Specific Person Search Results

News: monkey see monkey do

go to the streets ad put like johnny or bam on sunglases with a suit and go tothe strees of hollywood adstrt copying what a person does like if he starts wkingyo wk wth him if hesits you it ad then youll havea hidden caera and themae ryan dunn bein a fake police uniform and me him say is thisguy bothering you and then ryan will ac like if e was a retarted cop adyull keep on ding to diffrent people hope you enjoy it

News: Funeral

Get someone tied up inside a coffin. Drive around in a hearse and make sure the coffin falls off the back. As people help put it back in the car, make the person tied up jump out and run off, half naked.

News: pepperballmaina

ok so my idea is you guys dress up like cowboys and indins and spreed out threw an arena during a wwe event and have pepperball guns and just start shooting eatchother but you dont do taht untell i blow th wisel and then thats when you start Warnings

News: wagon hop

1 person gets into a wagon with rockets at the end of it then there will be a ramp and a shed in front of it the person will then set off the rockets and fly up the ramp over the shed an and land The Wagon jum

News: something truly warped

The pranks outlook.. a bunch of friends or campers are camping, someone that the people being pranked knows will suit up in a bear outfit then the "bear" will walk around just outside the camp to alert people then the "bear" charges. someone then grabs a gun with blanks in it, but no one is aware of this. then the person shoots the "bear" and the "bear" makes a very human "umph" sound and then hits the ground. people shout "i don't think that was a bear" so the people getting pranked and the ...

How To: Modify Your Guitar Pedals

Guitar pedals add character to your playing. However, musicians still say that certain pedals by themselves don’t live up to its promise of a perfect sound. Therefore, instead of replacing your guitar pedals with new and expensive ones, you can modify your pedals using different DIY kits available online and at local music stores.

News: The Best Prank Ever In My Eyes. yeah dude.

Dear Jackass Guys well i am John Fears and i am 27 years old and i already met some of you guys but it would be nice to meet the whole cast on the epic event. That is why i am trying out for this contest. you are rock and i have been a fan from the start of your quest for being a the best jackass. i am a film student and i want to be in show business myself and be like John Knoxville but it s hard to get in to the film industry. i have been trying since i was 14 and still nothing. you can che...

News: Shocking End

All the Jackass actors put on a dog collar that shocks. Everyone gets their own collar. Their are remotes that can control the dog collar. By pushing a button on the remote, it will give a shock to a specific collar.

News: The Old Pervert

Alright guys, I'm Aaron from Texas. I want to prank my bestfriend James that moved away to California outside of Oakland a few years back. He is now a guitar teacher and I think at work would set him up for the best prank ever. The idea is to set up an appointment with him for guitar lessons as an old man, hence the old person make up you guys have done in the past, which would probably be best done in glasses and one of those "flasher"/pervert coats. I see it probably starting with a name fo...

News: Operation Dumbass.

Here's the wildest prank ever for Jackass! It's Operation Dumbass. Operation Dumbass is consist of a fast motorcycle, 50 ramp, big glass tank, & the several dangerous sharks. Operation Dumbass can be up to one or many people (if anybody has the guts to do it).

News: The Interrogation

How bout a day of boozin', per usual, when a prank involving a car goes terribly wrong? The person driving the car (the victim) will have been pretty intoxicated when someone pretends to be hit by the car and injured. This will take place in a field once thought to be for safe for shooting anything, but unbeknownst to the victim, still within the realm of drunk driving laws. After the police are called by some bystanders, serious questions are asked. The victim is put in a paddywagon (so they...

News: The Semen Salon

In a follow-up to Terror Taxi, Ehren would be singled out to perform some kind of "stunt" or "prank" . . . which everyone is in on except for him. They get him setup in wardrobe and makeup and when it is time to do his hair, the stylist pulls out a bottle of hair gel. ONLY THIS IS NOT HAIR GEL, it is a bottle of all the guys semen, much like the box of all their pubes in Number Two. The hair person applies it then sits him under one of those giant helmet things you would see in a 1970s Beauty...

News: The Trap Door

This is the prank i want to send you guys! ok its going to be called the trap door and what you do is you have to cut out part of a floor and have to flap doors that will go down and underneath it should be like a big pool filled with a bunch of nasty things like cow poop, horse poop, mud, dead bugs, really rotten garbage, vinegar, a bunch of mulch and really bad sewage water! well guys i hope you like it and enjoy it! ive been watching you guys ever since you came out and i hope you like it ...

News: Low End Necklace

The Jackass crew are now jewelers. In this idea, you would have to get 8 jewels or stones or medallions, gumball size, and a very thick gaudy gold chain. The chain would be divided into 8 parts and cut. All at once, the Jackass guys would each swallow the jewel and their segment of the chain. In a day or so, or sooner with the help of laxatives, each guy would poop out the stone and the piece of the chain. As soon as all of the parts and pieces have been recovered from each guys poop, the cha...

