developer in the augmented and mixed reality space, there's a high probability that you're intimately familiar with the 3D application and game engine Unity. In May, at VisionSummit 2017, Microsoft announced that 91% of all HoloLens applications have been made with the software. But there's a section of Unity that you may not be familiar with, which has become very important to augmented, mixed, and virtual reality (known collectively as XR, for "extended reality") — Unity Labs.

News: Doctors Use 3D Holograms on the HoloLens to Aid in Collarbone Repair During Surgery

Late last year, two surgeons from the Instituto de Ortopedia e Traumatologia de Jaraguá do Sul in Brazil started using a combination of 3D printing and the Microsoft HoloLens to help plan spinal surgeries. And now, with the rest of their team, they've successfully performed a surgical procedure on their first international patient using their 3D impression planning and augmented reality process.

How To: An Extended Guide on Runtime Crypters

Hello again, folks! I'm back with another (final) guide on runtime crypters which is an extension on my previous runtime crypter guide. If you have not read it yet, I highly recommend that you do since the fundamental theory of the PE format. Again, this will be a Windows-specific guide, so I'll repeat this: If you're a hater and cringe at the slightest sound of Microsoft's grotesque baby, feel free to close this tab, delete your history, exit your browser, pour some oil onto your machine and...

Slow Down: Too Much Productivity Can Be a Bad Thing

Our workdays are typically filled with one thought: get as much completed as possible. Whether you face an inbox filled with tasks or just a project or two, both our bosses and our inner workhorses encourage us to knock out as many tasks as we can each day. But is being super-productive the best course of action for our minds and our employers?

How To: Massage data in Houdini 10

Get a crash course on HScript Expressions, Variables, and Attributes in Houdini 10. If you don't even know what this means, then you probably need to check this video tutorial series out. Understanding how to massage data in Houdini is key to giving yourself the creative edge and allowing you to unleash mind-blowing visual effects. This 18-part video series covers a variety of simple yet essential weapons in your arsenal including Global, Standard and Custom Variables to Math and String Modif...

How To: Replace a knob on a Neff gas hob

Watch to learn how to replace a knob on a Neff gas hob. You'll remove and replace a gas hob knob on a Neff gas hob. Replacement knobs as well as burner caps and flame spreaders are easy hob spares to replace. As part of hob maintenance we also use a specialist hob cleaner to get a nice clean hob. This hob maintenance video clip illustrates the many different hob parts

How To: Plant and care for sweet peas

Learn how you can plant and care for sweet peas with this gardening tutorial. Sweet peas are one of the best annual climbing plants for the garden and they can be grown in several different ways to get a superb display of flowers through the summer months. Traditionally sweet peas were sown in the autumn and planted out in early April, but spring sown plants can be planted out into May and will still flower well, albeit slightly later. If you haven't sown any seeds but would like to grow some...