Strategic Targets Search Results

Hacking Pranks: How to Flip Photos, Change Images & Inject Messages into Friends' Browsers on Your Wi-Fi Network

Networking is built largely on trust. Most devices do not verify that another device is what it identifies itself to be, so long as it functions as expected. In the case of a man-in-the-middle attack, we can abuse this trust by impersonating a wireless access point, allowing us to intercept and modify network data. This can be dangerous for private data, but also be fun for pranking your friends.

News: Samsung Scraps In-Display Fingerprint Scanner for Galaxy Note 8

Reports of Samsung's Galaxy Note 8 having an in-display fingerprint scanner have been circulating for the past few days. Fans have been excitedly discussing the potential of the phablet possessing this technology, as it would be the first phone released with these capabilities. Unfortunately, a Samsung official revealed today to Naver — a South-Korean web portal — that Samsung has decided to forgo incorporating the feature into the Galaxy Note 8 due to technical limitations and time constraints.

News: Samsung Announces They're Entering the AR Field

This week, Dr. Sung-Hoon Hong, Vice President of Samsung Electronics, announced at the Virtual Reality Summit in San Diego that not only does Samsung have a new virtual reality headset coming, but that Samsung intends to enter the field of augmented reality, too. In fact, Hong talked very little about virtual reality and instead spoke at length about Samsung's move into augmented reality.

WANTED: Hackers for Bug Bounties

In previous posts here, I have pointed out that hackers are in high demand around the world and in nearly every industry. Every military and espionage unit of every country is trying to hire high-quality, experienced hackers as fast as they can to hack their adversaries' computer systems in order to gain a strategic advantage and to spy.

How To: All the Best Black Friday Electronics & Gadget Deals of 2013

This year, like every year before it, Black Friday sales are starting earlier than ever. A lot of stores will be opening their doors as early as 5pm on Thanksgiving to get a head start on the madness (and it really is madness). As we've discussed in the past, one of the keys to emerging victorious on Black Friday is to plan, plan, plan. So, we've compiled some of the best deals in tech, gadgets and appliances to help you prepare for battle.

How To: Mingle

Learn how to mingle. If the idea of walking into a room full of strangers strikes fear into your heart… welcome to the club. But there are ways to overcome this common social phobia.

How To: Remove Security Tool in less than one minute

In this tutorial, we learn how to remove security tool in less than one minute. First, restart your computer, then press "ctrl+alt+del" when your new window starts up. After this, wait for a few seconds, then if you see the security tools pop up, end the task for it. Then, go to the start menu, then all programs, then look for any security tools. Right click, on "find target" then delete it! After this, your security tools will be deleted and will stop annoying you. You will be able to delete...

How To: Throw a crazy gyroball in wiffle ball

In this tutorial, we learn how to throw a crazy gyroball in wiffle ball. You will first stand still with the ball in your hand grasping it lightly, when you go to throw the ball, throw with force and spin your body around. This should make the ball go straight into the target almost every time you throw it. Keep practicing this until you have the hand placement correct. Try moving your hand in different positions around the ball so that the grasp makes the ball move in the right direction. Af...

How To: Avoid slicing with your driver off the tee in golf

In this Golf video tutorial you will learn how to avoid slicing with your driver off the tee in golf. First and foremost make sure that your grip is correct. The next point is allowing the club to sit on the ground the way the manufacturer wanted it. The next important lesson is to ensure that your feet and your shoulders are aligned straight down the target. And the last and the most important point to remember is to swing back to the ball with your hips first. Don’t use your arms first. If ...

How To: Correctly use the 8-step golf swing

Jim McLean shows us how to do an eight step swing in this video. You start the swing in the "address" or universal position. The first step is to move the club three feet back from the ball in a uniform motion. Position two is moving the club half way back where the club is pointing down the target line. Position three is a three quarter golf swing is when your elbows are level and the shaft of the club is pointing into the plane line. Position four is preparing to swing forward. Position fiv...

