On Wednesday, the tech world woke up to fairly shocking news with the announcement that AT&T would be the exclusive wireless carrier for the forthcoming Magic Leap One, as well as an investor in Magic Leap.
Thanks to HTC's new policy on updating their apps through Google Play, we can now get new features without having to wait for a full Sense OS update.
The Rolling Stones still tour, against all odds, and their tongue logo might be the coolest any band has ever had. This video will show you how to start it up by making a custom Rolling Stones tongue Call of Duty Black Ops emblem.
In this tutorial, we learn how to roll a smooth ball with sugar paste or fondant. First, start off by crushing your fondant into pieces and turning it around with your hands, pushing it in firmly until it gets softer. Keep kneading until all the little hard pieces are pressed out and so are the imperfections. Rolling into a ball should be the easiest part, just don't over think it. It's not how you roll the ball, it's where on your hands you roll the ball of sugar paste. To finish, you want t...
In this video, we learn how to do rolling vibrato on the erhu. Vibrato is a series of deliberate and controlled finger and hand movements. It is not convulsing or vibrating your hand to create the desired effect. First, you will need to learn finger movement. You will want to roll down and roll up as one nod once you are comfortable. Start with 1 nod per beat, then progress to doing 3 nods per beat as you become more familiar with the instrument. Next, you will need to learn bowing by setting...
In this quick clip from Lifehacker, you'll see how you can skip pre-video commercials on YouTube by hitting your web browser's Refresh button. For more information, including a complete demonstration of this simple technique, and to get started annoying skipping pre-roll ads on YouTube yourself, take a look.
This video demonstrates how to make a christmas tree out of newspaper. The author suggests that you start with 3 full sheets of newspaper and have scissors and scotch tape ready to use. Begin the tree making process by rolling the newspaper tightly and then using the scissors to create multiple cuts on one end of the roll. After doing so the newspaper roll should achieve a frayed look on one end. Pull on the frayed side to elongate the other newspaper that was rolled inside previously and the...
Want to play an unplugged version of the Rolling Stones' "Satisfaction"? See how it's done with this free video guitar lesson, which presents a complete breakdown of the song and its chords in tab notation. While this tutorial is geared toward those who already have some knowledge of the guitar, players of all skill level should be able to follow along given adequate time and effort. For more information, and to get started playing this Rolling Stones song on your own guitar, watch this video...
This is a great video from Andrea Cook. To cook cinnamon rolls start by preheating your oven to 350 degrees. You will need an oven safe pan to cook the cinnamon rolls. To keep them from sticking the video suggests spraying the pan with no stick cooking spray. Then pop open the can of cinnamon rolls and line them up in the pan. Let the cinnamon rolls cook for 20 minutes but make sure that the centers are done before you take them out. After they are done heat the icing cup in a microwave for 3...
This animated video, produced by Jewish Pathways, demonstrates how to affix a mezuzah to a doorpost. In Judaism, the mezuzah (or mezuza) is a parchment inscribed with religious texts that is attached in a case to the doorpost or doorframe of a Jewish house as a sign of faith.
In this how-to video you will learn to do the land and roll which is helpful for jumping from high places. This is a basic roll for Parkour and is needed to do the tricks correctly. Be safe, and don't hurt your self, start small and work your way up.
Here is a brief video on how to start doing the forward roll in Jiu Jitsu. Ukemi (rolling and falling) are very important in the martial arts and often neglected.
The six stroke roll is a fun rudiment that is a combination of the single and double stroke rolls. It starts with two double strokes, then adds two single strokes at half the tempo.
In this How To Video Kurtis Elwell will walk you through how to do a fakie on a BMX. The best place to start learning how to roll a fakie is on a steep hill or incline. As soon as you start to lose momentum on the hill you will stop for a moment then start rolling backwards. If your BMX is equipped with a cassette wheel it will start to force you to pedal backwards. Then, when you are rolling backwards and want to turn around, turn your front wheel to a 45 degree angle. Lean back a bit so all...
Rave light shows are one of the most intimate and enjoyable experiences that people can share at a rave, but getting started when you don't know what you're doing can be a scary thought. Watch this video to learn how you can perform some basic glove lighshow moves like the figure 8, the most basic move in lightshows, and the finger roll.
