A very classy man named Matt from the Bow Tie Report begins this video by explaining that bow ties are making a stylish comeback especially among college students. He demonstrates the sort of complicated, yet easy to learn, standard method of tying a bow tie onto himself. After completing the process, which requires a bit of finesse and a lot of practice, Matt shows that a good bow tie needs a lot of tweaking to make the knot just right and looking good.
Rick Bradbury shows you the basics of using the Canon 500D. He goes through the menu settings, lens mounts, and standard operation. This video also explains every button.
Spidering enables you to maintain a position of power, where you can pass, shoot or move quickly. Spidering is the position where one hand is sculling, and both legs are doing eggbeaters. This is a standard water polo position for both attack and defense.
Need to know how to tie a Double Sheet Bend? This is a more secure version of the standard sheet bend, and an excellent way of joining two ropes of equal or different diameter. He's using flex rope, but it's a generally good way of securing two lines together.
Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Tip - Using Formula Auto-Complete - Microsoft® Office Excel® 2007 is truly at its best when it's working hard behind the scenes to execute complex calculations, working with any of a number of standard formulas. When we're creating spreadsheets, formulas should be easy to replicate again and again, but human error can sometimes get in the way.
This medical how-to video demonstrates the proper technique for evaluating a patient's shoulders. Follow along and learn how to do a shoulder physical examination. As with all examinations of the joints it is important to follow a standard routine including range of motion, inspection, and to compare the affected shoulder to the unaffected shoulder. Please note this instructional video is intended for medical professionals.
Want to take flash photos with your Diana+, but don't want to drop $100 on a DianaF+? Here's how you take flash photos with your standard Diana+. You can use a simple two battery flash unit and flash bracket to hold the flash to the camera. Note well: There's a trick to making this camera modification work, so pay attention to this instructional photography video.
Want to play guitar like Sufjan Stevens? In this guitar tutorial you will learn how to play "Chicago" by Sufjan Stevens. "Chicago" uses the capo on the 9th fret in standard guitar tuning. This lesson is geared towards intermediate guitarists because it assumes prior guitar knowledge. With this how to video you will be able to sing and play "Chicago" by Sufjan Stevens on the guitar.
Check out this conning instructional video that demonstrates how to pick handcuffs. These are standard issue, double locking, stainless steal Bower handcuffs used by many small police departments. All you need is a bended bobby pin and a pair of hand cuffs. Observe the tutorial's easy to follow instructions and you can start picking handcuffs like a pro.
Check out this instructional conning video that demonstrates how to pick a master lock number 5 and a master lock number 3. Follow the simple instructions outlined in the video and learn to pick master locks. First you're going to need a standard tension wrench, and some type of picking tool. Soon you'll be lock picking like a pro.
The Standard Squat focuses on the quadriceps and the glutes, but it also involves the hamstrings, the calves, and the lower back. In this fitness tutorial, SSG Ken Weichert, Army Master fitness trainer, teaches you the proper form for the squat exercise. Watch this how to video and do the squat exercise, sans drill sergeant, at home.
Check out this instructional language video to learn a few definitions of British English slang words. Slang is the use of highly informed words and expressions that are not considered standard in the language. Understand and be able to use some informal British English words with this tutorial video.
In this software tutorial you will learn how to create a widescreen effect using the video event pan/crop tool in Sony Vegas 7. Sony Vegas 7 is an industry standard for video editing, so make your videos look professional by adding a widescreen effect.
Take a look at this instructional video and learn how to use a heat-shrink sleeve to build up your tennis racket's grip. To do this you'll need a heat gun such as a standard blow dryer to warm the heat-shrink sleeve. Be sure not to heat it at one point, you'll want to heat it all over evenly. You should never use more than two sleeves, otherwise the bevels will completely disappear.
Take a look at this instructional video and learn how to tie a standard starting knot. As the name suggests, this knot is used for starting off your crosses and can withstand direct tension. It's not something your want to use for the end of your mains or crosses on the racket.
Want to know how to string an 03 tennis racket? The O3 is not that different from your standard tennis racket save for the fact that the O3 racket always starts at the top when you string it and secondly, when you get to the crosses at the regular grommets you ought to use a table lock during the tensing. It's a little time consuming but this is the best way of going about it.
Learn how to drive a tractor, maintain a tractor, and prepare a tractor for storage in this free video series on tractor operation and maintenance.
