Sturdy Resources Search Results

News: Banks Around the World Hit with Repeated DDoS Attacks!

In recent weeks, major bank websites around the world have experienced outages after being have been hit with Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. Although few, if any, of these banks have been totally knocked offline, these DoS attacks have dramatically slowed the response time of their websites to legitimate customers. The most recent victim was the Royal Bank of Scotland. Due to this attack, RBS customers were unable to access their accounts for about an hour last week.

How To: Build Your Own Mini Altoids Guitar Amp for About $5

I love making beeps and bloops with the Arduino pitches library, but sometimes archaic 8-bit tunes just don't cut it. Whether you want your robot to terrify your enemies with a demonic synthetic voice, you just need a pocket boom box on the go, or you want to a miniature guitar amp, a simple LM386 amplifier can crank up those signals loud enough to play through any speaker.

News: Why Help?

When stories are told about people in need, the ones with happy endings include the details of someone that produced an action that caused the people in need to be better off than before. Do we have to wait for the identification of a need? Could we on purpose just plan to present products and services that cause our customers and client to see an improvement in their circumstances just because of the business interchange with an owner manager of purpose? The fair exchange of products or serv...