This achievement can be earned on the Outlaw to the End downloadable cooperative mission in Read Dead Redemption. To get the Dodge This achievement, start a private match with a friend on the Herd mission. Once the mission starts, select the bolt action rifle and the rolling black rifle. Use the bolt action as your primary weapon, and shoot the TNT crate next to the tent on the righthand side. Quickly switch over to your rolling black rifle. Have your teammate use one of the repeaters to weak...
In this tutorial, we learn how to make a paper flower using napkins. First, roll the paper over to one side and then start to roll it up with the other side as well. As you do this, the napkin will start to roll into the shape of a rose. When finished, you will pull out the edges to create different lengths with the petals. After this, use a green napkin to create the stem of the flower, making a small leaf in the stem by ripping it. When finished, continue to make these to create a beautiful...
In this video Megan shows how a curling iron can be used to make small changes to straight hair. She applies Heat Tamer Spray by Tresemme to her hair before starting. She also recommends using a conditioner on your hair if you have split ends.
First of all take two pieces of FIMO- one white and the other red color. Now roll them flat on the table into rectangles. Now cut triangles out of them and then join together to form a rectangle which has more white than blue color. Now use a rolling pin to flatten their surfaces. Use a ruler to lift them off the table top. Now fold it in half and roll it again in the same direction. Don’t roll it too hard. Now keep rolling and folding in the same way. Now when you go thinner while rolling it...
Learn how to make homemade baby wipes. Make your own baby wipes for a quick and easy money-saver. You Will Need
First of all you need a handkerchief or a cloth napkin. Make sure that it is clean for use. Now start by folding the two opposite corners together. This shall make a triangle. Now you have top fold the two middle bits so that they overlap at the center. Now start rolling them together upwards. It is very important that you are rolling them very tightly. This shall make the body of the mouse solid otherwise it may fall apart. When you have made a solid roll then fold the two ends upwards as sh...
Maybe you've never heard of the Dutch Roll camera effect, but you've seen it in movies whenever a character is delirious and the camera starts spinning crazily end over need. In this tutorial you'll learn how to set up a cheap version of the effect with a plain old hand drill. Now you can give your audiences vertigo just like the pros do!
In this video, we learn how to clean a pasta machine for polymer clay. First, take a diaper wipe and scrub the blades. Then, roll the wipe through the blades. Scrub all over the machine and roll your blades several times while scrubbing on the inside. Roll the wipe inside the machine several times or until the machine starts to roll through with clean lines. That way you will not get different colors when you use white clay. Push white clay through the machine to see if other colors show up. ...
Learn how to sculpt miniature sushi rolls out of polymer clay with this free video art lesson. While this tutorial is best suited for those with some familiarity of polymer clay sculpture, novice sculpters should be able to follow along given a little effort. For specifics, including step-by-step instructions, and to get started making doll-sized sushi rolls yourself, watch this sculpture tutorial.
Abigail Goss demonstrates a traditional Apostolic hairstyle, the vertical roll with pin curls. She starts by creating a poof, back combing the roots from the crown to the forehead. Then she creates a section of hair above the ears. She rolls this hair several times in one direction and then puts all of the hair into a ponytail at the base of the neck. At this point the style looks like a french twist with a ponytail at the bottom. She then coats the hair with gel. To make the curls, she takes...
You will need a penny, a roll of caps, and a seloptape to make an impact cracker with a penny. First take the roll of caps and rip off of the beginning and end parts that are without caps. Then divide the roll of caps in half and take one half of the roll and start folding it in half all of the way from the beginning to the end. Then take your penny and wrap the caps around the penny, the penny should be off center. Then wrap your wrapped penny in seloptape to finish. Make sure that all of th...
Check out this magic trick tutorial video to learn how to perform a basic coin roll. This is a crash course explanation on the coin roll, also known as the knuckle roll. The tutorial is quick so you may have to PAUSE IT to read some things in the video. Just follow these simple instructions: Start with the coin on your thumb. then grip the coin between your thumb and index finger. Then release your grip so it rests on your index finger. Use your middle finger to grab the edge of the coin so i...
