Street Regularly Search Results

News: The Morals and Dangers of Public Art. (A Warning)

I've decided to write this post so some of the fledgling street artists who may or may not follow this world in the future are informed about two things in the urban art world that are either not discussed at all, or distorted (intentionally or otherwise) to the point of misinformation. Those two things are, as the title says, the dangers of street art, and the morals of street art.

News: The aresnal of street art and grafitti (pt.1)

The very basic building block of street art is the tag. Although most people find them ugly, i just think that every artist needs to start somewhere, for street artists, its the tag. Firstly the tag is basicly writing your name, or whatever name you use for your art on a wall in a simple style. (although some tags can be quite complicated) The first step of a good tag is the marker that you will use to write it with. Tags can be sharp and clean, drippy and messy, thick, thin, simple or very e...

News: Exit through the Gift Shop (2010)

Here is the movie trailer for the Bansky film "EXIT THROUGH THE GIFT SHOP" I can't highly recommend this film enough which is now out on DVD and BluRay. It is truly a genius film about mad men. The film is clever and provides a tremendous insight into the art world and underground poster art culture.

How To: Make a crispy pork belly

This is advanced-level cooking, folks, but let the intro by John Lamkin & techniques shown by Dakota Coburn from Street in San Francisco guide you. This tender, juicy pork dish is an absolute explosion of flavor. Just watch this video tutorial to see how to make a crispy pork belly. Make a crispy pork belly.

How To: Teach children to safely walk to school

This vintage video clips was produce in conjunction with the Los Angeles Unified School District with the intention of teaching school children how to walk to school. Watch and learn a few helpful tips that may help your young ones how to stay safe while walking to school. Remember to always look both ways when crossing a street. Teach children to safely walk to school.

How To: Change a burning paper into a dollar bill

Here is a trick that will work well in bars and on the street. Learn how to make a dollar bill appear from a burning piece of paper and amaze crowds everywhere. Money never came so easy as you materialize a dollar bill from a burnt piece of paper. Change a burning paper into a dollar bill.

News: Paul Vs. Paul

Nobel-prize winning economist Paul Krugman and Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul talk about inflation, monetary policy and the role of the Federal Reserve. They speak on Bloomberg Television’s “Street Smart.”

News: Chris Henrickson Creating Community & Change

Stand back. This is a powerful talk from Chris Henrikson founder of Street Poets Inc. An organisation that is committed to building a community that brings together different racial, ethnic and socio-economic segments of the city of Los Angeles around the transformational power of the creative process.

Fan Art Challenge: This Can't Be Wrestling

Can't say I'm big into fan art, so when this challenge got me to search the web for some recent fan art drawings, I was surprised to just how NSFW they were. I came across some weird Glee animal hybrids making love and some true Linsanity on the basketball court. But as this is a SFW competition, I'll just go with this...

How To: Make Your Own Homemade Tea

The next time you are in the mood for a hot drink, make your own tea bags to brew at home. Grab your favorite herbs and spices from your garden or your local supermarket. Mix and match your favorite combination, add to an empty tea bag, and steep in hot water. Voilà—instant one-of-a-kind tea and instant brownie points for your DIY street cred.

News: NYC's Secret Video Game World

While it's unlikely you'll encounter this caliber of insane pixelated madness in real-life, everyday New York City, you might be lucky enough to walk past a tangible "portal" of sorts. Below, images from Pixel Pour 2.0, an installation on Mercer Street in Soho.

News: Bodies in Plain Sight

Choreographer Willi Dorner's curiously charming “human sculptures” invade New York City as part of the French Institute Alliance Française’s Crossing the Line festival. More images of Dorner's Bodies in Urban Spaces at the Wall Street Journal photography blog.

News: Crazy Old Poo Men

Basically what you do is go around the street as old people (again) and throw poo at people. but make it look like you just shat yourself and pull it out your pants and just lob it. totally awesome! the stunt involves all the jackass crew and i doesn't have to be real shit but you can if you want. hope to see you guys in hollywood.

Music Video: Jesse Rose - Non-Stop

This is a music video for British artist Jesse Rose that I DP'd for Scion A/V and director Chris Cruse. Filmed over 2 nights on the Canon 5D, we mixed rear screen projection with live action shot on a street corner in downtown LA. Here are a few behind the scenes photos: