Sudden Urge Search Results

How To: Make hot sugar buttercream for cakes and other desserts

Want a great topping for your next cake? Maybe some nice icing on your cookies? Buttercream is the way to go, and the hardest part about Jason Bond's buttercream recipe is fighting the urge to lick the spatula clean. Learn how to create a sweet, smooth and versatile frosting that can be used on cakes, cookies and toast. Well, okay, maybe not toast, but definitely on Raspberry Macarons. Make hot sugar buttercream for cakes and other desserts.

How To: Dry your sports shoes fast

It's a bummer when your running or playing basketball and all of a sudden it begins to rain. Now you may not feel harmed, but one thing the rain can hurt is your shoes. Enough water can have them out of commission for some time and make it difficult to wear. Now drying them in a dryer may seem like an obvious choice, but there are a lot of disadvantages to doing that. The best choice? Use a fan! This tutorial will show you how to dry your shoes fast. Enjoy! Dry your sports shoes fast.

How To: Make a Booty Call cocktail

Simon Adams and VideoJug demonstrate how to make a booty call cocktail -- a late-night urge that doesn't make you feel too guilty in the morning! A simple combination of lemon and mandarin flavored vodkas with a mixture of fruit juices. First fill the mixing glass with ice, then add the vodka, rum, cranberry juice, and peach juice. Then strain, pour, and serve. Make a Booty Call cocktail.

Edit on a Dime: The Week Ahead

With the Consumer Electronics Show opening tomorrow, it’s going to be a ‘breaking news’ week here at Edit on a Dime. Stop by often for updates on the latest cheap and easy apps to make your video just that little bit better.

How To: Cure Vampirism in Skyrim

So, there you are, walking along a mountain range in the beautiful game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, when all of a sudden a vampire attacks you. Oh no! Now you've caught Sanguinare Vampiris, otherwise known as the vampire disease. That's horrible for your goody-two-shoes character, since feasting on the blood of innocents isn't really your bag. That's where Achievement Hunters comes to your rescue! In this tutorial, Fragger and Jack show you how to initiate and complete the quest to become mo...

How To: Hone Your Sixth Sense

You know that tingly spidey feeling you sometimes get urging you to make a crazy career change or warning you against trusting a smooth-talker with your money? Commonly referred to as your gut instinct, intuition or sixth sense, your ability to subconsciously know something or suspect something beyond the realm of conscious reasoning can help you in all aspects of your life, from interpersonal relationships to big life decisions.

Perform a squash solo drill: backhand drive

Squash is a racquet sports game, seemingly similar to tennis, but played on a small indoor court with hollow rubber ball, much small than a tennis ball. Squash is an intense, high impact sport. This squash tutorial demonstrates a squash solo drill: backhand drive.

Edit on a Dime: The Week Ahead

Happy Monday to all of you out there, thankfully the Consumer Electronics Show is now behind us. It feels quite possible that a cold was caught by yours truly simply by reading the numerous reports of germs being spread from booth to booth on the show floor. I'll do my best to soldier on, in the meantime if you haven't already, you can experience the convention vicariously by reading my 'Best of CES' post here.

SUBMIT: A Photo with a Nostalgic Theme by December 19th. WIN: JOYSTICK-IT Arcade Stick

It is always a bittersweet moment to find yourself looking back on the fond memories that seem to have taken place in the distant past. When your favorite song from 10 years ago comes onto the radio, or when a sudden scent reminds you of the summers you spent as a child—these types of moments tend to trigger the fondest of memories. For this week's challenge, we'd like to see a photo that captures a nostalgic feeling, whether it be your favorite childhood food, meaningful memorabilia you've s...

News: Can I just learn from Videos at Home?

To a point you can. Some people learn very well from just watching, but for some people movements need to be broken down for them. A video can only do so much. If you aren't "getting" a move there is no one to show you a different way to approach it that will help you better understand. There is no one to work with you.

News: The Golden Shiatsu!

The Golden Shiatsu! So take a couple of the guys that just did a really hard stunt and tell them they need a reward for what they did, so you take them to a Shiatsu Massage place. when they go in have some hot girl invite them in and get them all relaxed and are laying face down on the table, get the girl to put a nice warm dark colored towel over there heads to help them relax, as well so they can not see any shadows or sudden movements around them.

News: Haunted House

When bams parents are out get a crew to go in the house and rig it all up all over the house to make it seem like its haunted. later when bams parents get back, they get back to everyone pretending to do the ouiji board or something and get april to get all worked up about spirits and everthing. then when they go to bed after everone else leaves slowly activate one at a time the hauntings, like the door opening then voices or the tv turning on to the white static and have wee-man in some kind...

News: Toy Story 3's Opening Short "Day & Night" Outshines Feature

Toy Story 3 has received rave reviews across the board. Curious, a couple of us here at WonderHowTo went to see it last night. We found it to be decent. Not fabulous. The opening was exhilarating. Full of action and humor and a thoroughly dynamic use of 3D, but the rest of the movie didn't exude the same energy. The story was sweet and touching, and the characters were as lovable as ever. However, I was looking for a little more action.

Urgent: If You Own an Older Kindle, You Must Do This Immediately

If you want your Kindle to connect to the internet, you have to install the latest update for Kindle devices (not the Kindle Fire) by today. Amazon released a statement urging Kindle users to install a "critical software update" by March 22nd to maintain the Kindle's internet capability, which includes accessing and downloading Kindle books from the online store or any other internet-required service.

News: How to Bold, Italicize, & Underline Text in Gmail for Android

Say you're out and about when suddenly you get the urge to write a strongly-worded email. You get the words down, but still feel like you could really hammer home the message with the right point of emphasis. Or maybe you just want to make absolutely sure that your recipient catches a certain detail. If you were on the mobile app, ALL CAPS was pretty much your only option other than crossing your fingers really hard.

How To: Facebook Pulls Switcheroo on Your Email Address to—Here's How to Fix It

First off, Facebook rolled out email addresses for everyone nearly two years ago, so that's nothing new. But what is new is that they've recently defaulted everybody's visible email address that's seen on their Facebook Timelines. So, if you had your Gmail address listed for all to see on your profile's "About" section, it's now been replaced to the default email address.

News: Creepy Talking-Piano Hack

Austrian composer Peter Ablinger has created a "speaking" piano. Ablinger digitized a child's voice reciting the Proclamation of the European Environmental Criminal Court to "play" on the piano via MIDI sequencer.  Apparently, the computer is connected to the piano, which analyzes the human speech, and then converts it to key-tapping.

How To: Do different squash forehand return of serve

Squash is a racquet sports game, seemingly similar to tennis, but played on a small indoor court with hollow rubber ball, much small than a tennis ball. Squash is an intense, high impact sport. This squash tutorial demonstrates how to Do different squash forehand return of serve options.