Statues Search Results

How To: Mold and cast a fish mount for taxidermy statues

This video taxidermy tutorial demonstrates the process of molding and casting a fish mount. Any fish can be placed into molding material and covered with plaster to create an exact replica of the fish. When the mold hardens, a duplicate of the fish can be cast. Watch this instructional video and learn how to mold and cast a fish mount for taxidermy statues.

How to Walkthrough Bayonetta: Ch. 15 - A Tower to Truth

Luka will need to fend for himself in this level on the Xbox 360 game Bayonetta. In Chapter 15 - A Tower to Truth, stay close. In verse one, when you start you'll see two statues of Fearlesses (dog-like creatures). Attack these statues and they'll come alive and attack you. For more info, watch the whole gameplay.

How to Walkthrough Darksiders: The Black Throne

In the Xbox 360 game Darksiders, you're nearing the end of the game when you get to the Black Throne, which consists of three guardians and Straga. Proceed across the bridge as it constructs itself then enter the main room of the Black Throne. Here you will find Azrael who will tell you about Straga and how he gains great power from the Well of Souls. You will need to defeat the three Guardians that protect the Well of Souls and use their power to destroy the three statues that imprison Azrae...

News: Stay at the White House in This Week's Replication Challenge

As most of you already know, the White House is the seat of the Executive branch of government in the United States. Constructed in 1792, it is one of the oldest buildings in the U.S. During the War of 1812, it was burned down and later rebuilt. The White House was inspired by a few foreign government buildings and is somewhat Greek in appearance.

News: Google Arts & Culture Builds AR Replica of Bangladeshi Mosque as Part of Historic Site Preservation Project

In recent years, Google's Arts & Culture project has been leading the way in terms of innovating the practice of using technology to preserve landmarks and great works of art via digital 3D copies. Increasingly, these efforts are also giving history buffs the chance to experience classic works and spaces with unparalleled intimacy through the wonders of augmented reality.

How To: Your iPhone Can Scan Images to Identify and Show Information About Art, Insects, Landmarks, Plants, and More

When you take a photo of something interesting, like a landmark, piece of art, animal, or plant, there's a good chance you'll also want to know more about that something than just what you see in the frame. When this happens, you can take advantage of Apple's content recognition service for iOS and iPadOS without having to install any third-party apps.

News: Become Your Own Souvenir

As a kid, my favorite thing to do at the Natural History museum was a midday stop, when my family strolled past an antiquated looking vending machine in the museum's musty basement. The Mold-A-Rama machine was oddly shaped, George Jetson-esque, and spewed out made-to-order, brightly colored plastic dinosaurs. There was such joy in watching the liquid wax pour into the mold, and then eject a warm, custom toy—well worth the dollar or two demanded. A version of this tradition was recently elevat...

The Joy of Destruction: Smashing, Guillotining, Igniting & More

Why is it so satisfying to squash, snap, squeeze and splatter? You know, squashing a juicy grape, snapping a twig, squeezing ketchup out of a packet—perhaps with your fist—or splattering mud across a sidewalk. But all of these actions are child's play next to animators Laura Junger and Xaver Xylophon's Joy of Destruction. The real joy of destruction is illustrated below—we're talking sawing ladies in half, exploding corn into popcorn with dynamite, burning cities, and rolling over statues wit...

News: Man Immortalizes Dead Fiancée in Virtual World

Death is tough for the living, and those who mourn do all sorts of odd things to cope with it. Some keep mementos, some build towering statues, others create memorial paintings or write sad songs, all of which are healthy in moderation. Honoring the dead has been around for so long, it's part of what makes us human. Recently, the practice of memorializing the dead has spread from the arts, religion, and ceremonial burial to video games.

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