Strong Foundation Search Results

How To: Your Chromecast Ultra Has a Game Mode Feature for Stadia Streaming

With the early launch of Google Stadia for cloud-based gaming, there was bound to be a slight learning curve for most people. Many didn't realize that the average TV is not suitable for gaming by default. This is why there is a separate game mode you must use when playing on the big screen. Luckily, your Chromecast Ultra can actually take care of this for you automatically.

How To: Share Any Password from Your iPhone to Other Apple Devices

In iOS 11, Apple made it easier for you to share passwords with friends. Back then, it was just Wi-Fi passwords, which made sense. "What's the Wi-Fi?" gets old after a while. But now, whether you're running iOS 12 or 13, you can share any password you want with any iPhone around, all with one of iOS' best features: AirDrop.

How To: Use YouTube to Watch Purchased Prime Video, iTunes, Vudu & Other Movies on Your Phone

Owning digital movies has many advantages over physical discs, such as easy access and a variety of online stores you can turn to for good deals. There's Prime Video, iTunes, Vudu, and the list goes on. However, this leads to fragmented video libraries, unlike DVDs and Blu-rays which can be stored together. Surprisingly, YouTube is one app that can help consolidate your collection online.

News: Samsung's Galaxy S9 Could Arrive in a Burgundy Red Color

Samsung just announced that the Galaxy S8 is getting a fresh coat of paint, launching a burgundy red color of the flagship in their home market of Korea. There is currently little information about whether this color will come to the US for the S8, but this could be a preview of things to come. The Galaxy S9 is set to arrive in January and may also come in a beautiful red variant.

How To: Remove the Boot-Up Sound on Your Galaxy S6

Mobile service providers have an uncomfortably strong grip on the Android platform as a whole. For instance, all four U.S. versions of the Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge play their carrier's obnoxious jingle every time they boot up. You don't get any say in the matter—if you buy your phone from one of the big 4, you're a walking audible billboard.

How To: Get Missed Calls & Contact Numbers from Your Phone—Without Having Your Phone

As much as it pains me to say it, without my phone, I would pretty much be useless. I can barely remember what I had for lunch yesterday, let alone all of the hundreds of numbers in my contact list. That's why whenever I forget my phone at home, I am pretty much stuck having to choose whether I want to be late to wherever I'm going, or feeling completely lost and disconnected for the rest of the day.

How To: Introduction to Modern Cryptography

Cryptography is the science of keeping secrets, or more specifically, the science of disguising them. As a point of fact, cryptography has progressed quite a bit farther and now encompasses file and message integrity, sender authentication, and pseudo-random number generators.

How To: Put Your Samsung Galaxy Note 2 in Deep Sleep Mode to Save Battery Life

Newer smartphones are more power hungry than ever before, and the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 has a mighty appetite for amps that only Jenny Craig could possibly curb. On average, your Note 2 (or other Android device) lasts for what, a day, maybe two days before dying. Mine barely lasts 8 hours! This is thanks to all of the apps running in the background of your phone, even when you're not using them, eating through all of your CPU, leaving nothing but crumbs.