Star Cactus Search Results

How To: Eat & extract water from a cactus

John Campbell demonstrates how to eat and extract water from a cactus. You can eat a cactus from the hedgehog plant family. First, cut off the top of the cactus and skin down the sides, cutting off the cactus spines. Cutting the cactus will not hurt it because it can heal itself. The cactus meat will be like a sticky cucumber. Try to avoid the central core because it is stringy but you can eat the cactus meat. Wrap the meat in a bandana, squish it and wring it out to extract the water from th...

How To: Plant cactus in containers

Cactus can do very well in containers if attention is paid to several things. One, use terracotta, it breathes well. Also, make sure there is a hole in the bottom because the soil shouldn't be sitting in water. And importantly use a Cactus soil mix, a mix that has a lot of sand, a lot of perlite. Although most plants don't thrive in mixes with a lot of sand, because it dries too fast, Cactus requires this condition. In fact, over watering is the number one way to kill a Cactus. To place the C...

How To: Transplant a cactus

The narrator introduces Patrick Quirk as the horticultural expert to whom is going to demonstrate how to safety transplant a cactus. Patrick highlights the ease of doing this if we use the right tools. Patrick recommends using an old garden hose and 2 types of tongs as part of his tools. Safety is paramount to us and to the plant. Cactus need to have is roots loosen and dried, which it different to other plants. It is important to keep the same soil level as you previously had. Patrick finish...

How To: Practice the cactus to upward facing bow yoga pose

Learn arm awareness in yoga without being in compromising and difficult poses. In this yoga how-to video Kira Ryder plays with using the cactus arm action to assist in creating the shoulder blade support in urdhva dhanurasana, upward facing bow pose, sometimes called wheel. Watch and learn how to work the cactus action movement to feel your arms while practicing yoga.

How To: Enhance back bending with a yoga cactus arm movement

Learn a few yoga movements that will help you improve your posture and poses in yoga. In this yoga how-to video Kira Ryders plays with Cactus Arm Action. This yoga Cactus Arm Action helps you find the alignment of the shoulders for upward facing bow pose (Urdhva Dhanurasana) while standing up. This movement also helps bring awareness to the support needed for back bending and inversions in yoga.

How To: Mix a cactus martini tequila cocktail

Tequila, Cointreau, and lime make up the Cactus martini cocktail. Follow along with bartender Lisa as she gives step by step directions for how to mix up this drink. Watch this video beverage making tutorial and learn how to mix the cactus martini cocktail.

How To: Reroot Blythe Doll hair

This is a tutorial on Rerooting Blythe Doll Hair from the CRAFT Video Podcast. Blythe dolls are great for making three-dimensional self portraits. There is an enormous community of customizers working with the Blythe Doll. One of the main online sources for customization is Puchi Collective, which houses oodles of tops for changing her eyechips, face makeup, and clothes.

How To: Make a terrarium

Terrariums are mini indoor gardens that are perfect for people who want to decorate their home or office with houseplants, but don't have a lot of time to care for them. I love them because I can create a desert themed one with cacti and succulents or make a tropical themed one filled with plants like African violets and ferns.

How To: Make room for love with feng shui at home

Elizabeth Chamberlain, with Space Lift, demonstrates how to make room for love with feng shui at home. First, find your focus room with your energy map by laying the energy map on top of your floor plan. The love area is the far right corner from the front door, facing in. If the love area turns to be an outside area like a patio, clean it up. Remove the cacti and pointy plants to reduce arguments in the relationship. Clear out any unfinished materials and projects. Next, complete the area by...

How To: Transition from cactus arms to cigarette girl in yoga

The yoga cactus arm movement helps establish stability underneath the shoulders and upper arm area for inversions and back bends. This yoga how-to video demonstrates how to use the cactus arm movement to transition into cigarette girl action. Cigarette girl action is a name that Kira Ryder, our yoga host, has assigned to a movement she uses in her yoga classes. Watch and learn how to transition from cactus arms into cigarette girl movements in yoga.

How To: Handle spiny cactus

Cacti have spines that prick the handler's skin. So how do people in the cactus business handle spiny cactus all day long? They use nitro gloves! Watch this instructional video for a demonstration on how these special gloves prevent gardeners and cactus growers from getting pricked.

How To: Use cactus arm yoga movement for forearm balance

In this yoga How-to video Kira Ryder looks at how cactus arms can help create the support necessary for forearm balance, or tail of a peacock feather. Watch and learn how the cactus arm movement can help you not only in doing the tail of a peacock pose but also in other yoga poses that require intense forearm balance.

How To: Peel and eat a cactus pear

The cactus pear, or better in known in some grocery stores as the prickly pear, is an underrated fruit, mostly because of the spines that you have to deal with. In this video you will learn about the different types of prickly pears, and the best method to peeling and consuming your pear. Be prepared to get a few pricks in the process!

How To: Multiply succulent Kalanchoe cuttings

Succulent Kalanchoe plants are very easy to multiply. The first thing that you need is a healthy mother plant. Take a small leaf section from the base of the plant. Clean the dirt up on the leaf. Set the leaf out to dry in a nice warm area where you don't get direct sunlight because you don't want the leaf to dry out. The area around the stem of the leaf will get calloused over. Once it is calloused over you are ready to plant the leaf. You need some well draining soil such as seed starting m...

How To: Create a drought resistant garden

If the thought of drought resistant plants makes you picture only cactus and succulents, think again. There are many other beautiful plants that can help you conserve water. This gardening tutorial teaches you how to create a xeriscape or drought resistant landscape. These plants do need to be watered regularly at first but once they have developed their root system you can pretty much leave them to fend for themselves.

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