Staying Healthy Search Results

How To: Make Indian chicken meat balls with pasta

If the only way you've ever had meat balls is coated in a sea of marinara or meat sauce at an Italian joint, then you haven't even hit the tip of the iceburg when it comes to meatball recipes. If you love your balls of meat and are interested in trying a spicier, alternative take on traditional meat balls, then check out this recipe.

How To: Make a cheese frittata with pasta and peppers

In a perfect breakfast, we'd have neverneding mountains of pancakes covered with maple syrup, strips and strips of fried bacon, and a frittata or two covered in melted cheese. Frittatas are so delicious and its toppings can be varied depending on what you like to eat for breakfast.

How To: Make a light pan-baked lemon almond tart

Dessert has pretty bad connotations. After all, starving models and women trying to lose weight are often stereotyped as saying "no" to dessert in an effort to cut calories and not look like a piggy in front of friends (or a handsome date). It's pretty crappy, this world that we live in, with so much good food that's so bad for you tempting our every mealtime.

How To: Make Japanese yakisoba with pork with Mark Bittman

Yakisoba is one of the most popular fast food dishes in Japan. Yeah, we know what you're thinking. Fast food in a nation known for minimalist healthy couture like edamame and salmon rolls? Well, the Japanese often have a craving for fried stuff just like us, but rather than chowing down on artery clogging burgers and french fries, the take a higher route to get their fried food fill.

How To: Make a Mediterranean salad with tahini dressing

Did you know that people living in the Mediterranean, just off the coast of Italy, have been proven to have the longest life spans in the world? Centenareans abound in this region, and not because it's a blessed or special niche of longevity. Rather, it has everything to do with the Mediterranean diet.

How To: Make nori (seaweed) crisps with Mark Bittman

Nori is the Japanese term for seaweed, in particular the pressed and salted kind that you can find at most Asian supermarkets. Many nori fans eat the stuff as they would chips, since nori is slightly crunchy, slightly salty, and quite addicting. But nori is exponentially healthier than your typical Lay's salt and vinegar chips.

How To: Make huevos a la Mexicana for breakfest

A breakfast omelet is one of the most delicious and healthy foods you can eat. With lots of belly-blasting protein, eggs help to keep you full and get your metabolism churning for the rest of the day. Eggs are, of course, also super delicious no matter how you prepare them.

How To: Make a Southern Italian pasta with sardines

Got a few cans of sardines you've been stashing in your emergency kit that are so old you don't even know when you purchased them? Well, as long as your sardines aren't expired (canned goods can last years) you can actually put some use to them before the world ends simply by tossing them into a pasta.

How To: Make pasta with crisp prosciutto, peas, and greens

Pasta topped with fresh cheese and veggies is one of the healthiest and most delightful complements to summer dishes. We can imagine chowing down on this pasta topped with crisp prosciutto, peas, and fresh greens out on the balcony of our beach house (this IS a fantasy after all) with a glass of red wine in hand and a trashy novel.

How To: Make frittatas from leftovers with Giada De Laurentiis

Frittatas are a delicious and healthy meal. They include almost all of your food groups and are packed with fiber. The basic concept behind frittatas are that you can throw whatever leftovers you have into a bowl with eggs and create a unique version every day! In this recipe, Giada De Laurentiis from the Food Network shows you how to make a lighter version with egg whites so that you can avoid some of those calories and cholesterol. Enjoy!

How To: Create an origami sailboat for Father's Day

Is your dad's favorite pastime taking his boat out from the dock at Marina del Ray and just sailing into the sunset, staying out on the broad ocean for hours at a time? Then he will most definitely dig your gift for him this Father's Day when you create these adorable origami sailboats.