News: shower fun time

so victim gets in the shower. person locks/blocks them in the shower. victim does not know they are locked in. let victim get all wet and fill the shower up with a bit of water. (before victim gets in shower) hook up a stun gun, or some other low voltage torture machine to the drain of show (which is usually metal). so, victim is stuck in shower, soaking wet, naked, water at the bottom of the tub, turn on electricity, watch the fun.

News: The Brown Popsicle

This is a kind of ode to the yellow snowcone. First you need a popsicle, take the wrapper off and the stick and what not. It also could be funnier if the person who's eating the poo popsicle eats the real one, kind of like a before and after shot. Then you need someone to take a poo (its not very hard cause you guys get paid to do it). Pick the poo up, put it on the stick and put the wrapper on it and try to mold it into looking like a real popsicle. Then put it in the frezzer and leave it th...

How To: Fish for bass using a plastic jig worm

What's a jig worm? Well, it's exactly what the name implies: a jig rigged with a trailing plastic worm. If you're not a seasoned fisherman, the answer might not have been so obvious, but that doesn't matter when you find out how important this jig worm is. Wade Bourne of MyOutdoorTV shows you how to fish a jig worm.

News: "Tacksketball"

I recently thought about playing the game of basketball but with a twist. The game is called "Tacksketball." Of course, this is an idea that I can only see #TeamJackass handling. Basically, you need to place tacks on specific areas of the area/basketball court. If their was a way to keep these tacks positioned that would be even better. However, the catch is tacks will also be placed on the basketball, so beware of passes from your team-mates. This game must be played barefoot, as salt will b...

How To: Make a Voodoo Poppet Doll

Find Your Base Material The base material for your doll can be anything 100% naturally made. Traditionally, sticks and twigs are used. Some people prefer to use corn husks, braided grass or similar items. The choice is yours, the only "rule" is that it be made of 100% natural materials. These sticks/twigs/husks/etc. will be shaped into a stick figure, one long piece for the body and one shorter (about 1/2 the length of the long one) for the arms.

News: The Escapee (A Must Read)

Get a white van, maybe block out the windows except for the front, have two Jackass members driving the van, stop at a stop light or a stop sign in a busy residential area where there are lots of pedestrians and cars. then have a single person in the back of the van break out the back doors on the van in a straight jacket and run throughout the neighborhood, the two people driving get out and lead a chase. Go to a busy park with lots of people and ask around if they have seen a person wearing...

News: Drugs in Car

Go to a car dealership and test drive a car. Unbeknownst to the person test driving a car, stuff a bunch of fake drugs everywhere in the car and have the car salesman be an actor. Have the person test driving the car start to drive wrecklessly. A fake cop will pull him over and 'smell' something in the car. He takes your license and goes back to his car to run it. He comes back and says everything is okay and just to be more careful. Just before you are about to leave, the salesman looks susp...

News: All-for-One & One-for-All

This stunt involves the entire Jackass Crew wearing nothing but speedos and connected by ropes that are attached to them by the waist one-by-one like a linked chain. The length of the rope should be roughly 2-3ft long separating each person. A ledge or platform about 1ft in width can be either wood planks or some type of industrial metal, if all of their weight won’t be able to support the wood. This platform is sitting over a pool by a couple of feet. Inside of the pool is some kind of disgu...

News: Fireman Fridge, microwave, and door/Johnny the fireman

"Fireman Fridge" You guys should get one of the really powerfull hoses that the fire department uses and when someone goes to open a fridge (that they don't know is rigged with a hole cut in the back of it), someone should turn the hose on and mow down the person/people outside of the fridge with the hose, it would be totally unexpected. You can even hallow out the inside of a fridge and have one of the cast members stand inside of it with a firefighter suit on and spray the victim down.And. ...

News: Werewolf Prank Gone Bad

So... This is a prank on a prank. The first prank involves everyone getting drunk one night and drugging the "victim" (say a friend of a friend, because any jackass member would know it's a prank) to the point of unconsciousness, tearing portions of their clothes and leaving them covered in fake blood in the middle of the forest surrounded by fake dead animals (humans preferably). Thick Werewolf type hair could be stuck to the blood against their skin to imply that they were turned on that fu...

News: port-a-john

So I had a couple ideas. 1. Take a port-a-potty and when somebody goes in lock them in, then roll it around a lil bit let them get nice and dirty, then put it on a truck, drive them to a mall put the port-a-potty in the middle of a crowd and unlock it.

News: Concoctions

This is a game for however many people would like to participate. The game is simple. Everyone plays a hand of poker, whoever has the lowest hand has to make a concoction. The person who loses has to role two dice. Each die and the six numbers on it corresponds to a different list of ingredients that must be mixed into a shot glass to drink.

News: theiving pirate

My idea was to dress like a pirate and pass out those chocolate coin candys to random people. then my friend would walk up behind me and ask for candy without talking. hand motions, i would say no and turn away. i forgot to add that the other person would have a bag with him. then he would pull out a bat or a fucking club. anything that will hurt like a bitch and hit me in the back of the head. i would fall to the ground and he would calmly take my candy and walk away. maybe piss on me. depen...