Street Regularly Search Results

How To: MoMA Pisses Off Internet Artists (Here's How to Get Back at Them)

Aram Bartholl over at F.A.T. is pretty pissed because MoMA is discriminating against internet artists. As most New York-based working artists know, MoMA offers annual membership for only $35 (compared to the standard rate of $75) to artists who can provide "credentials" that prove legitimacy. Though the offer isn't publicized on the MoMA site, word on the street is "credentials" equates to "a letter from the gallery or an announcement for one of the artist's shows within the past two years" (...

News: Teens Pulled Over in Their Almost Street Legal (And Totally Cool) DIY Wooden Car

Getting pulled over sucks, even when you're in a normal car. Just imagine how these teenagers felt when they were pulled over for driving their wooden car without a license! They also got a citation for not having a speedometer or side indicator lights, but if that's all that's keeping their DIY vehicle from being street legal, I'm already impressed. Photo by Police

News: Why should you covet a Fixie bike?

(We did not know about these, either...until we discovered these videos.) The fixed gear bike, also called a fixie, was designed for track racing in the velodrome. Working bike messengers brought them to the NYC, Tokyo, SF, London streets on account the cycles gave them far more control to maneuver the urban jungle. The Chinese acrobat peddling a bike with 18 contortionists wrapped around him, must have a fixie.

How To: Throw a card through a window

Comedic magician David Zanthor teaches you how to throw a playing card through a window. You will need a deck of cards, two duplicates, wax, a window, some passers-by and an assistant. Stop someone in the street. Shuffle the cards. Riffle. Allow participant to pick a card. Allow them to place it back in the deck anywhere. Look through them to find the card. It has disappeared! Throw the deck at a nearby window and their card has magically appeared on the other side of the glass! Simple? Throw...

News: Wonder what would happen if all the toilets were flushed simultaneously

Imagine if all 350 million toilets in the United States were flushed at the same time. Granted, doing this would require exceptional coordination, and the helping hands of a few million foreigners. But what if we could pull it off? Would flushing in concert explode all the pipelines, cripple the water supply, flood the streets with sewage, and, in short, destroy civilization as we know it . Could this be the 2012 doomsday LOL...The end of humanity By simple toilets

News: Thankful for the Beauty in a Summer Margarita

I'm most thankful for the simplest things in life...and how they can be so beautiful. Take this margarita I was sipping on a patio with my friends. Just a few friends, chatting...watching the people pass by on a busy street...the summer air so calm and relaxing....and the sip I'm about to take from this beautifully salted margarita. A relaxing moment in time. So simple, yet so precious to me.

Filter Photography Challenge: Los Angeles and Portland Shots

Ok. My Cell Phone isn't cool like everyone else's. I still wanted to post up some images though. These are my attempts to make something look like it was taken using a filter app for a smart phone. These were inspired by the picture Swell of the Frank Gehry concert hall in downtown LA that was in the post on 50 amazing shots taken using instagram. I had some pictures of it that I thought were pretty cool. So there's two of them here and then a another downtown artsy pictures of Los Angeles, a...

News: Pregnant Fetus Sucking Zombies

Stay off the streets, lock your doors and grab your shotguns, because zombies are infecting the world over. Well… this Halloween season anyway. With the return of The Walking Dead to AMC a couple weeks ago and the subsequent renewal of a third season, it just goes to show that the undead cannot be killed.

News: 15 Brilliant Google+ Female Photographers to Circle

In a previous article where I suggested 104 photographers to follow on Google+, I received a lot of criticism because over 90% of the listed photographers were men. While women are currently not a majority on Google+, they are a definite presence, and they are active. Today, I highlight the best female photographers I've found on Google+ so far. This time I'm taking a slightly different approach. Since the best way to get to know photographers is through their work, I've included one photo fo...

News: Augmented Reality Cinema App Takes You to the Movies—in Real World Locations

The yet-to-be released Augmented Reality Cinema app is sure to make avid movie fans across the world drool. The concept is genius and appears to be quite seamless as well: Simply install the app on your iPhone, take a stroll through your city (supported cities have not yet been released, but the video below shows London), and aim your phone at various locations to view movie scenes that have been previously shot there.

News: Sense of Wonder Night 2011 Celebrates Innovation In Game Design

The Tokyo Game Show (TGS) is the biggest video game expo in the most game crazy country on Earth. It is kind of a big deal. As such, their "indie" game showcase/contest Sense of Wonder Night (SOWN) is a major opportunity for developers of all shapes and sizes to showcase their work to important industry leaders and expo attendees. 2011 will be SOWN's fourth year, and it began accepting submissions yesterday.

News: XBox 360 Remake-O-Rama!