This video demonstrates how dragon sushi rolls are made. Rice is pressed onto a rectangular sushi wrapper. The wrapper is then turned upside down, and fillings are spread onto the other side of the wrapper. The roll is wrapped so that the rice is on the outside. Pieces of seafood are placed on top of the roll and it is garnished with flat strips of vegetable. The roll is covered with plastic wrap and then pressed into place. With the plastic wrap still on, it is sliced into pieces and pressed...
In this video you will learn some wrist techniques for striking your Bodhran as well as how to play and count triplets. As a percussion you know how important it is to know your rhythmical figures and how to count. Just be sure, if triplets are hard for you, be sure to tap your foot and clap out quarter, eighth and sixteenth notes and count them out loud. Once you've got that down, start doing the same thing, but counting out quarter, eighth and sixteenth note triplets, and count them out LOU...
In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to perform an Ollie, kick flip and shuv-it skateboarding tricks. For the Ollie, begin with the back foot on the tip of the tail and the front foot on the middle of the board. Bend your knees slightly and extend your back as you raise up. Pop the tail of the board and roll the front foot on the nose of the board to land it. For the kick flip, start with an Ollie position and bend the knees. Pop the tail and roll your front foot to the nose. Flick with ...
Making a tutu can be hard, but making a non-sew tutu is nothing but easy. Watch this video tutorial to learn the ins and outs of the non-sew tutu for young children. You can change it up all you want once you get the basics down, but for starting off, use the following supplies:
If you've gotten into giving glove light shows at raves and want to improve your technique, check out this video. It will teach you how to transition from the basic figure 8 into a finger roll, how to transition from finger rolls to vertical finger rolls (basically inverted finger rolls) and how to do a really cool move called the elevator roll.
In this video, we learn how to do parkour rolls. You will first drop to your right knee then reach your left arm through the right leg. Make sure you are tucking in and you're in a rolling position while you're doing this. Make sure you practice it from different heights so you don't get injured. Also make sure you are wearing supportive shoes and you are on grass so your joints don't get injured. If this starts to hurt your knees or back, it's not recommended to do this at all. Once you've g...
It's super easy and super fun, anyone can do it. Ingredients: 1 cup carob, one cup cacao, 1 cup cashews, 1/4 cup hemp seeds, 1/2 cup coconut oil that is cold-pressed, 1 tablespoon spirulina, 1/3 cup of honey to start (you can add more in later for taste), pinch of sea salt (optional). Roll the finished balls in coconut. Add cashews into food processor until ground, crumbly powder. Add coconut oil and honey. After mixing, add in the rest of the ingredients. You can also add in cinnamon, cayenn...
This video by overthekitchencounter shows you how to prepare cinnamon buns. For this you'll need milk, eggs, flour, salt, butter, fast rise yeast, butter, brown sugar, cinnamon and vanilla. Mix up milk, an egg, flour, sugar, yeast, salt and butter and mix it thoroughly to make the dough. Knead the dough, let it rest and roll it out using a rolling pin as shown. Spread butter, brown sugar, cinnamon, nuts and raisins as shown over the dough. Roll it in, starting from the long end as demonstrate...
Rolling over is a simple trick that any dog can master, and it will help you build confidence in your dog. Learn how to teach your dog to roll over with this how to video.
This yo-yo tutorial demonstrates Barrel Rolls.
This video teaches you the basic yet fundamental rolls of banjo. Among the rolls taught are the forward roll, the backward roll, the forward backward roll, and the alternating thumb roll. Enjoy.
In this video, we learn how to make and decorate a diva heart cake with roses. Start out with a heart shaped cake and then ice it with a light pink icing and place it in the freezer. Once it's settled, roll some fondant into small balls and then stick to the bottom of the cake all around it. From here, color fondant with hot pink and then roll into the shape of a rose. Then, cut out green leaves from green fondant and stick with the roses. Then, decorate this all around the cake along with ic...
Want to play "Paint It Black" by the Rolling Stones on the ukulele? Learn how with this free video ukulele lesson from Ukulele Mike. Whether you play the ukulele or bass kazoo, there is no better way to improve your chops than by learning to play your favorite songs. Not only is it more fun and much easier than running drills or memorizing a chord book by wrote, it's obviously also a wonderful way to build your repertory of songs. For more information, and to get started playing "Paint It Bla...