Hit longer drives in golf, increasing your range on the course and lowering your average; try these golf tips to improve your drives and better your game in these free video golf lessons.
A strut is designed to resist longitudinal compression. Learn how to remove and replace front struts on a front-wheel drive vehicle in this free car maintenance video from an automobile repairman.
Watch this instructional crochet video to start your granny square pattern. Begin with three loops and a slip stitch. It's more complex than a standard open work stitch, but with a little practice, the granny square is a very comprehensible process. Once you can crochet a circle, you can use this granny square beginning on many other crochet projects.
Wedging two types of clay can give you a new color, which you can then use to further decorate your pieces. Make sure that the two kind of clay require the same firing temperature. You can mix your own personal clay to work with simply by selecting qualities in standard clays and kneading them together.
Seeking to attain germination rates as high as 98%? Japanese-Maple.com's Ken Alston shares the little-known nursery secret to germinate Japanese maple tree seeds using resealable zipper storage bags and a standard refrigerator.
This instructional video teaches the proper English pronunciation of "Beijing" based on modern standard Chinese (Mandarin). It also describes the two Chinese characters that make up the name "Beijing" China's capital city and host of the 2008 summer Olympics. Watch this how to video and you will be writing in Mandarin Chinese in no time.
Learn how you can say and write the names of animals in Arabic with this how to video. Watch this language tutorial and you will be able to identify animals in modern standard Arabic in no time.
Learn how to say Arabic phrases that use adjectives with this language tutorial. Follow this how to video and you will be able to describe people and things in modern standard Arabic.
Okay, make some bones with no orientation and watch this Autodesk Maya 8.5 video tutorial. This video will show you the industry standard IK Handle tool and how to use it with your character's animated bones. So, if you're a wannabe 3D modeler, then you should probably watch this Maya video.
Check out how to read a binary clock in this how to video. You'll see how to read the BCD (binary-coded decimal) format like so many can't. Just watch this if you have trouble determining the hours, minutes, or seconds on your binary clock. You can read it in standard or military time if you'd like.
With just a few drops of colorant, you can make a unique variation on your standard container candles. See how to marble them with color with these simple steps.
Watch this video to learn how to use methods with C++. The video also covers ISO standard C++ and library headers.
The Bossa Nova is one of Brazil's most popular forms of Latin music. It is one of the more simple grooves to play, however it is extremely effective. The Bossa Nova is usually played at slower tempos, and is eighth-note based. You will notice there is a standard "Bossa Nova" clave pattern played within this groove.
The Casio Exilim EX-V7 has some basic manual controls plus a longer than standard seven times optical zoom lens. This video walks you though its key features.
The Panasonic DMC FX10 is a handy, pocket sized digital camera. It is a fairly standard model and is easy enough to use. The video shows you the main features and gives you an idea of how to get started with the camera.
The Sony DSC T100 is a super stylish, pocket sized camera with a longer than standard zoom lens. Watch this video guide to learn how to use it.
The Olympus FE-240 is a pocket sized digital camera. What marks this camera out as a little bit different to the rest is the fact it has a longer than standard 5x zoom lens. This is quite rare for these smaller compacts. The FE-240 is an eight megapixel model. Watch this video guide to learn how to use it.
A close look at an alternative adaptive method for playing nonlinear theremins (theremins whose notes are not evenly spaced) such as the Moog Etherwave Standard theremin.
Formatting a hard drive is not exactly an essential computer skill, but it certainly is if you're a technie who's looking to start building your own computers. Hard drive formatting involves erasing/formating a hard drive or USB flash drive to be compatible with different formats like MAC OS Extended and Windows OS.
This tutorial shows you how to box model (polygonal modeling) a spaceship in Rhino 3D. Take a standard box and explode it, then turn on control points and rebuild it -- and THEN drag shapes out of the box! It's cool -- and pretty fun. Definitely a beginners tutorial.
Learn how to create a to-do list using the iCal application that comes standard on all Macs.
Learn some basic information about card magic and how to do the basic standard one-handed Charlier cut and a couple basic variations for the cut.
This is a kitewing sailing complete instructional video. This kite is set up to fly on snow and ice. Kites can be used to kite surf, windsurf, and kiteboard on sand, dirt or water. This is not a standard kite like that in windsurfing or kiteboarding, but closer to the hang gliding style.