Straightforward Type Search Results

How To: Format WhatsApp Messages with Italic, Bold, Strikethrough, or Monospaced Text

Unless you're a WhatsApp pro user, you may be surprised to know that there are text formatting options that you can apply to your messages. Markdown characters can help you emphasize certain words or phrases by making them italicized or bold, and it'll even let you cross out words and change the font. It's one of those nice touches that isn't available in most other messaging apps.

Video: Automate a Camera's Path with the HoloLens and VroomCam

Every day the young world of mixed reality is creating new ways for people to work with with computers. We are looking for, and finding, new ways for these head-worn computers to understand what we tell them. Sometimes it is with our hands, sometimes it is where we turn our head, sometimes it is what we say. In the case highlighted below, it's where we walk.

How To: Go Incognito on Instagram by Turning Off Your Green Dot Activity Status

While it might be more common to chat with friends on apps like Twitter, Messenger, or WhatsApp, direct messages on Instagram are becoming more and more sophisticated. Case in point, the app is rolling out a new feature to users that shows a "green dot" next to friends who are online. Luckily, you don't have to let your followers know when you're browsing photos if you don't want to.

How To: Flash the four most common types of Xbox 360 console disc drives

Do you want to be able to play games for free on your XBox 360? If you have some time and patience, hacking the console is probably the next step for you, and the first step in that is flashing your disc drive. This will delete it's native firmware, which does not recognize burned discs, allowing you to load your own custom firmware that does. This video series will teach you everything you need to know to flash each of the major types of disc drives used in the XBox 360, and have you well on...

How To: Use the keyboard on the Apple iPhone 3G

Right out of the box, iPhone is incredibly easy to use. If you want to get the most out of every feature, you’ve come to the right place. This video tutorial straight from Apple will teach you how to use the keyboard on the Apple iPhone 3G. The iPhone redefines what a mobile phone can do.

IFTTT 101: How to Create Custom Applets

IFTTT is a fantastic tool that lets you trigger actions on your smartphone that normally require more advanced hacking. With the help of its friendly user interface, turning your phone into a more personal device has never been easier. However, the app has some more intricate options under the surface, making advanced implementations of applets difficult for beginners.

IFTTT 101: How to Find & Set Up Applets

IFTTT (short for If This, Then That) is an amazing piece of software that automagically links actions on your phone with online services and real-world objects. For example, an applet could read: "if you come home, then turn on Wi-Fi." IFTTT goes further than just using simple smartphone functions, though — thanks to applets, it's fully configurable with a ton of smartphone apps.

How To: Use HTML and open & closed brackets

To open the body of an HTML first open the HTML document, to do so write an open bracket, then html, the close the bracket. Next press enter. Type another open bracket, then type the word body, then type a closed bracket. Next press enter again. Now you can type an open bracket, then a backwards slash. Next type the word body again. Now type a closed bracket. Press enter once again. Now type another open bracket and then type html. Then type a closed bracket. Now you have just opened and clos...

How To: Linux Basics for the Aspiring Hacker: Using Ship for Quick & Handy IP Address Information

Whether you're white hat, black hat, or some shade in-between, navigating through a network is a core part of hacking. To do that, we need to be able to explore a network to discover the addresses of gateways, interfaces, and other attached devices. When ifconfig just isn't enough, you can steer your way around a network with a convenient tool called Ship, the script for everything IP.

How To: Quickly type 'double letter' words using Swype

Typing notes with Swype is as fast and easy as you can get and in this clip, learn how to tackle less common word combos like double letters. For example, how would you type "cool", "common", "letters" or "bubble"? In this quick tip tutorial from the makers of Swype, learn how to add these words to your texts and not lose a second of speed! So, follow along and get started typing things like "speed", "follow", "Google".. there is no limit to the "speedy" words you will be sending!

How To: Pull a compilation of computer pranks on a friend

In this video, we learn how to pull a compilation of computer pranks on a friend. The first trip is a mouse prank where you will open up the control panel and find the mouse settings. From here, you can switch the buttons from left to right and change the speeds of the mouse. Next, you can do network pranks by running cmd.exe as administrator. Then, go and see who is on the network and type in "msg /server:(ip address) and message". You can also do a ghost typing prank, which you will create ...

How To: Improve your typing speed with Typeracer

In this tutorial, we learn how to improve your typing speed. First, log onto your internet browser and go to the website, Typeracer. Once you are on this site, you can create an account and start to type on it! When you are on this, you can go into different types of races, then see what your scores are against other people. You continue to type until you win the race you are in. Once you are finished typing, you will see your stats and you will be able to improve from there. This is a great ...

How To: Dress & flatter your best assets for your body type

This video is about how to dress to flatter your body type. Curvy body types look good with vertical stripes and clothing that accentuates the waist. High-waisted and belted bottoms and over-sized accessories work well for this body type. Pear body shapes look good in structured clothing. Form fitting tops work well with a smaller bust, making "pears" look slimmer. Cinching in the waist is also flattering for pear body shapes. For athletic body types look good in skinny jeans to show off thei...

How To: Change drive letters or directories in DOS command

This video shows us how to change driving letters or directories in DOS command. Firstly go to start menu and then click on run. Then type cmd and press OK with which a DOS command cmd window will pop up. Now you need to change the directory and these is done by typing ‘cd..’ and after that press enter. Now you have changed the directory and now you need to see what’s in there and for that type ‘dir’ and press enter and this shows what’s in that directory. Now change to other directory by typ...

How To: Use Microsoft Excel to determine statistical values

Follow this video to learn how to formulate calculations in Microsoft Excel. First type in a list of numbers in the cells. In order to calculate the median click on the cell where you want the answer to be shown. Then type equals, average, open bracket and insert the cell code where the first number is, colon, and then type in the cell where the last number in the list lies, and close brackets. In practice this is an example where the numbers are in a list from cell A1 to cell A11: =AVEARAGE(...

How To: Make old cabinets look like new

Cabinets are usually the most prominent feature of a kitchen and greatly determine the room's overall décor. Peeling paint, nicks and scratches, or a dull, dirty finish can plague older cabinets and really sap the pizzazz out of the living space. On the other hand, a fresh coat of paint can do wonders for cabinets and breathe new life into the kitchen. A repainting project can also save tons of money when compared to full cabinet replacement, which can easily total several thousands of dollar...