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How To: Conquer an eating disorder with Deepak Chopra

"How does one conquer an eating disorder? Deepak explains that people with eating disorders usually have a poor self-image. They see themselves as unlovable and unattractive. To combat this illusion, he suggests practicing the "mirror technique" where one can look at oneself in the mirror and say "I am beautiful, I love myself, and thank you God for making me exactly

How To: Stop severe bleeding with first aid techniques

An emergency situation at work is about to occur, are you prepared? This first aid how-to video demonstrates what to do in case someone is severely bleeding. Begin by assessing hazards and making the area safe. Wear latex glove and assess the bleeding injury itself. Ask for additional help if need. The first aid tips in this video are sure to keep your workers healthy and happy.

How To: Stop microwave odors

Microwaves have the annoying tendency to absorb the smell of the foods that are cooked in them. Although most people do not mind this on the day of the cooking, after a week of the smell, it begins to get old. If you want to remove that fishy odor, just follow these simple steps. First of all, make sure that the microwave is as clean as you can get it with regular cleaning supplies. Getting rid of the smell will be so much easier if there are no splatters covering the inside of the microwave.

How To: Do Karlie Kloss runway walk

Karlie Kloss is just 15 years old, but she walked 64 shows this past season. Like all those designers, we too fell in love with her signature mesmerizing death stare. Naturally, we couldn't wait to get her on video camera for a real, live runway lesson. Her trick is to keep her chin down and not crack up when the urge emerges. In our afternoon with her, we also dragged her into the dance studio to show us a few pirouettes. Also, Molly Sims stopped by to ensure Kloss makes it to a pivotal high...

How To: Charge the R/C Micro Mosquito Firefly Bladerunner

A lot of customers thought that one can place the Micro Mosquito on the base (which looks like a Helicopter Landing Pad) and it will be charged. No, there is a charging cord underneath the charging base that is used. All you need to do is to unlatch the cover and connect to the Mirco Mosquito. When connected properly, the green LED light will flash and once charged, the green LED will stop flashing. This video walks you through the process.

How To: Share Your Phone's Screen with Friends in Facebook Messenger Video Chats

Screen recording is an essential tool for sharing what's on our smartphones. If you want to send your friends and family an unsharable video you're watching, or a neat trick you discovered on your phone, recording your screen is one way to do so. Messenger, Facebook's standalone chat app, simplifies the experience by implementing live screen shares directly in video calls.

How To: Use the USB Rubber Ducky to Disable Antivirus Software & Install Ransomware

Ransomware is software that encrypts a victim's entire hard drive, blocking access to their files unless they pay a ransom to the attacker to get the decryption key. In this tutorial, you'll learn how easy it is to use the USB Rubber Ducky, which is disguised as an ordinary flash drive, to deploy ransomware on a victim's computer within seconds. With an attack that only takes a moment, you'll need to know how to defend yourself.

IOS8: How to Save iPhone and iPad from Children Excessive Use

This video will show you how to set time limit for your children games in your iPhone or iPad. This will restrict children from excessive use of your iPhone or iPad. When this time limit is over, the game your child is playing will be stopped automatically. They will not be able to continue playing games until you start a new session for them. So please watch the video and employ it in your phone.

How To: Double Your Treats This Halloween with a DIY Two-Face Makeup Look

If you're undecided on a Halloween costume, embrace your indecisiveness with a split personality Two-Face look, or go one better as an amalgamation of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the epitome of multiple personality disorder. Or, you could literally give yourself another face, which is pretty much what German artist Sebastian Bieniek did in his recent DoubleFaced series. They're like a long-lost Picasso painting of conjoined twins on a living face, and in some cases, conjoined triplets. You can s...

How To: This DIY Baby Monitor Uses Lasers and a Wiimote to Detect Your Child's Breathing

Proud new papa Gjoci wanted to make sure he never had to worry about whether or not his baby girl was breathing, so he built this amazing breath-detecting baby monitor using a Wii remote, a printed circuit, and a laser. First, he opened up the Wiimote and took out the camera, then used an Atmel Atmega88 microcontroller to make a printed circuit. Low-power infrared lasers shine on the baby's clothing and the Wii camera detects the motion of the baby's breath, activating an alarm if the motion ...

News: This LEGO Mindstorms Submersible Can Be Piloted by Your Xbox Controller

Making little robots with a LEGO Mindstorms NXT set is already cool, but putting one underwater? Now that's just crazy. That didn't stop this engineer, who built a LEGO submarine that can not only maneuver around his fish tank, but can also be remotely controlled with his Xbox controller. The craft has a sealed battery compartment, exposed Power Functions motors, and features real-time communication between it and a laptop using a NXTbee wireless module.

A New Breed of Invertebrate: Half-Rat, Half-Silicone Cyborg Jellyfish

A team of scientists might have just put Jellyfish Art out of business with their new cyborg jellyfish. By arranging the heart cells of a normal rat on a piece of silicone, they've successfully created their own Franken-jellies. When in salt water with a fluctuating electrical field, the rat's heart muscles on the rubbery silicone contract the lobes downward and back up, which mimics the pulsing movement of a young moon jellyfish swimming.

How To: Build a stop motion animation stage

This short construction tutorial video shows how to build a small, simple stage from scratch specifically for animating a claymation or stop motion animation project. Construct the ideal world for your claymation characters or stop motion animation armatures and puppets. All you have to do is follow this video then drill holes wherever you want your tie downs to pass through and you're off to the races. Just use the following materials to build your own stage: an armature with foot tie-downs,...

How To: Do a split

Splits are popular in dance and cheerleading, do you think you can do one? Practice, practice, practice and check out the helpful tips in this video to avoid injury.

How To: Finding Parking Just Got Easier with Apple Maps on Your iPhone

When you need to drive somewhere unfamiliar, you probably use Apple Maps to get there if you're an iPhone user. But just getting there isn't enough sometimes. If you pull up to the location, and there's nowhere to park, it doesn't matter that you arrived on time since you'll be late trying to find somewhere to leave your car. That's where Apple's new Maps tool comes in handy.

How To: Your iPhone's Using More Data Than It Needs, but This Could Stop It

While mobile data caps are larger than they used to be, many of us still have limits to contend with. If you find yourself up against that ceiling month after month, your iPhone itself might be to blame. Luckily, there's an easy fix to stop your iOS device from burning through data in the background.