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How To: Light Hard-to-Reach Candles & Pilot Lights Without Extra Long Matches or Lighters

One of my least favorite tasks is crouching in front of the kitchen oven or gas heater, and burning my fingers as I try to restart the pilot light with regular matches. I end up cursing the fact that I don't own extra-long matches or a stove lighter, but then I never go out and buy them, even though I know this issue will come up again. What can I say? I'm cheap. Now, instead of risking life, limb, and burned fingertips to reignite your pilot light or to kindle the wick on hard-to-reach candl...

How To: Snapchat Increases Its Security Push, Adds Image Captcha Feature

Snapchat has had more than its fair share of security failures and mishaps. The photo-sharing company is looking to better address some of these security gaps by adding new features, and today its most recent addition is live: the Captcha. New users will be asked to verify their "humanness" by selecting the infamous Snapchat ghost out of a selection of images. The feature is supposed to help block hacker-made bots from creating fake accounts or accessing existing ones. But rather than using t...

How To: for HTML Structure - Opening and Closing Tags

Learn how to setup up a basic structure for a HTML web design document, define the HTML version, open and close HTML tags and learn how to apply the proper file extensions when saving document in notepad. This web design tutorial is by no means a complete structure for HTML coding and is only a brief introduction to HTML web design. This video will only go over a brief introduction to the structure of an HTML document and in a future tutorial we will go over additional components that are nee...

How To: Charge a Lumia 920 or Nexus 4 with No Cables or Wireless Charging Stations in Sight

Most of us have a designated spot where we like to charge our devices, but no one likes to look at a giant, tangled mess of cords. That's why inductive chargers are so awesome. They allow for wireless charging, and are a lot easier on the eyes. But what if you don't even want to leave the charging module sitting out? This relatively simple hack by YouTube user lobbamobba lets you hide the charging module inside a nightstand or other piece of furniture so that you can juice up your device with...

How To: New YouTube Capture App Lets You Record, Edit, and Upload Videos Easily with Your iPhone

After everyone updated their shiny Apple devices to iOS 6 a few months ago, they were shocked to find that their beloved YouTube app was missing. As it turned out, Apple decided to kick YouTube off their list of pre-installed stock apps. The new YouTube app (found in the iTunes App Store) is definitely better than the native one from iOS 5, but it's lacking a direct upload to YouTube option. Sure, you could upload videos from your iPhone's Camera Roll, but the options are limited as to what y...

How To: Put Google's Search Tools Back on the Left Sidebar

Last month, Google changed the placement of search options from the left side of the page to the top, right above the first result. In theory, this shouldn't be such a bad thing—it's just looks, right? Well, not quite. Turns out, it actually got rid of a few of the options as well, and a lot of people were not too happy about it. The problem is that the change gives you less functionality, and makes the options that are still there harder to get to. One of the most frustrating changes was how...

How To: Step Up Your Yard's Game with These Concrete NES Stepping Stones

In the mid-80s, the Nintendo Entertainment System was released, and it not only revitalized, but also revolutionized the video game industry. With games such as Super Mario Bros., Legend of Zelda, and Metroid, the NES went on to become the best-selling gaming console of its time. Even though the console is several decades old, it is immortalized in the world of gaming and will forever be known as the standard for gaming consoles. As if that isn't enough, Instructables user fungus amungus has ...

How To: Search for Photos on Your Computer by Exact Dimensions

As a technology writer, phone screenshots can pile up on your computer in no time. Testing out different apps, showing buggy software, and doing step-by-steps can lead to a plethora of mobile screenshots piling up on your computer's desktop. The problem with my screenshots is that they save as photo.png or photo.jpeg, as do many of my other photos. If I haven't finished a project or article, I tend to move them to different folders to save them for later. After a while, the screenshots begin ...

How To: Add an Actual Shutdown Button to the Windows 8 Start Screen

Windows 8 the biggest update to Windows yet. The new gesture-friendly version replaces the aging start menu with a dynamic new Start Screen, complete with live tiles that give you a glimpse into your apps before you launch them, not unlike the new Windows phones. With such a radical departure from the past, some familiar features have been moved around, which will take some getting used to. It's worth noting that the new Windows 8 does not abandon the old desktop model completely; it still ha...

How To: Turn Any Ammo Box into an Awesome Set of Portable Speakers

Believe it or not, an ammo box can still be of use to you once its rounds are gone. You can use it for storage, as a toolbox, or possibly even as a Faraday cage. But if you want to use it as more than just a container, why not turn it into a portable set of speakers that you can take with you anywhere? The ammo can speaker pictured above was made by Instructables user Dustin White. He started with an empty .50 cal box, though you could probably even use thinner 5.56 or 7.62 mm cans. He remove...

News: This Real-Life Star Wars Hover Bike Could Be the Future of Personal Transportation

Admit it—at some point or another, you've wished that you had your own personal hovercraft. Don't worry, we've all been there. Well, a company called Aerofex wants to make a hovercraft that's way more than your standard leaf-blower-powered one, taking a queue from the swoop and speeder bikes from the Star Wars franchise, building their own sort of repulsorlift. This hover bike may not be quite as fast as the ones from Star Wars, but if the company has its way, it could be on sale by the end o...

News: Colloidal Display Turns Soapy Bubbles into a Transparent 3D Projection Screen

We've all played with bubbles as kids, but I think most would agree that they're not exactly the most functional of objects. An international team of researchers made up of Yoichi Ochiai, Alexis Oyama and Keisuke Toyoshima wants to change that. They've figured out how to project both 2D and 3D images onto a micro membrane (soap bubble) using ultrasonic sound waves and a standard projector. The bubble is made of a solution of sugar, glycerin, soap, surfactant, water and milk. The glycerin and ...