Spring Loaded Foot Search Results

News: ideas for prank

1.dress like mannequin in stor in a loaded street and when people will stare we suddenly be washed right into the window by water hose that will operated by saomone behind!!it will be soooo fffuuunnnyy2place two poles with elastic ropes, on lake or sea shore and compete by throw people. pleeeaaasss you have to choose me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

News: high flyer

ok well see i am crazy i would do anything and well i done alot of shit in my day i tide a rope to a bike and a tree then hit the gas and see how far u can fly then u can take one of thos things they use at da lake where one guy jumps off and one guy flys in the lake well how bout a guy 20 feet high and jump on the thing and see how high the guy flys in the lake if no one has da balls to do it i would be happy to jump form that hight and then i got one more its called ball crunger sit someone...

News: Death by Diet Coke

Several Jackass cast members are individually tied to a separate poles & blindfolded or hoods are placed over them as if they are about to face "execution" by a firing squad. All are asked to give their 'any last words'.10-12 individuals arrive with 2 liter bottles of Diet Coke & Menthos candies pieces. All take up positions about 10 to 15 feet from the 'condemned'. Each 'shooter' places their Mentos into the Diet Coke bottles.The bottles can be fired as rockets by unscrewing the lid until a ...

News: All-for-One & One-for-All

This stunt involves the entire Jackass Crew wearing nothing but speedos and connected by ropes that are attached to them by the waist one-by-one like a linked chain. The length of the rope should be roughly 2-3ft long separating each person. A ledge or platform about 1ft in width can be either wood planks or some type of industrial metal, if all of their weight won’t be able to support the wood. This platform is sitting over a pool by a couple of feet. Inside of the pool is some kind of disgu...

News: Steel Cage Bull-only match

The Jackass boys are put in large steel cage 15 to 20 feet high; wrestling ring optional. They are soon joined by a mean young bull weighing in the 500-750 pounds. (We don't want too large 2000 lb of a bull that does not have much room too maneuver & we dont want to make thanks too dangerous now do we!)The goal of this prank: The boys have to either climb out of the cage or use a very large step latter to get out. But there is a catch: to keep the boys from immediately climbing out of the cag...

News: mace minicylce mayhem

X amounts of bear mace , 5 mini mini motorcyles , 1 bam , 1 danger , 1 knoxville , 1 ryan dunn , and the one and only steve-o ... now in an enclosed area or a busy Los Angles street (rodeo dr.) whatevers easier , each member must be sprayed with ther bear mace while trying to slalom through a verity of objects (i.e people , cars , traffic , wee man equipped with a can of mace in each hand , crocidiles etc.) for each time one of he player miss they must start again ... the winner chooses the 4...

News: Wake Up Sunshine

One night after partying, find the most wasted person in the group. For security purposes, don't be afraid to slip him a roofie or two throughout the night. The next morning, while he is still sleeping, strip him down butt-naked, put a blindfold and a pair of ear muffs on him, and carry him out to the car (this can also be done the night before) and drive to the airport early the next morning. Carefully carry him onto the plane, equip him with a parachute (either this or take him on a tandem ...

News: Rocket- Powered Hay Wagon of Death//The Hay Ride of Maybe Doom: R.I.P. JACKASS

A hay wagon with some hay bales on it is rigged with several of same type of rocket Johnny Knoxville rode in JA2. The entire cast is onboard the wagon when the rockets are ignited, sending the wagon flying down a grass field.A second option is everyone ride a haywagon that is pulled by one of 2 completely opposite vehicles: 1. A Chevy Geo Metro, or 2. A fully loaded NASCAR stock race car, possibly driven by a woman, pulling the haywagon all around a grass field.A third option would be to have...

News: the slimy ass shoot out

ok jackasses this is the ultimate prank.. ok what you have to do is when someone is sleeping suprise them with an airhorn, then with a bucket of all sorts of bugs, snakes, shit , and piss. then when they jump up and are like what the hell butter the floor and put marbles everywhere so they slip really bad. and then when there on the ground you put peanut butter all over them and put a but load of rats and mice in the room and shut the door then lock it so they cant get out. After you hear the...

News: Abnormal Behavior

Ok, so all you need is some paintball guns, some marshmallows, some fishing line and someone that is an unnaturally heavy sleeper. Since you guys got money, attach the paintball guns to individual stands aimed at the targets crotch or stomach. You take the fishing line, loop one end and that end gets attached to fingers,toes, wrists, ankles..etc. The other end of the string is attached to the gun(s) trigger via a simple pulley setup. The guns should not be able to be knocked over or moved off...

News: Never Drinking Again, Worst Hangover Wakeup

If you've gotten drunk and had a hangover, you know how bad it can be in the morning. The slightest thing is like tortue. This will make someone never wanna drink again. It gets pretty good, so you gotta read it all. Ok, get someone to drink very heavy that doesnt drink that often. We can do this the night you fly us out to L.A.. Say its to celebrate us winning.Set up a bunch of alarm clocks in their room(loud noises suck)Aim a bright light right in their eyes and when they wake up turn it on...

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