Street Regularly Search Results

News: Baby wee man

Dress wee man up as a baby. Put him in a stroller and give him a recording of a baby crying. Walk the streets with him. Stop people on the streets and ask them to watch him while you go into the store really quick. After they agree to watch him run away. When they are standing there looking confused have wee man play the recording. Watch the person’s reaction when they find out it is wee man. Also you can also leave wee man on the streets in the stroller and see what people would do after the...

How To: Control Running Bamboo

Most bamboo in the United States is running bamboo, because nearly all cold hardy bamboo is the running or invasive type. The tropical bamboos are mostly "clumpers" and stay in a nice, tight clump. Running bamboos spread far and wide and can be very invasive. I grow many kinds of running bamboos and over the past 20 years I've had to learn how to control it's spread.

News: Snow Car

in a hot area have everyone dressed in snow cloths and pick a random car parked on the street and get a snow blower and start blowing snow all over it and around it and have everyone start playing in the snow in the middle of the streat and dont move for any cars passing on the streat and start building snow men in the street and having snow ball fights and making snow angels in the street and gerneraly just start fu**ing with people. and if and when they get pissed enough to drive through th...

How To: Find and Observe the Garradd Comet

If you haven't seen one, a comet is one of the most spectacular astronomical objects in the sky, partially because it is so close to Earth. At the closest, it is only 1.3 a.u. (194,477,400 kilometers) away from Earth. Comet C/2009 P1 Garradd was discovered by Gordon J. Garradd on August 13, 2009. It never comes closer to the sun than Mars's orbit. Usually, a comet moves fast, but it has stopped moving so fast recently, making it really easy to observe. It can be observed by a telescope or wit...

BladeCraft: Bladerunner Recreated in Minecraft

Two wonderful, wonderful things converge! Minecraft Forum's rushone2009 introduces the Bladecraft Project, a melding of Blade Runner and Minecraft. The current texture pack and map downloads contain no adventure or goal, just exploring and discovering movie references. Download here.

Bethesda vs. Notch: Does 'Scrolls' Infringe Upon 'The Elder Scrolls'?

Minecraft might still be in development, but that doesn't mean a creative guy like Notch doesn't have time for other projects. A few months ago he and his company Mojang announced their second game, a digital collectible trading card affair called Scrolls. A simple title (perhaps too generic if anything), but it's not the name of an extant game, and it's appropriate given the visual style and card-based gameplay of the game itself.

Step 1: The Hunt

Help Wanted. Now Hiring. Positions Available. These are among millions of the ways that the world around you says, "work here." Now, it may not be as easy as driving down main street, browsing for catchy billboards or flashy kiosks, calling up the mentioned number and simply getting hired. It takes work. The first step is perhaps one of the easiest: to think. Think about what your qualifications are, what you are good at, and what you wouldn't mind doing. The second step would be to formulate...

Coming Soon: Spy Video Glasses with Real Time Streaming to... Facebook?

Lady Gaga and Polaroid's upcoming Grey Label Camera Glasses can record video and snap pictures, but who really wants to show the world what they're up too on those mini LCD screens? It's nothing more than a fancy gimmick between a pop star and a failing company. Isn't the intention of camera glasses to capture things around you as they are? Drawing attention to yourself with clunky video-displaying eyewear kind of defeats the purpose, but that's why they're "fashion" glasses and not practical...

May 21st: End of the World or Zombie Apocalypse?

Could the world really be coming to an end tomorrow? Presuming you believe the biblical prediction from 89-year-old Harold Camping, May 21st, 2011 is undeniably Judgment Day. If you have confidence in that prophecy, you're probably not even reading this because you're too busy either A) preparing for the Rapture or B) sitting in your backyard bunker hoping to outwit annihilationism.

LA Noire: First Impressions

L.A. Noire is the newest Rockstar (GTA4, Red Dead Redemption) game created by Team Bondi ( The Getaway). The game is set in the late 1940’s in Los Angeles. The main character, Phelps, is a war veteran rising through the ranks from police officer to detective. The game is presented in mini episodes (one case per episode) and flashbacks. Once you finish a case, you go straight to the next one. Having played four cases where the character moves from police officer to detective, here are my initi...

How To: Prepare For And Travel Safely

Traveling. It can be anything from going to the Grocery store, to driving down the street, or flying to different places. Traveling is done by everyone, everyday. But there are some dangers to it as many people know by now. But here are some tips to help you stay on track.

News: Organic Soy Milk at Starbucks!

Starbucks may be the McDonalds of the coffee world, but sometimes there is just no way around that jones for a cup of joe. Today was one of those days. A late night of wishing friends farewell from the city of angels turned into sleeping past my alarm and running late for work. With no time to make my usual breakfast, I was hurting for a jump start. With Starbucks directly across the street from my office it was my only option. As I walked in, silently wishing I was at Intelligentsia, I commi...

News: GTA 4 First Person View Mod

GTA4 1st Person View Mod This mod has been out for a while, but with some people gettings Grand Theft Auto 4 for the PC last week because of the Steam sale, there has been talk about what are the best mods to get. There is a thread on Neogaf that talks about playing the game in first person mode instead of the default 3rd person point of view.

News: FarmVille Harvests the World via iPhone?

Word of mouth is that Zynga is preparing to harvest the world.  Is this a horror movie?  No, but FarmVille has already invaded millions of homes, and now it wishes to conquer our pockets.  They're gearing up for a mobile platform, one that will reach millions more via the iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, and Android.

News: Party Boy Parade!!!

Get Chris and about 100 other guys dressed up in tear away clothes waking down the street. Have someone (wee-man) run up with a boom-box and start playing it. The party boys start bobbing their heads and then Chris yells "I feel like partying! How about you guys?" THey all rip off their clothes and start partying down the street.

News: (Lost)(The Milkshake)(The Rollerblader)(The Shit)(PissFight)

- (Lost) Get lots of bright snow gear including a survival/ travel backpack with tins and cans and rope etc hanging from the back and have a seperate big bag kinda like a duffle bag attached to a rope attached to your waist and go to a very populated area like downtown L.A. or something and walk really slow on the sidewalk or street liek ur in a blizzard. Helps to have snowshoes, ice pics etc.