The aging and maturity of video games as a medium has lead to some unfortunate consequences. One of these, perhaps drawn from the film industry, is the spate of remakes that has overtaken the game market over the last few years. It hasn't been as bad as the remakeorama trend in cinema, but developers have recognized the value in releasing the same thing they already made and making more money off it. Below, a roundup of some remakes of classic games released for XBLA recently, some fantastic,...

Drawing 101: How to Sketch Your First Caricature (Portrait)

If you've ever been to an amusement park or carnival, or even just been on a stroll down the boardwalk or promenade, then you probably know exactly what a caricature drawing is—those cartoony depictions of people or things with extremely exaggerated or oversimplified features that create a comedic effect. Caricatures aren't just for street artists, though—they also work great for political satire and entertainment purposes.

How To: identify gang graffiti (P1)

Dangers abound in the world of srteet art, however one danger stands out as increasingly dangerous. Gangs around the country use graffiti to mark their terriotory and do not take kindly to street artists. In several parts of los angelos gang members will stop you in the middle of the street and ask you if you have spray paint if you are wearing a backpack or a messenger bag. If you answer in the affirmitive (or if they take your bag and find spray paint or markers) its very likely they will s...

News: Hollywood Billboard Hijack

Via Newsweek Tumblr. Looks like this video and billboard hijacking is the work of DesireObtainCherish, an LA-based street team. The work isn't exactly great art, but it's an amusing form of culture jamming, in which anti-consumerist activists subvert public advertisements.

News: F.A.T. Lab (Free Art and Technology)

F.A.T. Lab (Free Art and Technology) is a network of artists, engineers, scientists, lawyers, and musicians dedicated to the research and development of new technologies and creative media. They are "committed to supporting open values and the public domain through the use of emerging open licenses, support for open entrepreneurship and the admonishment of secrecy, copyright monopolies and patents."

News: People Who Can't Afford Food

These pictures was taken on the bus during my ride going home from work. My heart reaches out to them, Street children who cannot afford to buy food. Who resort to sniffing solvent fumes just to forget hunger and the harsh reality of life.I just wish I could something for them. I saw them on the sidewalk near SM Makati under MRT Ayala Station.

How To: Transform Multiple Screens into One Big Virtual Display

The Junkyard Jumbotron is an amazing project that allows a collection of random web browser enabled displays—laptops, smartphones or tablets—to share a single image split across the group, creating one large virtual display. Created by Rick Borovoy at MIT's Center for Future Civic Media, the app is completely free and open, meaning you can do it yourself in a matter of minutes. It works like this:

Strengthen Your Password: Watch an 8-Bit Striptease

About two months ago, the massive Gawker Media hack was a wake up call for many web denizens on the importance of proper password security. Data analyzed by the Wall Street Journal revealed the three most popular passwords recovered from the hack were downright idiotic—123456, password, and 12345678. If past events weren't motivation enough for crafting a strong password, then maybe a racy 8-bit stripper is. Naked Password is a jQuery plugin by Platform45 that rewards you with an accelerating...

News: DIY Clap-Off Bra

If the whale tail cookies and edible undies weren't naughty enough, you've still got about 24 hours left before Valentine's Day to whip up one of F.A.T. artist Randy Sarafan's step-by-step clap-off bras. Inspired by the electronic singing panties and remote-controlled bras of the secret underworld of Syrian lingerie, Sarafan made a mission to "fast-forward lingerie technology in the West".

News: The Secret World of Exotic Fish Zealots

WonderHowTo pal and contributor Sean Conaty shot this beautiful short for Scion Magazine about exotic fish and the people who love them. The fish veterinarian is particularly fascinating. Who knew that some lucky sea creatures experience greater longevity with the aid of surgery, x-rays and vaccinations?

News: Screw Car

alright this might be dangerous but fun. it would involve going some place where people get really offended. everyone has a car and some else gets to paint it how every they want. the goal is to get people from the street to attack the car. it would be like going to the south and writing NASCAR is for F**S on the other guys car. but in order to win this game who every can pull over and get the most amount of people to give you directions wins.

Eat It, Gene Kelly: Turf Dancing In the Rain

Turf dancing (Acronym: Taking Up Room on the Floor) is a form of street dance of similar vein to krumping. Basic dance elements include mimeing and popping & locking; and the free-flowing style is intended to portray a narrative- not totally unlike Gene Kelly's intention in Singin' In the Rain: In contrast to the classic 50's musical, the talented kids below bring a similar concept into the 21st century, and their performance is strikingly beautiful.

News: Apartheid in New York City

Pranking is good. Pranking in New York City is even better. These jesters with too much time on their hands decided to force segregation on the mean streets of Manhattan. You may recall "Frozen in Grand Central" and "No Pants", two events which helped create a name for these out of work thespians. The genesis for Improv Everywhere happened nine years ago when one of the founders decided to tell the ladies in the bar that he was musician Ben Folds during one late night of drinking. Ummm. It wo...