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How To: Congress Wants to Make Unlocking Smartphones Legal Again—Here's How You Can Help

Whether you have AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile, or any other mobile carrier, chances are your smartphone is sold locked to only work on that specific carrier's network. Sure, you could unlock your carrier-subsidized device, but that would mean breaching the Library of Congress' latest Interpretation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act—making the whole process illegal. As softModders, boundaries and regulations are things that we don't take lightly, although many times we have to begrudg...

How To: This DIY Concrete Cheeseboard Will Make You Hungry

Concrete decor has been popular as of late, and the newest trend is dinnerware. At the London Design Festival last week, designer Vidó Nóri debuted a gorgeous new collection of geometric serving trays and bowls. There's no arguing that they look incredible, but this particular set will run you $20-80 per piece, which adds up quite a bit. If you don't want to spend that much cash, it's really simple to make your own elegant-looking concrete cheeseboard. Rebecca on A Daily Something made this b...

How To: Turn Leftover Cardboard Boxes into Sturdy Chairs and Stylish Nightstands

Contrary to popular belief, IKEA can get pretty expensive. You find something that comes pretty cheap, but then, you decide that your GORF will look good with the BLERGH, and you really need the SPLOOF to tie it all together. Pretty soon, your living room looks like an IKEA magazine ad, and your bank account has seen better days. Instead of spending so much money at IKEA, why not build your own pieces of furniture?

How To: Make Trippy EL Wire Headphones That Dance to the Beat of Your Music

At one time or another, we've all enjoyed the visualizations that came stock in Windows Media Player. I remember spending hours listening to my favorite album, putting the graphic equalizer on full screen, and getting lost in the flurry of colors that would dance across the screen. Well, now thanks to the imaginative mind of Instructables user yardleydobon, you can now recreate this rainbow-colored music visualizer right on top of your freaking head—with these trippy EL wire headphones, which...

How To: Enable the Hidden Facebook Chat and Notifications Feature in Firefox 17's Toolbar

As enjoyable as Facebook can be at times, it can also be a great distraction and even better deterrent of getting work done. A quick "Oh, let me check my notifications" can turn into hours and hours of Facebooking, and before you know it, you're already on your 7th Wikipedia page, all thanks to that status your friend posted. The reason I mention this is because Firefox's new 17.0 update includes many features, but the one that's been making the rounds online is the integration of Facebook Me...

How To: Ingress, Google's Awesome New Mind-Hacking AR Game for Android Phones Now in Beta!

Google has just launched a new revolutionary augmented reality game for Android called Ingress. Their new mobile game centers around the fight for control of the minds of everyone here on Earth. It's a freaking worldwide fight—from your smartphone! While augmented reality in is nothing new in the smartphone gaming world, it has never seen the likes of this. With an almost Halo-like storytelling, Ingress seeks to bring out gamers all across the globe to perform physical activities by transform...

How To: Turn an Old Aquarium into a Cloud Tank & Create Creepy Alien Atmosphere Effects

Need some creepy visual effects for your alien flick, but don't want to spend a bunch of money? With some pretty basic materials, you can turn an empty aquarium into a "cloud tank," which can be used to create several different atmospheric effects. Before Hollywood started using CGI, cloud tanks were used for scenes in a lot of famous movies. Remember this one? Besides Raiders of the Lost Ark, cloud tanks also helped make some wonderful non-CGI effects in Independence Day, Close Encounters of...

How To: Clear Dead Tracks from Your iTunes Library on Windows Using Only Notepad

If you've ever mistakenly moved your music files around without relinking them in iTunes, you might now be noticing that you have a long list of tracks asking you to relink them. You could go through them one by one, redirect them to the new file location, then delete any copies. Or you could try to track them all down and delete the old references. But come on, who wants to spend that much time when you can clean up your library using this clever method using only Notepad on your Windows com...

News: Full-Sized Mechanical Skeeball Machine Built Entirely Out of K'Nex—And It Works!

If you played with K'Nex as a kid (or still do), you know that it can take a lot of those tiny little pieces to build something. Just imagine how many it must have taken to make this full-sized, fully functional, coin-operated skeeball machine with a mechanical score counter. Instructables user Shadowman39 (aka Kyle) spent an entire year building this masterpiece. It's the same size as the ones you see in arcades, and it's coin operated, too. But don't try to feed it your pennies, it knows th...

News: This Levitating Light Bulb Defies Gravity (And Ditches Unsightly Power Cords)

Helping to prove that science is way awesome, an 18-year old electrical engineering student has successfully made a light bulb float. His name is Chris Rieger, and he's been working on his "LevLight" project for about six months now, with pretty amazing results. This feat of ingenuity was accomplished by using magnetic levitation, although that over-simplification masks how considerably difficult this undertaking was.

How To: What Is Wordpress ? [Beginner]

WordPress started in 2003 with a single bit of code to enhance the typography of everyday writing and with fewer users than you can count on your fingers and toes. Since then it has grown to be the largest self-hosted blogging tool in the world, used on millions of sites and seen by tens of millions of people every day.

How To: Make a cool lamp out of a tequila bottle

In this how-to video from projectink we are shown how to make a lamp out of a tequila bottle. There's no need to spend 100 bucks on a lamp when making your own is cheap and easy and fun. These are the supplies you'll need: A bottle (we're using a Jose Cuervo tequila bottle), a plastic bag, super glue, a hot glue gun (or you can use epoxy), a screwdriver, a lamp kit (you can get these at the hardware store for about 12 bucks), and a glass-cutting drill bit. For the glass-cutting bit, try and f...