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News: 12 Easy Exploits to Raise Thief Skills in Skyrim

Here is the final part in Null Byte's series on mastering the skills in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. We have already covered the slick and brutal methods to raise our Spellcasting and Combative skills. Skyrim's intelligent new leveling system has trumped the former methods of spamming repeated moves to raise levels quickly. Rather than casting a spell, or jumping up and down constantly, the new system requires that we use our skills in practice to get experience for them. This causes leveling...

How To: Install "Incompatible" Firefox Add-Ons After Upgrading to the New Firefox

To the displeasure of many loyal Firefox users, Mozilla has been deploying what seems like a new marketing strategy to "catch up" to Google Chrome. I have no idea if this is because the version number is higher than theirs, but it is downright annoying. It's not all complaints, though. Firefox has done an amazing job at completely revamping its source code and redesigning all of its engines, making it a more than worthy competitor to Chrome. However, we are displeased with Firefox because eve...

Tartine Bread: The Beauty and Artistry of Bread Making

Unfortunately, I'm a little behind schedule on my pizza dough making mission, but I promise - more experiments coming soon! In the meantime, here's a beautiful video about the nuance that goes into bread making, as demonstrated by famed San Francisco baker Chad Robertson of Tartine Bread. Bread and pizza dough go hand-in-hand, and I've been thinking about picking up the Tartine cookbook for some time now. As I mentioned above, the nuance that goes into the process is really pretty remarkable....

Cheat Sheet: Keyboard Shortcuts for Both Mac & Windows

If you already have your basic keyboard shortcuts under control—we're talking classics here, Control-C (copy for PC) or Command-C (copy for Mac)—it's time to load up your memory bank. There are endless shortcuts available (truly endless—since you can customize them yourself), but you don't need to memorize them all, only those you expect to use most. Below, two cheat sheets for upping your keyboard maneuvering status from "basic" to "intermediate" for both Mac and PC users.

News: GTA 4 First Person View Mod

GTA4 1st Person View Mod This mod has been out for a while, but with some people gettings Grand Theft Auto 4 for the PC last week because of the Steam sale, there has been talk about what are the best mods to get. There is a thread on Neogaf that talks about playing the game in first person mode instead of the default 3rd person point of view.

How To: Make tom kha salmon soup with the Thai prime minister

The secret to making a delicious Thai soup, according to Prime Minister Samak, is pounding together Thai pepper powder, corriander seed and fresh garlic in a mortar & pestle. This paste he calls "Thai MSG" and you can add it to any soup for good results. See below for the correct proportions. Follow along with this cooking how-to video to learn how to make tom kha salmon soup.

How To: Un-Delete Text on Your iPhone with One Swipe

So, you undid something you typed on your iPhone. Maybe you used the new gesture in iOS 13 to do so. Maybe you shook your iPhone, on purpose or accidentally, to trigger the traditional undo method. Either way, you want your text back, or to redo your edit, and you aren't sure how to do it. Luckily, it's as easy as a swipe.

How To: Buy a OnePlus One Without an Invite (Today Only)

OnePlus made a great Android phone, the One, bringing flagship-level specs with a nearly unheard of price point: $299 for the 16GB variant; $349 for the 32GB variant. And, oh yea, the devices come fully unlocked, ready for your SIM card to be plugged in (GSM/HSPA/LTE networks only—sorry Sprint and Verizon subscribers).

News: The Galaxy S5 Has Been Rooted!

Chainfire, the renowned Android dev who brought us tools like CF-Auto-Root and 500 Firepaper, among many other apps and tools, has done what he always seems to do, which is root devices before they hit the shelves, this time for the Samsung Galaxy S5.