Spy Intrigue Search Results

How To: Spy on someone using your iPod touch or iPhone

Ownspy is powerful program which can be used to backup your iPhone remotely. This program can be used in both good and bad ways. If you have children you can keep track of them by installing this program on the phone. This regularly uploads the content from the phone to the website. So in this way you can know in what way the phone is being used. Also this can be used by a jealous boy friend to spy on his girl friend. This programs tracks your location, backs up your messages, pictures. It al...

How To: Make a James Bond avatar on the Xbox 360

SomeFamousProduction here has come with a new avatar of James Bond on Xbox. First we start off with his hair. Well, we need to keep it simple, yet spy-like and somewhat blackish in color, not too light, neither too dark. Next we move to the chin or jaw. Keep it sharp but not protruding. Lips can be curvy but not too fancy, because James Bond seldom smiles. The nose can be a bit tapering at the end, again not too fancy and loud, more spy-like if you ask me. Next are the eyebrows, you can keep ...

How To: Turn multiplication into sum

This is a handy math trick that show you how to turn a multiplication problem into a sum problem. An unusual way to perform a multiplication. You only need to be able to sum, halve and double numbers. It is not efficient, but it is rather intriguing and fun.

How To: Tap a phone

This tutorial video will show you how to make a spy phone tapping device for under $5! This is an extremely useful technique if you ever plan on being a government agent or enforcing the patriot act. Have fun tapping your phone!

How To: Make Caribbean black bean soup

This Black bean soup from Dani Spies has a little kick with it straight from the Carribean. Some black beans,reduced fat coconut milk,and jalapenos for that extra flavor that will be having you running a three alarm fire in your mouth.

How To: The FBI Can Spy on Your Webcam Undetected: Here's How to Stop Them

Let's just say it's been a pretty bad year for spies and government agencies and an even worse one for the privacy of U.S. citizens. Edward Snowden blew the lid off the NSA's spy program, and the FBI was recently discovered to have the ability to access your webcam any time they want—without triggering the "camera on" light. Yeah, that means those Justin Bieber lip sync videos you recorded weren't just for your private collection.

How to Spy on Tweeters: Viewing Someone Else's Twitter Timeline with TwtRoulette

In today's world of social media, there's really only two powerhouses—Facebook and Twitter. And those of you with Twitter accounts know the power of a Tweet. Getting more followers means reaching more people, but the vast majority of Tweeters are following only a handful of Twitterers themselves. Do you ever wonder why them? What's so special about these selected followed users? Is it worth it to follow them, too? That's up to you, but if you're searching for more people to follow, then it's ...

How To: Build a simple solar rope-shimmying robot spy toy

If you want to become a great robotics engineer, then you need to start out small, and this robot is a great first-time project. It's the simplest kind of robot, with only one motor and a gear box, but it moves really interesting, capable of shimmying across a rope. You can send this rope-shimmying robot tospy on your neighbors for you (when you're too lazy to do it yourself). See how it's done!

How To: Get Angelina Jolie's sultry "SALT" makeup look

Angelina Jolie is our hero. After all, she is a humanitarian, a loving mother of six, an Oscar-winning actress, and as of yet the only female actress out there who can play a usually male-centric spy role and be an action movie star without any sort of gender bias. Oh yeah, and she's the most gorgeous woman in the world.

How To: Spy on SSH Sessions with SSHPry2.0

SSH, or the secure shell, is a way of controlling a computer remotely from a command-line interface. While the information exchanged in the SSH session is encrypted, it's easy to spy on an SSH session if you have access to the computer that's being logged in to. Using a tool called SSHPry, we can spy on and inject commands into the SSH sessions of any other user logged in to on the same machine.

How To: Make an infrared home alarm system

Kip "Kipkay" Kedersha is known for his intriguing and clever how-to and prank videos, even when he teams up with MAKE Magazine. He will show you how to tweak, hack, mod, and bend any technology to your hacking needs. No electronic device, gadget, or household item can stand the test of Kipkay's hacks and mods.

How To: Create a fun yellow and purple smokey eye look

Most of us wouldn't even think to wear bright yellow and royal purple together unless we happen to be at Staples Center cheeering the Laker's on through the NBA Finals Tournament. But these two colors, which happen to be complementary hues on the color wheel, actually make for gorgeous makeup looks.