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How To: Play "Shout to the Lord" on piano

Watch this piano tutorial video to learn how to play "Shout to the Lord" on piano. Instruction includes names of chords and an overhead view so you can learn by watching. Intermediate pianists will have no trouble learning how to play "Shout to the Lord" on piano by watching this helpful how-to video.

How To: Play a cut on a tin whistle

Watch this winds tutorial video to learn a basic but crucial ornament, the cut, on the tin whistle. The cut is very similar to the hit and is a good technique for beginners to learn, but it takes a lot of practice. Tin whistlers of every level will find this instructional video helpful in learning how to play the cut on a tin whistle.

How To: Play the roll on a tin whistle

Watch this winds tutorial video to learn how to play a more difficult type of ornamentation, the roll, on a tin whistle. The roll takes a lot of practice to learn, and it is a combination of the cut and the hit. Tin whistlers will find this how-to video very helpful in learning how to play a roll on a tin whistle.

How To: Juggle the Sandbox Shuffle advanced pattern

Romeo's and Rubinstein's Revenge juggling patterns are suggested pre-requisites for learning how to do the Sandbox Shuffle, but with a little bit of practice, anyone can learn how to do this complex pattern. Watch this video juggling tutorial and learn how to execute the Sandbox Shuffle juggling pattern.

How To: Learn about advanced robotic plasma cutting technology

Here is an educational video for ART (Advanced Robotic Technology) Plasma customers. The HDP Plasma SX Profile Cutter is designed for heavy duty manufacturing environments where power, precision, speed, quality low cost, productivity, and durability are demanded by business owners. See in these sixteen videos how it works, from the inside out, and another video on what it actually is.

How To: Play a basic jazz pattern on the drums

In this drum lesson, you will learn the basic jazz drumming pattern that is the foundation for most jazz drum beats. It requires a fair amount of independence, so you will learn it through progressive steps. This will simplify the entire learning process, and get you playing jazz with greater ease.

How To: Learn 12 bar blues on the keyboard

If you're looking to learn 12 bar blues on the keyboard, this short but simple video will show you the steps. 12 bar blues is an invaluable thing to know as a musician. You can play it on keys, (obviously) and it's been famously played on guitar for more than a century. Once you learn 12 bar blues, you'll be able to play literally thousands of songs, or, have the foundation to right your own. Get learning, and get blue today! Oh I'm feeling so blue...

How To: Treat minor cooking burns at home

It's impossible to learn how to cook without getting burned a few times. First, learn how to avoid getting burned (like using potholders and taking care around hot stoves). If you accidentally get burned, here is how you can treat the minor burns with water and first aid supplies.

How To: Do Beyonce's signature booty shake step by step

Want to learn a sexy dance move that'll impress at the club but is also super easy to learn? Then check out this dance tutorial to learn how to do the booty shake, AKA Beyonce's signature/go-to dance move that involves popping your booty in and out while holding your arms bent at the elbows and pumping.

How To: Play two signature Blues licks on the guitar

Sure, you can play minor pentatonic over the Blues all day and probably almost get away with it in a live setting. But if you want to play like the greats, you've gotta learn their licks! In this video you will learn two signature Blues licks that almost every player knows, that you can play over any sort of dominant or major slow blues progression.

How To: Play basic Blues on the acoustic guitar

The blues is where it all began. Before you learn how to play rock or jazz or metal, you should start with the blues. Learning the basic 12 bar form can help you feel out measures and develop your sense of direction in music, and learning how to play the shuffled rhythm will help to increase your proficiency with learning other rhythm patterns. In this fantastic video you will get a basic over view of the Blues on the acoustic guitar and a quick variation on the standard blues shuffle.

How To: Do rolling vibrato on the erhu

In this video, we learn how to do rolling vibrato on the erhu. Vibrato is a series of deliberate and controlled finger and hand movements. It is not convulsing or vibrating your hand to create the desired effect. First, you will need to learn finger movement. You will want to roll down and roll up as one nod once you are comfortable. Start with 1 nod per beat, then progress to doing 3 nods per beat as you become more familiar with the instrument. Next, you will need to learn bowing by setting...

How To: Use the verb "be" in different tenses in English

In this video, we learn how to use the verb "be" in different tenses. This verb changes depending on the verb tense and subject in which it's used. In the present tense, "I am", "we are", "you are", etc can be used. In the past tense "I was", "you were", "he was", "we were", etc can be used. For future tense "I will be", "you will be", "he will be", "she will be", etc can be used. Depending on the tense you have, the verb "be" will change in all the sentences. Make sure to go over these and l...

How To: Pronunce Spanish consonant letters and sounds

In this video, we learn how to pronounce Spanish consonant letters and sounds. "B" and "v" sound the same in a number of different dialects. Practice saying these words with the letters in both the beginning and end of the word so you know exactly how to say them, and how they differ when used in different words. Practice saying the other letters and learning what their pronunciation is like in different words. There will be different sounds depending on the words, so pay close attention. Lea...

How To: Use heavy & light pronunciations in Arabic

In this tutorial, we learn how to use heavy & light pronunciations in Arabic. As you practice doing these pronunciations, you will need to watch the video where the letters are drawn out for you. It will also help you to hear the pronunciation done by a native speaker so you can get an idea of exactly how to say each letter. The letters differ greatly between how you say it in English and will change depending on what words you are using them in. As you learn how to pronounce these, you will ...