Standard University Search Results

Abstinence: The Video Game

There is an abstinence game being created by the University of Central Florida with $400k+ of taxpayer money. The game is directed at middle school girls to help them handle and cope with sexual advances.

WARNING: House-On-the-Go May Induce Nausea

Experimental house, "Roll It", is a collaborative project within Germany's University of Karlsruhe. The basic concept is as follows: using a cylindrical design to maximize space within a minimum housing unit. Not sure how "space efficient" this would actually be, but using it as transport could be fun (until the nausea inevitably sets in).

How To: Open and manage an eBay Store

New to eBay? Don't worry, setting up an account and buying and selling doesn't take that much effort at all. Everyone who has an Internet connection has at one point come across eBay, to find the perfect gift for their loved ones, to find the cheapest deals on plasma televisions and computers, or to get rid of their dusty, old record album collection in their web store.

News: Robot Rickshaw Chauffeurs Chinese Peasant

Wu Yulu's life story belongs in a Disney movie. The 46-year-old Chinese farmer has built 26 robots over the past 30 years, with no education beyond high school. He says he loves his robots more dearly than his own sons and rides around his village in a robot powered rickshaw.

News: RentInStyle

Rent In Style Los Angeles provides Exotic, Luxury, and Classic Car Rentals services in California. We are the reputed rental provider of Standard & Luxury cars at very competitive prices.

News: The Revolution of the Hacked Kinect, Part 1: Teaching Robots & the Blind to See

In 2007, Nintendo introduced the world to motion control video games with the Wii. Microsoft and Sony built on Nintendo's phenomenal success and released their own motion control products for the XBox 360 and Playstation 3 late in 2010: the Kinect and the Move. The Move is basically an improved Wiimote that looks like a sci-fi Harry Potter wand, but the Kinect just might be the most important video game peripheral of all time.

News: Fake Criterion Covers

Known for their amazing HD conversions and in depth behind the scenes, Criterion sets the standard for quality home video releases. They are very particular about the films they choose to give the "Criterion" treatment which makes this concept so hysterical. Imagine if Criterion actually released really bad movies... Here is the collection of those titles.

News: Funny SC 2 Match

A match between Arew vs NTT ( pronounces Entity, get it? //rolls eyes) goes into bizzaro world very quickly as the two sides make the weirdest choice. First time I've seen it in a match. Watching the first four minutes is enough, the rest turns into a standard match.

How To: Screenplay Format Guide (PDF)

Everyone wants to be a writer, but selling a screenplay is a tough job in Hollywood, especially if you know nothing of the industry standard screenplay format. Believe it or not, making your script stand out is actually counterintuitive— anything other than the traditional format will brand you as amateurish. Even those doing script coverage will neglect your script. To ensure your script gets a fair read, follow these formatting guidelines from Story Sense.

News: Not another show review..

Instead of taking the standard approach of writing a show review about how amazing or horrible a band played, I thought I'd turn around and review the crowd for each show that I go to. I'm interested in the types of people and demographics each artist/band attracts. In the end, crowd response is pretty clutch.