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Making Electromagnetic Weapons: The Theory Behind EMP Generators

This is the third part of my electromagnetic pulse series (see Part One and Part Two). By now, I've covered the hardware and general concept of electromagnetic pulse generators, but how exactly do they disable electronics? How can an invisible field of energy have such a catastrophic effect on computers, cell phones, and most any other electronics? I'll be answering all these questions in part three of Making Electromagnetic Weapons.

Jan Kounen: Undisputed Master of Psycho Stop Motion Animation

As inspiration for the Levitation Challenge, a demonstration of pure stop motion genius: Jan Kounen's Gisele Kerozene, the tale of four extremely odd witches "flying" on motorized brooms. If Tokyo's Levitating Girl has to jump 200 times to get the perfect shot, imagine how many times these four guys had to jump to get a full 4 minutes and 30 seconds of stop motion magic.

News: Why should you covet a Fixie bike?

(We did not know about these, either...until we discovered these videos.) The fixed gear bike, also called a fixie, was designed for track racing in the velodrome. Working bike messengers brought them to the NYC, Tokyo, SF, London streets on account the cycles gave them far more control to maneuver the urban jungle. The Chinese acrobat peddling a bike with 18 contortionists wrapped around him, must have a fixie.

News: Electrode ball buzzers

Hi Guys! I am Sara...I got run over by a truck (drunk driver, not on purpose) and one of my physical therapy tools is a TENS Unit- it sends electric shocks, level and type to be decided by user, to body parts via electrodes. When I first got it, I was using it and accidentally turned it WAY UP instead of off! I sends a crazy intense shock. My first thought, after I stopped laughing my electrified ass off, was of you Jackass guys :) SO...