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How To: Sneeze or cough properly into your sleeve

Many diseases are spread by poor coughing and sneezing techniques. Most people put their hands in front of their mouths and noses to stop germs from getting into the air. Unfortunately, this technique puts the germs on their hands. The germs are then spread to telephones and doorknobs and many other surfaces from which they are then picked up by the next user. This is how colds spread quickly through schools and workplaces, and how the flu spreads quickly through entire cities. It would be ve...

How To: Create A Nice Curtain In GIMP

Hello everyone, This is my first tutorial posted on WonderHowTo and as a starter I wanted to show you how to make a nice curtain in GIMP, the free Photoshop alternative. Even though GIMP does not have all the features of his expensive brother, you can still do some cool designs or photo manipulation.

How To: Create a string figure Jacob's Ladder

Learn how to make a string figure jacobs ladder with this string figure animation. The eskimos do it, pygmies in Africa do it, South Sea islanders do it, Native Americans do it, Europeans do it. In some cultures performing string figures are play for both children and adults, in others they are connected with religion, story telling or magic. String figures are made around the world; hundreds of patterns have been recorded.

How to Act Like a Food Snob: Molecular Gastronomy Edition

I first heard the term molecular gastronomy while watching an episode of Bravo's Top Chef a few seasons back. Intrigued by the concept, I sought to find out more about this modern, deconstructed type of cookery. If you happen to be around foodies and the topic of molecular gastronomy comes up (which very likely will at some point) you'll want to have a few points to contribute and maybe even give them a run for their money.

How to Knit a Scarf & Cap: All in One

Winter. Below zero temperatures. You go out to run some errands, in and out of warm stores all the time. Doesn’t it bother you that you continually have to take you cap off and put it on again before going outside? Well, now it won’t anymore. This scarf and cap is an original and practical winter kit that will get you going in freezing temperatures!

How To: Track Down an Apple iPad 2 (All Models) in Stores or Online

If you're a diehard Apple fan, chances are the new iPad 2 caught your eye, stole your heart and emptied your wallet. Who couldn't resist the sophisticated slim-body design or its fascinating new Smart Cover? Well—it seems nobody could. And if you were late to jump on the bandwagon, you're still probably cleaning that dust out of your mouth because it took off without you—leaving the latest and greatest Apple gadget out of your reach.

News: Balls From Above

Get 4 of the guys to challenge eachother in a doubles tennis match, once they enter the court and start playing get someone to chain the doors closed so they can't escape. Over the horizon they will here and see an attach helicopter approaching armed with mounted tennis ball guns and probably Johnny at the trigger. Begin the Attack!! The ones trying to climb over the fence should be easy to pick off. (sc. justin stafford?)

How To: Edit and trim podcast audio in Audacity

Learn how to edit a raw podcast for a polished, professional sound. This clip will show you the way. Whether you're new to computer recording, new to the Audacity DAW (digital audio workstation) or just looking to pick up a few new tricks, you're sure to benefit from this free video software tutorial, which presents a complete overview of how to edit and trim audio regions when working in Audacity. Edit and trim podcast audio in Audacity.

How To: Import audio and add music to your podcast in Audacity

After recording your podcast, you might find that you want to add musical beds for a more professional sound. See how to do just that with this free video tutorial. Whether you're new to computer recording, new to the Audacity DAW (digital audio workstation) or just looking to pick up a few new tricks, you're sure to benefit from this free video software tutorial, which presents a complete overview of how to import external audio when working in Audacity. Import audio and add music to your po...

How To: Save projects and export podcasts to MP3 in Audacity

After recording your podcast, you'll want to share it with the world. See how to do just that with this free video tutorial. Whether you're new to computer recording, new to the Audacity DAW (digital audio workstation) or just looking to pick up a few new tricks, you're sure to benefit from this free video software tutorial, which presents a complete overview of how to save and export podcasts to MP3 files when working in Audacity. Save projects and export podcasts to MP3 in Audacity.