How To: Use the variable tee drill to cure a pull shot in golf

This video is on Golf and will show you how to use the variable tee drill to cure a pull shot in golf. This video is from Golf Link. A typical problem for somebody who tends to pull the ball is they position the ball too far forward. So, when they are setting up, the shoulders are actually looking left. By the time the club head reaches the ball during the swing, they are swinging around to the left producing the pull. The variable ball position drill will cure this problem. Place a club on t...

How To: Use the reverse roll drill to cure a hook shot in golf

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to use the hand rollover to cure a hook shot in golf. A reason why people hit hook shots is because when they come to impact, they roll their hands too early and too much. Therefore closing the club face and causing the ball to go left. To correct this, when you're coming to impact, rotate into a position where the back of the left hand is facing the target. This will square the club face. This video will benefit those viewers who enjoy playing golf a...

How To: Cure slices with a wrist watch golf drill

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to cure slices by rolling the wrist. Some people hit slice shots because they strike with a underhand or reverse position. The correct way is when your hand comes back for impact, it should rotate into position with the back of the left hand facing the target. If the back of your left and is facing anywhere else, the ball will slice. A drill that users can do is to use their wrist watch as a guide. Start with it at a 45 degree angle. When you swing, i...

How To: Do a tactical knife trick in COD: Modern Warfare 2

This video shows you how knives can be much more than a short range weapon in the online mood of the game, Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. KamikazeWaffle and other players show you 50 ways of killing you enemy using the knife. Some of those tricks involve throwing the knife across a map and still hits its target. They also demonstrate how any objects around you can be used to change the direction of the thrown knife to the desired destination. Kill cam is recorded for each of the 50 tricks so...

How To: Make a simple HTML hyperlink

This how to video shows how to put an HTML hyperlink on a web page. It starts with the basic code to simply insert the link and have that link open in the same window. The code appears as follows: <a href="">Text that will show up on the page </a>. The example used is Google, so it would be, <a href="">Google</a>. The video then explains how to create a hyperlink that shows up in a new window. Sticking with the Google reference it would read <a href=...

How To: Teach the BEEF method of shooting in basketball

In this sports how-to video, Farmington HS boys basketball coach Shane Wyandt explains how he teaches the BEEF method of shooting. The work BEEF is an acronym for a ball shooting concept in basketball. The B stand for balance, the E for eyes, the second E for elbows, and the F for follow-through. To have good balance it is important to have you feet about shoulder width apart. Your eyes should always be focused on a target, and your elbows should be in line. Finally follow through means it sh...

How To: Make a prank ketchup bomb for school or at home

This video pranking tutorial shows how to make a ketchup bomb out of ketchup and aluminum foil. The ketchup bomb will explode on contact with the target and make a sticky, staining, red mess. It's easy to make the ketchup bomb during lunch, saving the practical joke for whenever you're ready to strike. Learn how to make a ketchup bomb by watching this instructional video. Use this as inspiration for one of your April Fools Day pranks!

How To: Brute-Force SSH, FTP, VNC & More with BruteDum

Brute-forcing is an easy way of discovering weak login credentials and is often one of the first steps when a hacker finds network services running on a network they gain access to. For beginners and experienced hackers alike, it's useful to have access to the right tools to discover, classify, and then launch customized brute-force attacks against a target. BruteDum does it all from a single framework.

How To: Control Network Traffic with Evil Limiter to Throttle or Kick Off Devices

If you find yourself with a roommate hogging limited data bandwidth with video games or discover a neighbor has invited themselves into your Wi-Fi network, you can easily take back control of your internet access. Evil Limiter does this by letting you control the bit rate of any device on the same network as you, allowing you to slow or even stop data transfer speeds for them completely.

How To: Use the USB Rubber Ducky to Disable Antivirus Software & Install Ransomware

Ransomware is software that encrypts a victim's entire hard drive, blocking access to their files unless they pay a ransom to the attacker to get the decryption key. In this tutorial, you'll learn how easy it is to use the USB Rubber Ducky, which is disguised as an ordinary flash drive, to deploy ransomware on a victim's computer within seconds. With an attack that only takes a moment, you'll need to know how to defend yourself.