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News: New Dinosaure Games

Dinosaur games & dinosaur games at awesome arcade phase the latest 2011 wonderful and thrilling site you could do not ever stop enjoying inside them for hours fun, have fun with grand arcade phase joya enjoying.

News: Grafitti Dog Goes For a Stroll

Nowhere Near Here, by Pahnl, is made with the graffiti light writing technique (stop motion animation that uses a combination of light with stencils and long exposure photography). Over 300 hours in the making and more than 200 stencils later, the tale of a "dog running around the city at night, doing whatever a dog does": Vocals by Karin Dreijer Andersson of the Knife and Fever Ray.

News: Unbrick your Sony PSP Fat or Slim

Watch this video to learn how to unbrick your Sony PSP. If you have hack your PSP and it has bricked up or stopped working these tip will allow it to work again. There are five ways possible and you will see all of them in this video tutorial.

News: trust fall

This is simple, Yet fun to get random people reactions. Just go through a city, town, store, yelling out trust fall and falling backwards at people to see if they will catch you. Go up to peoples cars and do it while they are in idle or stopped at a stoplight.

Music Video: Jesse Rose - Non-Stop

This is a music video for British artist Jesse Rose that I DP'd for Scion A/V and director Chris Cruse. Filmed over 2 nights on the Canon 5D, we mixed rear screen projection with live action shot on a street corner in downtown LA. Here are a few behind the scenes photos:

News: Sir Robin Founder of ClipperRoundtheWorld

Sir Robin Knox-Johnston is the first man to sail solo, non-stop around the world.In April 2009 he celebrated the 40th anniversary of his return to Falmouth in Suhaili, 312 days after setting sail on a voyage no one else had ever accomplished. In 2007 he completed his second solo circumnavigation as a competitor in the VELUX 5 OCEANS race. Sir Robin is the founder and Chairman of the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race and is an inspirational figurehead to those who undertake this challenge of ...

News: sonic the mellow walkthrough

I could not stop laughing at this walkthrough. It's Christopher Florence, and he's going to take you through the original Sonic Jam on easy, "you know, no stress". "Nothing to worry about". At about 5:52 or so he starts talking about chili cheese dogs. It's great.

News: Crazy Awesome Xbox 360 Mod Up For Auction

Jeez, Microsoft is really pulling out all the stops lately. First, a whole lotta bling, and now they celebrate their millionth console sold with this limited edition Halo Xbox 360, designed by Richard Taylor and the Weta Workshop. The one-of-a-kind console is being auctioned off on Ebay, and the winning amount will be matched by up to $10,000 by Microsoft New Zealand for a donation to Cure Kids.

How To: Get rid of man boobs forever

Moobs, man boobs, gynecomastia, or whatever you want to call it, is a widespread problem for men everywhere. It can cripple self confidence and stop men from enjoying day to day activities. This video gives you some top tips for saying goodbye to man breasts forever. Get rid of man boobs forever.

How To: Execute the high bunker shot

The tough bunker shot: When the pin is tucked tight to the edge of the bunker you need to learn to add loft to your sand wedge to get added height and stop on your shots. Jason Froggatt shows how to do it... Execute the high bunker shot.

How To: Hit an accurate lob shot

Learn how to lob the golf ball high into the air with control, and land it with stop and spin, by practising this tricky shot into a golf range basket. Having difficulty playing?If you are having problems starting the videos, you may need to click the play button twice and wait a couple of seconds. Hit an accurate lob shot.