How To: Use the Illustrator CS4 Blob Brush

Illustrator CS4 introduces the new Blob Brush tool to users. Instead of a regular brush stroke, painting with the blog brush gives you a filled, compound path. Any new shape painted with the same color and stroke will automatically merge with existing shapes with the same settings. The Blob Brush tool will pick up style attributes from other objects and has numerous other options to explore and play around with. See how to use this fun new tool, the Blob Brush in this Illustrator CS4 tutorial...

How To: Throw a card through a window

Comedic magician David Zanthor teaches you how to throw a playing card through a window. You will need a deck of cards, two duplicates, wax, a window, some passers-by and an assistant. Stop someone in the street. Shuffle the cards. Riffle. Allow participant to pick a card. Allow them to place it back in the deck anywhere. Look through them to find the card. It has disappeared! Throw the deck at a nearby window and their card has magically appeared on the other side of the glass! Simple? Throw...

How To: Use steam to to crush a can

*WARNING* This experiment uses heat and boiling water, so be sure to have an adult around to help. This classic experiment is a fun way to learn about air pressure. We don't usually think much about the air around us, even though it plays such a vital role in our lives. it gives us oxygen to breath, carries away excess heat from out bodies, and squeezes us with over 30,000 pounds of pressure. Wait a minute! What was that last part?For this experiment, you will need:

News: Awesome Trick with Prepaid "GoPhones" Nabs You Free Text Messaging for Life

You might be sitting there thinking that I'm crazy, but the truth is you're only partially right. You can get free text messaging for life, all for a cheap, one-time fee. But, how can that be possible? An exploit in AT&T's prepaid GoPhones is the culprit behind this sweet, oh-so rare opportunity for exploitation. The exploit grants a lifetime of free texting, assuming that the company stays afloat from now until the end of time.

News: Find you local Representative

Why Should I care? You should care since the decision they make are based on what us the people want. So if you do not want make your voice or opinion heard you will not get what you want. So as a result will ether mean you will benefit or hate the result?

How To: Play Music With Your Mind

Tired of getting calluses from incessantly strumming along to 'No Woman No Cry'? Just hook up to the brain-music system and use your brain power to play a tune instead. I'm not talking—humming along in your head. The machine, created by composer and computer-music specialist Eduardo Miranda of the University of Plymouth, UK, is composed of electrodes taped directly onto your skull that pick up tiny electrical impulses from neurons in your brain and translates them into musical rhythms on a co...

HowTo: Dumpster Dive For Gold

Dumpsters make great swimming pools and skateboard ramps, but when they're full of trash, they're pretty valuable, too. You can get a surprising amount of free booty dumpster diving. If you're a penny pincher who values low cost (re: free) functionality, check out Apartment Therapy's guide to mastering the craft. Below, my three favorite insider tips.

HowTo: Start Selling on Etsy

The five most important things you should think about before starting your store: 1. Name: Make sure you pick a name that is memorable and not too long.  You want people to know how to find your shop, easily.

News: foraging for food

Are you hungry? One of the great things about Los Angeles is the abundance of food. I'm not just talking about restaurants. You need to get out of your car, and walk around your neighborhood. You could make a great meal just from what you find out on the streets. It's free, and most of it's organic. Just be sure to wash any dirt off of your treasure before you bite.

How To: Wear a scarf for fall and winter

In this tutorial, we learn how to wear a scarf for fall and winter. First, take a scarf in any material and color that you would like for your outfit. Use a solid, lace, print, or anything else that you would like to use. After you have picked it out, you can tie it around your neck so one side is tied on the back and one is on the front. Or, you can leave both sides in the back and make it loose around the neck or tight. You can also spread the scarf out so it's a slight triangle in the fron...

How To: Visualize music with Trapcode Particular, Soundkeys & Adobe After Effects

In this video tutorial, we learn how to create custom, particle-based visualizations for music with Trapcode Particular, Soundkeys & Adobe After Effects. Whether you're new to Adobe's popular motion graphics and compositing software, new to the Trapcode Suite or merely looking to pick up a few new tips and tricks, you're sure to be well served by this video tutorial. Take a look. Visualize music with Trapcode Particular, Soundkeys & Adobe After Effects.